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Ryan Lab Group Meetings 

Fall 2022 (2228)

Prior to start of semester

Fall 2022 (2228)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-22-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-29-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-05-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-12-22

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Fall 2020 (2208)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-19-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-26-22

Fri. 09/30/22

Met with Ryann Thomson, Nicky Ulerio-Fernandez (via Jitsi), and Marisa Chinici (new). I explained that I need them to use the references from the Rawson review paper to find experimental reports and look for methods. Such things as what the learning sessions were like, how long, how many, how spaced, how implemented outside class, etc. Then I showed them the Psytoolkit website and asked them to register on it. I'll need to check into how to share my Psytoolkit account with them. Also, I have to fix the latest session that I created on Psytoolkit so that it is self paced (which means either warning subjects not to hit Enter while working with the textboxes, or come up with a seldom used key as the key to advance). Nicky will collect phone numbers as she (and the others) prefer texting to emailing to communicate.

Once I get the Psytoolkit stuff done, we can at least pilot a test of the procedure. For me,that means finding out if I need IRB permission so pilot. Also, I have to work on the pre-reg to submit to the journal that accepts registered reports ( I think that's Applied Cognitive Psychology).

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-03-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-10-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-17-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-24-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-31-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-07-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-14-22


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Fall 2022 (2228)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-21-22

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Fall 2022 (2228)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-28-22

Fall 2022 (2228)

After the semester ended

Fri., 12/09/22

Meet via Jitsi at 12:00 noon


Findings from Rawson papers
Possible submissions by Dec. 15, 2022 for APS in May '23 in DC. Poster on plans
Plans for Spring 23 with Retention Test(s?) Fall '23 (Sp '24?)

Forget about paying participants for Retention. Instead, ask them to agree to take a retention test online at the beginning of Fall '23 (use as incentive, the fact that review before Experimental might help them with Experimental)and use Rawson's idea of using participation rates as measured data.

Gather self-report data on interest in Stats and Exp and on plans for future.

Could the question be this: What effect, if any, does Successive Relearning, have on motivation to take a Retention Test. If we do it that way, then Sp '23 initial training, Fall '23 Retention, that leaves time to submit for APS in May '24.

In the future (beyond when I retire) could the res. assts. come up with a "Registered Report" following up on what we find in this first study.


Every three days

Exp Initial Lesson in class - then 6 timess every 3 days - on line practicing retrieval with flash

Ctr  Initial Lesson in class - then 6 times, every 3 days - on line saw lesson again.

Then everyone took the first exam.

Janes, Dunlosky, Rawson, and Jasnow (2020)

One month retention interval

Rawson, Vaughn, Walsh, Dunlosky (2018)