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Ryan Lab Group Meetings 

Fall 2023 (2238)

Prior to start of semester

Fall 2023 (2238)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-28-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-04-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-11-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-18-23

Tuesday, 09/19/23

Met with Ryann Thomson (veteran) and Cheyenne Ulmer (new, but dropped). Sent them the most recent training data. Explained that the objective data is number of relearning sessions, but coding will be necessary for their open ended answers. We decided 0 would mean no response, and maybe 1 - 5 with 5 being perfect or almost. Also decided coding would be initially done independently, correlate, then reconcile as much as possible, and correlate again.

So the first step will be to develop a coding scheme. Then meet with me to check it out. The next step will be coding the training data.
I created a file with just the Emails and a randomly assigned subject number from 1 - 76. That may be the beginning of the file in which we put the coded data. The raw data file has 120 lines because there is a separate line for each relearning session of each subject;

Wednesday, 09/20/23
Met with Harley Stevens (new), Maisie Carroll (new), Ben Heller (new), Hannah Wolfe (new), and Marisa Chinici (from Spring 2022). Covered the same things in this meeting as in yesterday's meeting. However, I need to send everyone's emails to everyone (who were at this meeting). Also, Marisa and Hanna need the email with attachments that I sent to all the others earlier.

Sent this email:
from:    Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>
to:    "Thomson, Ryann" <rthom798@live.kutztown.edu>,
"Chinici, Marisa" <mchin902@live.kutztown.edu>
bcc:    Bob Ryan <cogprofessor@gmail.com>
date:    Sep 20, 2023, 2:07 PM
subject:    Dr. Ryan's lab group mtg - Wed. 9/20/23
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Hello all,

Attached is an Excel sheet of the raw data from the Training Phase of the Successive Relearning study. It is already sorted by email addresses. Hannah and Marisa did not receive it before. The rest of you already have it.

Here is an updated list of the members of the group, and their email addresses. Marisa (a veteran from last year) was added, and Cheyenne dropped out.

Ryann     Thomson     rthom798@live.kutztown.edu
Harley     Stephens     hstep269@live.kutztown.edu
Marisa     Chinici     mchin902@live.kutztown.edu
Maisie     Carroll     mcarr446@live.kutztown.edu
Benjamin     Heller     bhell283@live.kutztown.edu
Hannah     Wolff     hwolf645@live.kutztown.edu

You can see the notes from the meetings on Tues. and Wed. (today) at https://faculty.kutztown.edu/rryan/research/labgrp/meetings_2238.html .

Dr. Ryan

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-25-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-02-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-09-23

Email exchange re meeting re coding scheme:

Hello professor,
The team and I met this past Wednesday to go over our scales. Unfortunately, only Ryan and Ben have been participating in the meetings and while communicating. 
We are meeting tomorrow to finish scaling the data. If there is anything else you would like us to start, please let me know! 
Have a great night,
Marisa Chinici

When would you be able to meet with me to show me what you came up with?

Are you available this Friday 12-1? Me, Ryann and Ben are all available.

Yes that will work. I'll see you, Ben, and Ryann at 12 noon on Friday 10/13/23 in my office (OM 385 - E wing).
--- Dr. Ryan

Friday, 10/13/23

Met with Ryann Thomson, Ben Heller, Marisa Cinici

They brought an Excel sheet with their coding of the beginning of the data and their coding scheme on a separate tab.
They all did the first 25 lines of data independently. Then they got together and came to an agreement on any items that had been coded differently, it they could. If there was still disagreement they highlighted the line, but used Ryann's number wherever they could not fully come to an agreement after they met. Then they came up with verbal labels for the levels 0 - 5  of the ratings. The data that they brought today included those items on which they came to an agreement or used Ryann's number.

There next tasks will be to get intercorrelations on the nine columns of the first 25 lines. But they will use the data that they came up with after they came to an agreement on any items with which they could come to an agreement. Where the could not, each rater's number will be in the data set for that rater, rather than Ryann's number. Therefore the correlations will show to what extent they were able to come to agreement after conferring together.

In our next meeting we will need to go over why they disagreed on those items for which they could not agree. Once that is done they will code the whole data set. But each rater will do about 150 - 200 lines in such a way that they all three overlap on about 50 - 100 lines (to check intercorrelations on a reasonable sized fraction of the entire data set). If those correlations are not very different from the correlations for the first 25 lines, then it will not be necessary to have another conference to sort out disagreements.

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-16-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-23-23

Fri. 10/27/23

Met with Ryann Thomson, Ben Heller, Marissa Chinici regarding correlations.

They took 25 lines of the 200 or so to test the rating scheme. They rated independently at first, then consulted where they disagreed and tried, if possible, to come to agreement. They report that there was a low amount of disagreements that couldn't be resolved. Then they did correlations between the three raters after any disagreements that could be resolved were resolved. The correlations were between .875 to 1.000.

Next they will rate the whole 200 or so lines. One rater will take the first two fourths, another the last two fourths, and another the middle two fourths. Thus there will be overlap on half the data.

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-30-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-06-23

Fri. 11/10/23

Met with Ben Heller and Ryann Thomson
They and Marissa Chinici have coded all 211 lines of data with overlap to check correlations. They will do the correlations next.

So far only 8 retention tests and Consents. So the proposed presentation can have two purposes. One is to describe how difficult it is to do this kind of research because it is two part and the task is an actual classroom-type educational task about a difficult concept. Our study can be compared to Meghan Owenz' recruitment of respondents to a survey with a 10$ Amazon gift card payment. The second purpose can be to describe the study, especially the participation rates, and then present whatever data we can from the 8 who consented, and perhaps give a qualitative, anecdotal report of what we noticed from our looking at the data from the other participants.

Dec. 20th is the deadline for the APS submission. The research assistants will send me an Excel sheet with the coded data, and they will start working on the paper, with me serving as the copyeditor.

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-13-23

Fri. 11/17/23

Met with Ben Heller, Ryann Thomson, and Marissa Chinici. They  did the correlations of overlapped data and will email me a .pdf.
Regarding the paper, they asked about procedure. I explained that the exchange of emails between me and the other professors, plus the script, contains the info to answer their questions about procedure. For the introduction they should use the Rawson papers I sent them, and perhaps other sources that Rawson cited. For the results, they can report the correlations as inter-rater agreement. They should send me the raw, coded data. I'll look at it and let them know what they can report about the learning phase, and what data they can report about the retention test.

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-20-23


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Fall 2023 (2238)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-27-23

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Fall 2023 (2238)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 12-04-23

Fall 2023 (2238)

After the semester ended