How to join the Ryan Lab Group

One way to start is to just come to a lab meeting. New people are always welcome. Consult my schedule to see when the lab meetings are being held this semester. (go to my home page and click on schedule).

You can get a head start by going back to the Lab Group page and clicking on the links for "Things a New Volunteer Needs To Do".

Finally, read the information below.


Dr. Ryan’s research on transfer of learning has been presented at the annual national conference of scientific psychologists. Parts have also been presented at the University of Pittsburgh and at Carnegie Mellon University, a world renowned center of cognitive science. It was co-authored with Dr. Jonathan Schooler, an internationally known and respected cognitive psychologist.

The research was begun at Pitt, continued at Slippery Rock University and Union College of Kentucy, and now needs to be continued and expanded here at Kutztown University. Dr. Ryan has published in peer reviewed journals such as Applied Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Technology, and Teaching of Psychology, and in an edited book "Basic and Applied Memory Research". The present research has been submitted to a top cognitive psychology journal, The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, and is now under revision for resubmission.


I need some good academic achievers who have a record of being dependable and having a good work ethic. You don't need to be straight A, but you must love to learn because this will enable you to learn complex concepts quickly. Most important, you must be willing to sacrifice other demands on your time and put research at the top of your list of priorities.

You need to be able to devote more than one academic term, so that after being trained, you could train others. The ideal candidate would continue for two or more years on the project to get maximum benefits.


First, you would learn about the research by one-on-one conferences with me and by reading background papers. Then you would be assigned any of a number of tasks: developing materials, running subjects through procedures, handling data, summarizing literature, preparing presentations. When you work can be very flexible. But people who can overcome obstacles to get the job done will greatly enhance their chances for success at obtaining employment or graduate school admission.

The Benefits of Being a Volunteer Research Assistant



Just contact me using any method shown above. I will be glad to hear from you!