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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Spring 2009 (20096)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-13-09

New Members Present: Greg Lanciotti

CP3 crew


The poster submission to APS was accepted.

Greg has sat in on part of one session with Blake. Greg will contact him again to see when he is running and start sitting in on more sessions. Greg will also do the online Human Subjects Protections training.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Kirsten Williams

The people who are still with me, as far as I know are Kirsten, Bevin, Shawn, and Ashely.
Kirsten, Shawn, and Ashely are planning to go to Pittsburgh.

Kirsten will make the application to the URC for the travel funds and will create the powerpoint for the presentation to the research committee, using last years proposal and powerpoint as a starting point.

Everyone who plans to attend needs to register for the conference (find out if EPA requires membership for all presenters). They need to make travel and hotel arrangements.
The poster submission to EPA was accepted.

Kirsten has started the grid to compare successful and unsuccessful Local / Global studies.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: No one this time.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-20-09

Need to find out for sure who from the PR2 group is still with us. I believe Melissa Gilroy and Nikita Driscoll have not graduated yet. 

Melissa has sent me an email saying she can't make meetings, but wants to know what needs to be done. I replied that we still need subjects run in PR2 face to face and that she should let me know if there is anything I need to do (on the subject pool web site for instance).

Nikita can't participate because of an internship, but should be able to help with "passing the torch" to new members who could work on finishing up scoring and coding data from PR1 with both genders.

I'm not sure whether Brittany Robison and Sarah Windfelder are still available. Lisa Scala will not be available.

For CP3, Blake Miller and Steve Craig should be running subjects, and Greg Lanciotti should be sitting in. Also, whoever intends to try to go to San Francisco to present the poster on the preliminary results needs to be making arrangements and looking for funding.

For Local/Global we need to be continuing the literature search. Kirsten Williams is taking the lead on this. Also helping should be Shawn Griffiths and Ashley Dailey. Whoever plans to go to Pittsburgh to present the results needs to be making arrangements and applying to the URC for funding. Kirsten will take the lead in writing up a proposal and a presentation for the URC based on the previous one. She could probably use help with that.

For the literature search for Analogy and Math, I believe Stephanie Martin is working on that. MacKenzie Geary is no longer available. However, a new student Jennifer Lucas, who is doing a practicum with me on that lit search should be working with Stephanie.

For this meeting, I can only meet from 4:30 - 5:00. The best strategy might be to meet with both lit search groups to show them the Social Science Citation Index, which KU just acquired. 

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-27-09

For this meeting, I would like to meet with the two Lit Search crews again. For the next meeting, I'd like to touch base with the PR peoples.

I met with Stephanie Martin regarding the Math Analogies lit search.

Based on: Reducing Structural-Element Salience on a Source Problem Produces Later Success in Analogical Transfer: What Role Does Source Difficulty Play?

Authors: Didierjean, A and Nogry, S
Published in Memory and Cognition, October 2004

The finding of the above study was that increasing the difficulty of the source problem (ironically by decreasing structural element salience) improved later transfer. The problems, however, were artificial laboratory tasks (the checkerboard problem and analogues of it).

This suggests a study to determine the role of another difference in source problems, the specificity/generality of the representation on transfer (and whether the transfer occurs spontaneously or needs to be cued). A more general representation might enable people to transfer the training on problems with one set of surface features to problems with another set. However, previous research suggests that the transfer will not be spontaneous.

Experiment 1 - Is transfer facilitated by training in terms of more general, rather than more specific, terms for the problem elements. And, if so, does the transfer occur spontaneously, or only with a cue.

Specific - Problem Elements as Original price, Discount %, etc.

General - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.

General Plus Cue - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.


Sales - Sales

Sales - Sales

Sales - Sales

Immediate Transfer Test

Group Average -

No info about problem elements

Group Average -

No info about problem elements

Group Average - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.

All problems will be find final ratio problems.

There will be three groups of subjects. One group will receive training in which the problem elements are described in terms specific to their surface features. That is, they will be described as “the original sale price”, “the discount percent”, and “the amount of money saved”. A second group will receive training in which the problem elements are describe in terms general enough to apply to different kinds of surface features. That is, the sales price will be described as “an amount”, the discount percent will be described as “a ratio”, and the amount saved will be described as “a product”. In those first two conditions, the participants will then be tested on group average problems. The group average problems will have new surface features. For example they will have groups of people of different sizes, and measurements of the people that will be averaged for the groups. In those first two conditions, there will be no information about which problem elements in the test problems are amounts or ratios. In a third condition, the training will be like the training in the general condition. But at test, the information about which problem elements are amounts and ratios will be given.

Assuming that this experiment shows that people do not recognize what features in the Grp. Ave. test problems are the amounts and what are the ratios without the cue, then the next questions would be what kind of training examples would facilitate such recognition?

For example, if the training pairs consisted of two problems that had different surface features, then would representing them at the more general level during training enable people to spontaneously recognize the general level on the Grp. Ave. test problems?

Specific - Problem Elements as Original price, Discount %, and Gallons of solution, % of acid, etc.

General - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.

General Plus Cue - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.


Sales - Mix

Sales - Mix

Sales - Mix

Immediate Transfer Test

Group Average -

No info about problem elements

Group Average -

No info about problem elements

Group Average - Problem Elements as Amount, ratio, etc.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-3-03

PR1 - With gender - There are over 300 SSs - About 70 SSs are coded - The data is in the cabinet in 294A - It is separate from the PR without gender data. It is separated into fear and disgust conditions.  There is a hard copy of the coding that has subject number, gender, fear or disgust, booklet number (8 - A thru H - for different orderings of pages). The only complication is that as you go through the pages of a given booklet you have to code the response in the correct column. Different booklets have the 43 numbered stimuli in different orders, but the page of the booklet has the correct stimulus number on it.
Next week Tues. 2-10-09, Nikita could take the volunteers we have now and show them how to finish the coding of the PR1 with gender data.

PR2 - Melissa Gilroy should know where we are with that one.

I sent the following email to Brittany Robison, Lisa Scala, and Sarah Windfelder:

Hello all,

I just met with Nikita Driscoll. If any of you are available to finish coding the data from PR1 with gender, and if you need someone to show you where it is, or how to do it, or both, Nikita said she could show you next Tuesday, 2-10-9, at 4:30 pm. If you are available, please let me know. If you aren't, but you know someone who would like to get involved in research, please send them my way. Or even if you are available, but know someone who could work with you, send them to me also. Thanks.

-- Dr. Ryan

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-10-09

Email sent to all crews on 2-9-09:

Hello all,

I need to meet with the Local/Global crew and new volunteers this week. That would be Shawn, Ashley, and new volunteers, Patricia Goodridge and John Andrachio. Kirsten is in that group but she met with me today.

Also, Nikita will be there to get another new person, Ashley Oesterle, going on coding data from PR1 with gender.

The CP3 crew does not need to meet with me, but you should be keeping in touch with one another and beginning to run subjects and train the new people.


-- Dr. Ryan

Received responses from Patricia, Shawn, and Ashley, that they will not be able to make it. However, I can meet with John and other new volunteers. The CP3 crew needs new people, Kirsten needs new people help with preparing for the Pittsburgh trip and with the new local global studies. We have Ashley Oesterle to take over the coding of the PR1 with gender data.

I also need new people to begin working on coding the interleaving study data.

I met with Kirsten on Monday 2-9-09. She needs helpers to get working on the new Local / Global studies. There are two studies we have in mind.

In one study, we could replicate Macrae and Lewis and Tim Perfect, but also manipulate visual angle.

In the other, we could replicate a standard verbal overshadowing study, but add a concurrent specific cognitive load task. Perfect, Weston, Dennis, and Snell (2008) have proposed that the effects of the Navon task and of describing on face recognition are caused by a shift away from automatic processing and towards controlled processing. If describing a face shifts people to controlled processing, then a concurrent controlled processing task might interfere with that controlled process, resulting in the describers defaulting to the automatic process. This predicts that if such a concurrent task were crossed with the standard verbal overshadowing manipulation, the verbal overshadowing impairment would be alleviated in the concurrent  task condition.

I am proposing that the concurrent task would be holding a target face in memory for a later aligned-composite face recognition task.

Ashley Oesterle is a new volunteer who is willing to learn to code the data from PR1 with gender. She will come to this meeting and Nikita will take her to the lab and show her how to code the data.


Nikita Driscoll, Jennifer Lucas, NEW, Heidy Lichty, Ashley Oesterle

I updated the Members.xls file for the NEW people.
John will contact Blake Miller to see about matching up times to sit in on CP3
Heidy will start working on the interleaving data. We'll meet 10am this Friday.
Jennifer Lucas is working on the Math analogies lit search with Stephanie Martin. She will read the meeting notes from 1/27/09, she will get a copy of the Didierjean, A and Nogry, S (2004) paper, and she will co-ordinate with Stephanie to meet with me on Friday 2-20-09.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-17-09

Heidi met with me on Friday 2-13-09. I showed her how to code the data, I started the Excel file, a updated the variable code key. I started a data folder. I also put an interleaving folder in the Ryan Lab Group folder. I also gave Heidy the files in her U: drive. She has access the lab, and access to the Ryan Lab group folder. She knows how to check sona-systems to find out when CP3 is running in the lab. We put the raw data in the lab.

Got an email from Patricia Goodridge and responded:

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Patricia Goodridge <pgood774@kutztown.edu> wrote:
Hi Dr. Ryan,
I emailed you last week about the research assistant meetings on Tuesdays.  I am not able to change my work schedule for at least a month.  My employer has been very flexible with my schedule and I really don't want to push it.  I was wondering if I could meet with you separately for a few minutes each week just to be briefed on the meetings.  I am available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-3. If this is too much of a hassel I understand, there is another research assistant position available with Dr. Milvesky. Please let me know what my possibilities are.  Thank you


Not a problem. You should probably stop in to my office briefly so that I can update you. Just go to my website at http://faculty.kutztown.edu/rryan, click on my schedule, and follow the instructions at the top of the page to pick a time to meet with me.

There is something I really need help with that you can probably get involved with. Kirsten Williams has been carrying most of the load for the Local/Global crew. She needs to prepare a grant proposal and a presentation to the Undergraduate Research Grant Committee. Its already kind of overdue. If you could help her out it would be very valuable. Her email address is kwill802@kutztown.edu. Please contact her immediately and make arrangements for her to show you how you can help.

--- Dr. Ryan

Present: Just Kirsten. The CP3 people did not need to meet today, although I want to find out what they are doing. I'll need to tell them they need to send me a weekly update via email. For PR1 with gender, Ashley Oesterle is coding that data. For PR2 face to face, Melissa Gilroy should be working on that. Brittany Robison, Lisa Scala, and Sarah Windfelder might also be working on that, although I think that only Sarah Windfelder is still active. For the Math and Analogy lit search, Stephanie Martin is working on that. I will need all of those people to send me weekly updates to help me determine whether I need to meet with them.

I'll send an email to the new people ( I'll need to make an email list ) to find out who is going to attend meetings and offer their services.

Kirsten and I looked at what she has available to make a new proposal and a new .ppt for a presentation for getting funds for the Pgh conference. She will have the new proposal and new .ppt for me to look at on Tues 3/10/09 (the Tues. after spring break). 

Kirsten and I talked about doing a replication of Macrae and Lewis and Perfect, but varying the visual angle. We will need the Bank Robbery tape copied to a DVD. She will work on that after we are done with the grant proposal.
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Spring 2009 (20096)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-24-09

Meeting notes:
Present: John Andracchio, Mara Wilde, Samantha Crist

Mara and Samantha were given Melissa Gilroy's email. They will contact her to offer their help in running PR2 face to face.

I also updated the researchers on CP3 to include John and Greg. John will continue sitting in. He will also begin reading materials about the study on the Ryan Lab group folder as well as background papers I'll give him.

This weeks meeting will be devoted to getting new members started. I emailed those who expressed interest, but haven't been at a meeting yet to encourage them to come to this meeting.

One of the projects that needs help and would be easy to do is to run subjects in PR2 face to face.

Greg Lancioti reports that he has been sitting in on sessions with Blake. Blake is running on Thursdays. Greg says he is looking forward to running lots of subjects.

Blake reports that he has had Greg sit in twice, John Andracchio sat in once, and he is continuing to run on Thursdays.

The next meeting (3/10/09 - after the Spring Break and after EPA) will be with Kirsten who has agreed to have the proposal and the .ppt presentation to request a grant from the URC to defray the cost of the EPA trip to Pittsburgh.

Meetings after that will depend on what feedback I get from the crews. I have asked them to send me an email at least weekly letting me know what they are doing.

Here's the email I sent:

Hello all,

The next meeting of the Ryan Lab Group (Tues 2-24-09) will be devoted to new members.

The meeting after that will be with Kirsten regarding preparing the URC proposal and presentation to apply for a grant to fund the trip to Pittsburgh.

However, I need to have one member from each of the crews send me an email at least once a week to update me. Please send it by Friday, so that on Saturday I can send out an email to everyone letting them know which group I need to meet with on the upcoming Tues. In the email, simple tell me what has gone on that week. Even if you have not been able to do anything, still send the email to tell me that. That way I will know if your group needs more help. Tell me if you feel that you do or do not need to meet. I'll use those emails to inform all the groups as to whom I need to meet with on the upcoming Tues.

For right now, I'll ask Blake to report for the CP3 group, and Kirsten for the Local/Global group.

For the PR2 group, I'm still waiting to hear for sure who is active and able to run PR2 face to face. I believe Melissa Gilroy was doing that, so I'll ask her to be the person to report. However, I need to hear from Brittany Robison and Sara Windfelder regarding whether you can run subjects. Forgive me if you have already told me. If you did, I didn't make a note of it and need to hear again. I'll be sure to document your answer this time so I don't keep asking.


--  Dr. Ryan

I notice I did not specify anyone from the Lit search group or the interleaving group to be the contact person.

I also sent individual emails to some members in case they are not reading emails to the whole group.

Brittany Robison did get back to me and said she can run subjects. She can't attend meetings, but will stop in to see me to get started. I made sure the study is up and running and that Brittany, as well as Sarah Windfelder, are listed as researchers.

Sarah W. got back to me to say she doesn't know how to run subjects in the study, and is working on the Psy Chi paper now. I'll contact her to see if she would be willing to learn from Brittany, even though she is working on the paper, because the study is so easy.

Also, Melissa Gilroy got back to me. She is running subjects as much as possible, but needs help. I responded about Brittany, Sarah, and possible newcomers to help.

On Friday, 2-20-09, at 2pm, Stephanie Martin and Jennifer Lucas stopped in to share what they had found in their lit search on analogy in math, and to get further guidance. We reviewed the ideas we had come up with from Jan. 27th. Here are the notes from that meeting, which are at media:/sda1/Documents/Current/Research/Ideas for Spring 2009 (20096)/Analogies in Math/research proposal 1-27-09 Revised 1-29-09.doc

Meeting with Stephanie Martin and Jennifer Lucas Friday 2-20-09.

We reviewed the proposal above. That proposal had been developed from a previous meeting.

The experiment described would be fine for answering the research question stated. However, we need to know whether that research question would be of interest to people in the field.

The Didierjean and Nogry (2004) paper on which our proposed study is based may help us understand whether our research question would be of interest. It may also help us to know how people in the field treat generality and abstraction.

So, before our next meeting, Stephanie, Jennifer, and I will read that paper to try to be sure of whether our proposed study is going to answer an interesting questions, or, if not, what would be a better question.

The D and N (2004) paper will be just one starting point. We will also get copies of the Gick and McGarry (1992) paper that D and N cite. And Stephanie and Jennifer will check the Hunter and Ligon (2008) paper that cites D and N to see why they cited them.

We will meet again on next Friday 2-27-09 at 2:00pm.

Live Local/Global crew



Fear and Disgust crew


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Spring 2009 (20096)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-3-09

Spring Break

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-10-09


Patricia Goodridge stopped in on Monday 3/9/09 to see what I needed her to do, since she can't come to the regular meetings. I had told her earlier that I would like her to help Kirsten with the proposal and .ppt presentation for a grant to defray the cost of EPA. However, I have since heard from Kurt Friehauf that in order to be re-imbursed, at least the proposal, if not the presentation, would have to be received by the committee before we go. I don't believe Kirsten was able to send the proposal, so it looks like we will not receive reimbursement.

Blake stopped in to get his documentation for having been a research assistant for over a year signed. He reported that he is still running more subjects in CP3. He is running this coming Thursday, 3/12/09, from 9 - 11 and John will sit in. I put that time slot on my calendar so that, if possible, I can sit in as well. We discussed the fact that he should email John and Greg to remind them of the timeslot. Also, in the future, he should list himself, and whoever might be able to sit in, as the researchers on his time slots. That way they will all receive an email reminder from the system of the timeslot. I advised him to continue sending his own individual email as well at first, and, in it, to explain that John and Greg should, in the future, watch for an email reminder from the system. I also removed Josh Kingma as a researcher on that project.

I had heard back from Brittany Robison back on 2/23/09 that she could help run PR2 face to face. I responded on 2/24/09 that she should use my website's calendar to pick a time to meet with me. She hasn'e met with me yet or emailed me.

I had heard back from Sarah Windfelder on 2/21/09 that she needs training in order to help run PR2 face to face, and that she is working on her paper for Psy Chi right now. I responded asking her if she could run subjects. I said she could either stop in to see me or to get in touch with Brittany to get the training. So far I have not seen or heard from her either.

I had heard from Melissa Gilroy on 2/26/09. Mara Wilde did contact her to try to set up a time to learn to run PR2 face to face. Apparently, Samantha Crist has not contacted her yet. Also, she asked if she could use OM 297 to run PR2 face to face. I responded by sending her a list of times the room is available and told her that she would also have to arrange a time that I or someone could let her in. I haven't heard back from her since.

I met with the Math Analogies lit search group, Stephanie Martin and Jennifer Lucas on 2/27/09. The notes of that meeting are at media:/sda1/Documents/Current/Research/Ideas for Spring 2009 (20096)/Analogies in Math/research proposal 1-27-09 Revised 1-29-09.doc. I will meet with them again on this coming Friday, 3/13/09 at 2pm.

Weekly reports from crew leaders:

CP3 - Blake Miller - He stopped in today (Tues. 3/10/09) as noted above.

PR2 face to face - Melissa Gilroy - Have not heard from her since 2/26/09.

Local/Global - Kirsten Williams - We were at EPA in Pittsburgh together and I'll meet with her today.

Math Analogies Lit search - Need a crew leader - I'll ask Stephanie Martin

Interleaving study - Need to ask Heidi Lichty to report weekly

To do:

Check which contact people have sent me their weekly reports. --- DONE 3/10/09
Assign a contact person for the Math Analogies Lit search group and for the Interleaving study. --- DONE 3/10/09
Contact Melissa Gilroy to ask her to try to set up a time when she could use OM 297 to run PR2 face to face and to remind her to report weekly. --- DONE 3/10/09

Decide on a plan for the next meeting: --- DONE 3/10/09
I don't need to meet with the CP3 crew yet. I'm sitting in on training sessions
I don't need to meet with the PR2 face to face crew. They are running subjects. I just need to hear from them.
I don't need to meet on Tuesdays with the Math Analogies lit search group because I am meeting on Fridays.
There's no need to meet with Heidi Lichty about the Interleaving study. I just need to hear from her.
I can meet weekly on Tuesdays until further notice with the Local/Global crew about the new experiments.


Agenda: (this will have to be changed since the proposal and .ppt are now probably moot)

Meet with Kirsten Williams to see the proposal and the .ppt to request a travel grant for the trip to EPA in Pgh.
We will meet about the new experiment.


Meeting notes

Met with Kirsten only: I gave her the my original Bank Robbery tape to put on a DVR. I also found materials from the first Local/Global experiment that we did. I sent them to her via email as a zipped file. She can use them to develop scripts, materials, etc. for the next Local/Global study. In that study we will manipulate both the local/global processing and the size/visual angle of the Navon letters. Kirsten will email Patricia Goodridge, and Ashley to let them know what she is working on and to see if they can help.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-17-09


I heard back from Melissa Gilroy on 3/10/09. She reports: I did hear from both Mara Wilde and Samantha Crist. I am trying to set something up with them next week to show them how to run subjects for PR 2 face to face. I am really constrained this week because I have grad school interviews both tomorrow and Friday so I will be gone all day and Thursday I have my internship until 7 pm. I will definitely come in to see you next week and figure out a time to run subjects in OM 297.

Friday 3/13/09 - Ashley Oesterle - has been sick, but will have PR1 data with gender done by end of next week (Fri 3/20/09)

Friday 3/13/09 - Heidi Lichty stopped in - She picked up the late early retention data for two more subjects. She will get their data entered. She will also try to do chi squares on individual test items as a funtion of condition. She will do one, and bring me the output on a flash drive so that I can look at it before she does more of them.

I did the individual test item analyses using SX and got this:


Chi-Square Test for Heterogeneity or Independence
for 1 = Imm_t_tes cond

Imm_t_tes     Blocked 77.6%    Interleave 56.5%
Incorrect   Obs |    17     |    30     |     47
       Expected |    24.63  |    22.37  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     2.37  |     2.61  |
Correct     Obs |    59     |    39     |     98
       Expected |    51.37  |    46.63  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     1.13  |     1.25  |
                     76          69          145

Overall Chi-Square     7.36
P-Value              0.0067
Degrees of Freedom        1

Cases Included 145    Missing Cases 0


for 1 = Imm_pair_ cond

Imm_pair_     Blocked 52.6%   Interleave 36.2%
Incorrect   Obs |    36     |    44     |     80
       Expected |    41.93  |    38.07  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.84  |     0.92  |
Correct     Obs |    40     |    25     |     65
       Expected |    34.07  |    30.93  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     1.03  |     1.14  |
                     76          69          145

Overall Chi-Square     3.93
P-Value              0.0474
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = Imm_one_w cond

Imm_one_w    Blocked 42.1%   Interleave 39.1%
Incorrect   Obs |    44     |    42     |     86
       Expected |    45.08  |    40.92  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.03  |     0.03  |
Correct     Obs |    32     |    27     |     59
       Expected |    30.92  |    28.08  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.04  |     0.04  |
                     76          69          145

Overall Chi-Square     0.13
P-Value              0.7157
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = Imm_rep_A cond

Imm_rep_A     Blocked 32.9%   Interleave 53.6%
Incorrect   Obs |    51     |    32     |     83
       Expected |    43.50  |    39.50  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     1.29  |     1.42  |
Correct     Obs |    25     |    37     |     62
       Expected |    32.50  |    29.50  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     1.73  |     1.90  |
                     76          69          145

Overall Chi-Square     6.35
P-Value              0.0117
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = DL1_t_tes cond

DL1_t_tes   Blocked 40.0%   Interleave 47.8%
Incorrect   Obs |    45     |    36     |     81
       Expected |    42.19  |    38.81  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.19  |     0.20  |
Correct     Obs |    30     |    33     |     63
       Expected |    32.81  |    30.19  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.24  |     0.26  |
                     75          69          144

Overall Chi-Square     0.89
P-Value              0.3443
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = DL1_pair cond

DL1_pair      Blocked 33.3%   Interleave 24.6%
Incorrect   Obs |    50     |    52     |    102
       Expected |    53.13  |    48.88  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.18  |     0.20  |
Correct     Obs |    25     |    17     |     42
       Expected |    21.88  |    20.13  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.45  |     0.49  |
                     75          69          144

Overall Chi-Square     1.32
P-Value              0.2514
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = DL1_one_w cond

DL1_one_w    Blocked 29.3%   Interleave 24.6%
Incorrect   Obs |    53     |    52     |    105
       Expected |    54.69  |    50.31  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.05  |     0.06  |
Correct     Obs |    22     |    17     |     39
       Expected |    20.31  |    18.69  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.14  |     0.15  |
                     75          69          144

Overall Chi-Square     0.40
P-Value              0.5264
Degrees of Freedom        1


for 1 = DL1_rep_A cond

DL1_rep_A     Blocked 20.0%    Interleave 15.9%
Incorrect   Obs |    60     |    58     |    118
       Expected |    61.46  |    56.54  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.03  |     0.04  |
Correct     Obs |    15     |    11     |     26
       Expected |    13.54  |    12.46  |
    Cell Chi-Sq |     0.16  |     0.17  |
                     75          69          144

Overall Chi-Square     0.40
P-Value              0.5271
Degrees of Freedom        1

Friday 3/13/09

Groups as they stand now

    Blake Miller
    Steve Craig
    Greg Lanciotti
    John Andracchio

    Kirsten Williams
    Shawn Griffiths
    Ashley Dailey
    Patricia Goodridge
    Mara Wilde
    Samantha Crist

PR2 face to face
    Melissa Gilroy
    Brittany Robison
    Sarah Windfelder

PR1 with gender
    Ashley Oesterle

Math Analogies lit search
    Stephanie Martin
    Jennifer Lucas (practicum)

Interleaving study
    Heidi Lichty

Expressed interest once
    Michelle Conroy
    Sara Ellman
    Abreu Rafaelina
    Amber D'angelo
    Elizabeth Gardner
    Ambreen Qazi
    Beth Mansfield

Agenda as of 3/10/09: Meet with the Local/Global crew about the new experiment.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-24-09

Agenda as of 3/23/09: Meet with the Local/Global crew about the new experiment.

Meeting notes: I met with Kirsten. We wrote up a file in which we worked out the maximum size for the small Navon letters in order to keep the visual angle less than 7 degrees. The file is:

/media/sda1/Documents/Current/Research/Ideas for Spring 2009 (20096)/Local Global/visual angle information/Info about visual angle.doc

A copy of Info about visual angle.doc is in
smb://kutztown\rryan@stucluster/Shared/Psychology/Ryan Lab Group/2007-2008/Loc_glob_live/materials/Navon lettes   (Yes, letters is misspelled)

Kirsten has Shawn and Ashley trying to find their original binders of Navon letters to give back to us. She also has Bevin and Sam trying to do the same. She will tell them that we need them in two weeks. She will also tell them that if they re-print them from the .ppt, they have to be printed in such a way that they are the same size as the originals.

Kirsten has Patricia working on converting the video of the bank robbery to a DVD. She has said that she can do that in two weeks.

She will try to get someone on making the small Navon letters. She will try an art student she knows. If that doesn't work, then she will go to the department of visual design to look for help.

Interleaving study - Heidy Lichty - Mon. 3/23/09

I entered the Immediate testing scores (Fall 2008) for sections 70 & 40  and the Training data for section 70 on Friday. Saved on Raw_data_interleaving_Fl_08_51_SSs_3-20-09.xls. Will work on entering more next Wednesday.

PR1 with gender - Ashley Oesterl - Mon. 3/23/09
Done coding all of the PR1 with gender data. Now we need to begin exploring and analyzing that data.

Tues 3/24/09

I just forgot to tell you a few things about the data; first, there is 10 subjects surveys missing. Secondly, someone had entered 275-279, and there are two subject #275s. And the people who had entered that data put the other 275 in the space of 274 so i thought they did this for some specific reason so I entered subject #274 as the last data entry after subject # 250. I will try and catch you in your office today to show you the files.

PR2 face to face - Melissa Gilroy - Mon 3/23/09
Just wanted to give you and update on PR2. I met with Mara and Samantha today and showed them how to run subjects. I explained to them how to access the study as well as how to create timeslots and give credit to participants. They should be getting in touch with you in regards to their completion of the human subject training. They both still need to complete it and I think they are nearly finished. They should also be getting in touch with you about filling out the paperwork to get the combination to the lockbox. They may observe me running subjects one more time so they feel comfortable with it.

Local/Global - Patricia Goodridge and Kirsten - Tues 3/24/09

Hi Dr. Ryan,
Kirsten and I met today and I assumed the position of transferring the bank robbery from VHS to DVD.  I gave myself a two week deadline.  I will then give you (in person) the copies.  I was informed to guard the VHS with my life and I will do so.  Kirsten and I will be meeting once a week so she can brief me on the tuesday meetings.  Cya in class tomorrow.


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Spring 2009 (20096)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-31-09



Fear and Disgust - Ashley Oesterle - Thurs 3-26-09

Met with Ashley Oesterle. We were able to pull the 351 (or whatever number) subjects' data into SX and take a quick look at the first few insects. We looked at disgust ratings as a function of gender. Females rated higher, sometimes obviously significantly so (even though I didn't do the t tests - I did error bar graphs).

We then found a list of the names of the 8 insects used in PR2 and a key for the stim numbers and names of all 44 insects used in PR1. With that, Ashley can determine which stim numbers were the 8 in PR2. She does not know how to use SPSS, but will try to learn to:
Label gender and condition (disgust=1, and fear=2)
Select just disgust first, later just fear.
For each type of ratings, get the two independent samples t test for the rating as a function of gender for each of the 8 insects - a total of 16 t-tests. I told her Lee Walters can help, or she can try to get an SPSS handbook from Dr. Meehan.

PR2 face to face - Mara Wilde and Melissa Gilroy - Fri 3-27-09

From Mara Wilde:

Dr. Ryan,
I met with Melissa Gilroy while she ran subjects for the PR2 study. She showed me the room and she said I need to meet with you to sign a waiver so I can have access to the key to the room.  She also showed me how to create time/slots to run subjects. I have also completed the "training" for ethical standards for dealing with human participants (that thing on the website). I don't know what I should do now or where I should go from here.  Let me know if I should attend the next meeting, whenever that may be, or anything else I may need to do.
Thank you,
~Mara Wilde~

My response:

You can bring me the certificate and sign the waiver any time. Go to my wesite at http://faculty.kutztown.edu/rryan, click on My Teaching Schedule, and follow the instructions at the top of the page to pick a time to stop in. Or you can come to the meeting and do it. Thanks.

Interleaving study - Heidy Lichty - Mon. 3-30-09

Dr. Ryan,

I entered training data for sec 40 of Dr. Howell's Fall interleaving group and started to enter the early retention data for him as well.  All saved on Raw_data_interleaving_Fl_08_51_SSs_03-27-09.xls



Thanks. Can you estimate how soon we can look at the performance in the individual test items?

--- Dr. Ryan

Dr. Ryan,

I am thinking two weeks.

Math Analogies Lit search - Stephanie Martin - 3-30-09

Here are those 3 research papers we went over on Friday! Catrambone '94 and '96 and Chen '02.  Hopefully they attached! (they were).


Met with Travis Barron. I diagrammed the CP3, PR, and Local/Global studies. The quickest study Travis could start on would be the new Local /Global study about the size of the Navon letters. In the mean time, he could look at the materials for the CP3 study.

I will have to get Travis permission to access the Ryan Lab Group folder.

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Spring 2009 (20096)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-7-09

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Local/Global - Patricia Goodridge and Kirsten - Fri 4/3/09

My email to Patricia:


Thanks for creating those DVD's. I tried one of them. The video was good. The sound was very weak, however. Did you have to actually transfer the tape to each DVD, or were you able to make one DVD by transferring from the tape, and then copy from one DVD to another?

I'd like to look into getting some copies of the DVD with better audio. Could you please check with someone at AV and see if there is a way to improve the audio on the DVD? And then, if there is a way to make copies of the DVD without transferring from the tape every time, then I'd like to have you make some more with better audio. See what you can find out. Thanks.

Her response Mon. 4/6/09:

Hi Dr. Ryan,
I will look into that.  I did them each individually, I did not look into a mass production because of the deadline, but will look into it because of the audio issue.

PR1 with gender - Ashley Oesterle - Wed 4-8-09

From Ashley :

Hi professor,
Just wanted to let you know I will be done by next Friday with the comparison. I've just been reading up on SPS and theres a lot to read thats a big part of the delay but it will be done by next friday.

My response:

What exactly are you going to compare? Is it the fear ratings of the males to those of the females, and the disgust ratings of the males to those of the females? Just for the 8 insects of interest, first, correct?

Her response:

yes. I'm doing 2 independent sample t-test for the fear and disgust from both genders ratings with just those 8 insects.

Another response from me:


I happened to find this website that might be helpful with SPSS:


--- Dr. Ryan

Spring 2009 (20096)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-14-09

No meeting

CP3 - Blake Miller - Mon 4-13-09

Dr. Ryan,
  I just realized that I haven't given you an update on I'm3 in a while.  Greg, John and I have been running subjects for the past several weeks on Mondays.  Whoever last week we did not set up a time slot and no one signed up for today.  Me and Greg have a timeslot open for Wednesday at 10 but No one has signed up yet.  If no one signs up for that one I think I'm going to take that time to show Greg how to code.  The last time we will be running subjects will most likely be next Monday, we already have two subjects signed up for that time.
   As far as Greg and John go they have both been showing up and have each run a few times, Greg has done a couple more then John though.  Greg really seems to understand whats going on and after one or two more times I think he will most likely be ready to have you sit in on him and go off on his own.  John is doing ok but doesn't have it down enough to go on his own.  John is not yet able to organize the materials on his own.  I'm hoping that by the end of this semester I can get him doing that.
  I will keep you updated over the next couple weeks with how things are going.  Thanks for your time.


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Spring 2009 (20096)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-21-09


PR2 - Samantha Crist - Wed 4-15-09

Hi Dr. Ryan,
I just recently joined your research group and I just wanted to let you know that I don't think I will be able to attend the meeting next Tuesday because of the sports banquet.  I would like to continue doing research with you next semester though.  Also, I am working on the PR2 face to face study and I ran subjects once with Melissa Gilroy and then emailed her to do it again but never heard back from her.  I don't know if there is anything else I should be doing, but I'll stop by your office sometime soon to drop off my NIH certification form.
Thanks a lot,
Samantha Crist

My response:

Thanks for keeping in touch. Make sure you also keep in touch at the beginning of next semester (and even over the summer if possible). I need my research assistants to take the initiative to either just go ahead and do what they need to do without waiting for instructions from me, or to take the initiative to get the instructions if they need them. Otherwise, I have too many people to keep track of, and an assistant can end up just sitting around not doing anything when they otherwise could.

I will need someone to begin running subjects in PR2 face to face right at the beginning of next semester (even over the summer if possible). Because you have your certification, and because the PR2 face to face study is so easy to run, I will need you to be at least one of the people to do that. If you do not feel ready to jump in and do that without some further instructions, let me know. This could be a good opportunity for you to quickly get some valuable experience. I'll also keep trying to recruit more volunteers for that study to help for you, if you wish, but, again, you will have to let me know.

--- Dr. Ryan

Interleaving study - Heidi Lichty - Tues. 4-14-09

Dr. Ryan,
I almost have all of Fall's interleaving information in.  I have only the late retention test scores for your sections 30 & 51 to enter.  Should take me 20 minutes which I believe I can do this Friday and run the analyzes.


My response:

Great. I am anxious to see those analyses.
--- Dr. Ryan

My email to all volunteer research assistants:

Hello all,

Today (Tues 4-14-09) I will just be meeting with Jen Lucas. However, for our last meeting of the year, next week, Tues 4-21-09, at 4:30pm in OM276, everyone is invited to come. We'll wrap up the semester and look ahead to next semester. Please let me know in advance if you can make it. If enough people can come, I'll order some pizza. Also, if you can't come, then please let me know via email if you are planning to continue next semester. Thanks.

Response from Madison Nagai:

Hi Dr. Ryan!
       I just wanted to let you know I will come to that meeting next Tuesday, the 21st!

Response from Stephanie Martin:

Dr. Ryan-

I believe that I will be able to make it on Tuesday 4/21 to the last meeting.  I am planning on continuing to do research in the Fall with you as well.  I printed an article earlier this week that I am just about to sit down and read over that relates to the math/analogies lit. search.  I have not been able to get a hold of Jennifer to find out if we are meeting tomorrow- Friday 4/17 at 2pm or not...I checked your schedule online and did not see us scheduled to meet, but if I don't hear back from you or her I'll just pop up to your office when I get out of my class at 1:50 since I'm only a floor down anyways.

-Stephanie Martin