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Ryan Lab Group Meetings 

Fall 2013 (2138)

Prior to start of semester

Fall 2013 (2138)

First Week of Fifteen, Mon. 08-26-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Second Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-02-13

Fri., 09/06/13

Met with Sean.

DRM - effect of percieved authority on number of critical lures falsely recognized after having been missed on a recall test.
           Half of each of the above conditions got a strong suggestion half got no suggestion.

The result was that both the professor and the student were rated as highly professional (in other words the manipulation check showed that the manipulation did not really occur)
False recall rates were almost at ceiling for both the high and low percieved authority - no significant difference.

Sean will not proceed with that experiment

CP 4.5

Effect  on performance on two Learning (no transfer) problems and two transfer problems
The Learning problems were same surface features and same unknown as training
The transfer problems were both new surface features one same unknown, one new unknown

of Backwords Fading vs No Backwords Fading (a replication of CP 4)
and Disc and Mix for training and Travel for transfer
Disc and Travel for training and Mixture for transfer

Another dependent measure is - they were asked to provide the underlying equation

25 subjects so far. In a 2 x 2

But the 25 subjects may not be balanced in the cells. Sean will check the coding.
Then will start running again.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Third Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-09-13

Thurs., 09/12/13

Met with Dan Reynolds who had worked on the Spring 2012 Motivation study in Stats. He pointed me to the raw data. However, we need to contact Dave Kile to get more info on what the raw data means.
Dan will contact Dave.

I explained the Center for Open Science - the Reproducibility Project - the Framework for Open Science.

Once I hear back from Dave and Dan, I'll decide what to have them do, and what I can use the new volunteers to do.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-16-13

Thurs., 09/1913

Met with Sean about CP 4.5 - He found some miscoded data (wrong condition) which he fixed. After fixing the coding, he got the following means of a 2 (Backwards fading or not) by 2 (Trained w/ Disc&Mix vs. Trained w/ Disc&Travel). But first, note that the N's are small and unbalanced. After the N's are the 2 x 2's for Total on posttest, then individual posttest problems. None of the analyses were done as anovas, and, therefore, no covariates were used (not worth all that effort with these small and unbalanced N's). However, there are two tailed t tests comparing the marginal means for the Training problems factor.

Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    9                                                         6

Discount & Travel                      3                                                         7

Total on the posttest as %
Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    83.33                                                62.50          .7321
                                                                                                                                p = .082 two tailed t
Discount & Travel                      25.00                                                53.57         .5000

Find final / non-transfer as %
(procedure same as train/same surf as train - discount)
Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    89.00                                                83.00

Discount & Travel                      67.00                                                86.00

Find final / non-transfer as %
(procedure same as train/same other surf as train - mixture or travel)
Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    89.00                                                50.00

Discount & Travel                      33.00                                                71.00

Find final / transfer (to new surf) as %
(procedure same as train/surf opposite of whether they got Mix or Trav at training)
Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    100.00                                              83.00      .93
                                                                                                                            p = .007 two tailed t
Discount & Travel                      0.00                                                 57.00      .45

Find initial / transfer (to new surf) as %
(PROC DIFF FROM TRAINING/surf opposite of whether they got Mix or Trav at training)
Training problems                 Backwards Fading                No Backwards Fading

Discount & Mixture                    56.00                                              33.00       .43
                                                                                                                           p = .066 two tailed t
Discount & Travel                      0.00                                                 0.00       .09

Sean would like to change the experiment somewhat and run again. The change would be that on the posttest, but not the pre-test, there would be four additional test problems. So that instead of receiving only one of each type of test problem, they get two. Then he will try to run more subjects.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

  Fifth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-23-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 09-30-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-07-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-14-13

Thurs. 10/17/13

Derek and Erik are still working on the KLI paper. We discussed the meaning of "Knowledge Components". 

Talked about the CET meeting. There will be future meetings to try to get faculty for various departments working together on "The Science of Learning"

Also, PASSHE apparently is putting together an NSF grant on the Science of Learning for all 14 schools. Dr. Paul Ache, the Chair of the Math Dept. here is working on that. I'll contact him to find out more.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-21-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 10-28-13

Thurs. 10/31/13

Meeting with Erik. Last time I gave Derek and Erik the Interleaving paper in progress. I briefly described the 6 studies, and asked them to try to use the KLI paper to come up with a better way to apply the KLI framework to stats. Since Erik has not yet had Stats, it would be hard for him to apply the KLI framework to analyzing that knowledge. But, he could be taking Stats next semester. So, next semester, he (and whoever else I can get to work on it) could be working up a study on how to apply the KLI framework to Stats that we could run in Fall 2014.

I sent Chi & Bassok's 1989 book chapter on Learning From Examples Via Self-Explanation to Derek and Erik as the next paper to summarize.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-04-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-11-13

Thurs. 11/14/13

Met with Erik Schwambach and Derek Rickards.

Chi and Bassok 1989. Erik reports that they used physics problems involving blocks and inclined planes because people tend to think about what they can see, and not about gravity or force, which they can't see. The book chapter says that the key type of Self Explanation that helps students are those that relate some solution step in the example to some abstract principle that they learned from the text in such a way that the student now notices that the abstract principle provides the rationale for the step.

One thing we need to do is to get more info out of that book chapter to see if we can figure out what kinds of worked examples we could present in a statistics class in such a way that they will elicit those kinds of SE's described above.

Also, as shown below, Derek analyzed the "which stat procedure for which research situation" task into KC's ala the KLI framework. 

Feed Back and Interleaved Examples vs. KLI Relations
*What Knowledge Components (KC) are involved in Blocking and Interleaving Instructional Events (IE)?
*What Assessment Events can be used to measure the effect of learning these Instructional Events?

Learning Events that would develop in specifying what statistical test to use.

  1. Understanding and Sense-making: Categorize when different tests are applicable to each situation. Ex. # of Independent variables (1 or 2) and # of Dependent variables (1 or 2).

  1. Induction and Refinement: What are the types of Independent variable and Dependent variable conditions? Ex. What kind of scale is it? (Nominal, ordinal, interval).

  1. Memory and Fluency Building: Most expansive LE… What steps are taken to solve each test? What situation to use each test? (Formulated from numbers 1 and 2)

Guidelines for “what statistical analysis to use” was developed by James D. Leeper, Ph.D.

Next step is to…
-- Establish what Knowledge Components are involved in Blocking and Interleaving styles.
-- Determine what Instructional Events best suite these Learning Events and Knowledge Components.

We will examine that analysis further with an eye to using it to develop some instructional techniques to test. Next semester, Erik will be taking Stats, so he will have a better idea of how to provide input into developing the instructional methods to test (Derek already had Stats).

I reminded Erik and Derek that this semester we just have next week (then the following week is Thanksgiving) and the last week of the semester to meet, but that we need to continue this next semester. So it's important that they continue with this.

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-18-13

Thurs., 11/21/13

Met with Erik Schwambach, Derek Rickards, and (new) Troy Vannucchi. We discussed how to implement the ideas from Chi and Bassok 1989 in a stats learning experiment. Derek suggested the idea of giving subjects instructions first in the "principles" : "If there are only two groups of data, then use a t test, whereas if there are more than two groups use an anova" and "If the groups of data come from different subjects, then use an independent measures test, whereas if they come from the same subjects measured more than once, then use a repeated measures test".  Then, give them examples, require them to state which principle they should apply and why, and follow that with feedback. Derek, Erik, and Troy will all try writing up the skeleton of the procedure for such an experiment with an eye to deciding how to do the control group.

I asked them to consider how the experiment we produce would be connected to the previous literature. We want to make sure we can justify that the experiment was based on the previous literature, not just an idea out of thin air. We especially want to be able to connect it to the KLI paper, as well as perhaps, the Chi and Bassok.

Also, I gave them the title of the Chi, DeLeeuw, Chiu, and Lavancher (1994) paper so that they could get it from PsychINFO.

Finally, I reminded them that we will meet again two weeks from now (after Thanksgiving), and then, whereever we are at that point, we want to be able to pick up right from there and continue when the Spring semester starts.


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  Fall 2013 (2138)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 11-25-13

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Fall 2013 (2138)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Mon. 12-02-13

Thurs., 12/05/13

Met with Erik Schwambach and Troy Vannucci.

I showed them and emailed them copies of some materials from the Feedback and Interleaving experiment (Spring 2011 and Fall 2011). I sent the script for the training and immediate test, and the subjects' booklets for the No Feedback and the Feedback conditions (both blocked - no interleaving - both order 1).
They will use those to try to write up some materials for an experiment along the lines suggested by Derek on 11/21/13.

In the meantime, I will continue to see if, and how, the KLI framework can be used to motivate such an experiment.

Erik will be around during the winter break and will be working part time. Troy lives an hour and a half away. Usually he works, but not sure yet for this winter. We should keep in touch over the break and be ready to start right at the beginning of the Spring semester.

Fall 2013 (2138)

After the semester ended