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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Spring 2008 (20086)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-15-08

Present: New members: Cristina, Shawn, Ashley

CP3 crew

Elliot and Steve not present. How are you doing coding and scoring the subjects we have collected so far?

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Kirsten, Sam, and Bevin

The Powerpoint for the presentation has to be done in sufficient time to practice it for the February meeting.
The proposal is all finished except for the paragraph about the importance to the criminal justice system of false ID's and the hotel tax for the budget.
The crew can use what they have now to make an abstract for the Lehigh Valley poster (Feb. 15th deadline - 120 word abstract). And they will keep in mind that the KU undergrad (all disciplines) conference might be a venue for an oral presentation.

I can use what they have now to prepare the APS submission.

The Powerpoint presentation can be ready by next Tuesday.

The paper has to be done in time for me to use it to send in the APS submission.

The data collection needs to continue, and can do so with new assistants. More different stimulus sets would be beneficial.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Sarah, Trisha, Nikita, Melissa, Brittany

We have not been notified of acceptance yet. EPA says it will do so by February.

Sarah, Trisha, Lora, Brittany, and Andrew, but not Nikita or Lisa will apply for travel funds.

So we have until March 13th to have the paper and poster ready. They will come back for the Spring semester with a complete first draft of the paper to present to me.

Nikita is almost finished with the Intro. Sarah is working on the Method. Andrew and Trisha are working on the Results. Brittany has a Discussion

Sarah will set up a schedule (by getting everyone's availability) for them to meet and move along the writing process.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-22-08

Present: New members: Cristina, Shawn, Ashley

Need to contact room scheduling to get a commitment on which room we can use.

In the future - these meetings will be for individual crews.

CP3 crew

Present: Elliot

Elliot can start running. I'll contact Mellisa to get her running as well. I'll advertise for more res. assts. especially for CP3.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Kirsten, Sam, and Bevin
I checked if everyone has received the email about the APS submission going in. Not all received it. They need to unblock from spam my cogprofessor@gmail.com address. I showed them the submission and we read through it.

They did the presentation. Bevin did the talking. The PPT still needs the budget added. They were okay on time, only about 2 minutes over. However, it needs some organization for clarity, and a little shortening. Also, more practice needed to make the delivery as clear as possible.

Bevin will email me with times she can meet to work on the editing for a couple of hours.

Bevin could not stay. But she is submitting the presentation to another conference (Scranton?)

I did a quick presentation on the analysis of the data. I explained where there are and are not simple effects and interactions to support them (or not).

At some point we will want to run more subjects in this study. Cristina, Shawn, and Ashely are not able to run CP3, so they will learn to run in this one. Shawn and Ashely have finished the protections training and will get me their certificates.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Sarah, Trisha, Nikita, Melissa, Brittany

The EPA poster has been accepted. I sent an email about that also. Again, some did not receive it, but now know to unblock my email address as above.

This crew will concentrate first on getting the presentation ready to go. Next they will finish coding data to determine what additional data we need, if any, or what other direction we may want to go. Based on that, we will begin running subjects again.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-29-08

The PR crew has sent me a .ppt of their presentation for the undergrad res. grant committee. They will work on it some more - adding the category labels for the insects, for instance. Next weeks meeting will be dedicated to them
practicing their presentation again.The local/global crew practiced their presentation- Sam, Bevin, and Kirsten were present - the meeting two weeks fromnow will be dedicated to

The new people (who have been to previous meetings, but not yet assigned to a project) present are Cristina, Shawn,
Brand new at this meeting are (for CP3) Joe Kemmerer, Nkoug(Song) Kue, Caitlin Murphy, Stephanie Moeller, and Laura Broad

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-5-08

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-12-08

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Spring 2008 (20086)


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Spring 2008 (20086)

Seventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2-26-08

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin, Shawn Griffiths, and Ashley Daily

Got signatures on proposals and date of IRB approval. The proposals will be turned in to the URC by Mar. 6th. Then Bevin, Kirsten, and Sam will present on the 20th. All 3 of them will practice their presentation at this lab meeting on Mar. 4th, and then will stop in to my office if needed to work on it again before the 20th.

They will present the poster and paper here Mar 24th at the LVPA. The poster for LVPA can be a tri-fold based to some extent on the URC proposal. The key thing will be to get the paper done so as to have something to pull from for even the LVPA poster. Then the APS poster can be an improved version printed by Fast Signs.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Sarah, Trisha, Nikita, Melissa, Brittany

The proposal for URC is drafted, but needs to be re-written, and the application needs my signatures. I will meet with Melissa tomorrow (2-27-08) at 1:00 pm to get it re-written.

Sara, Trisha, Melissa, and Lora will present at the URC meeting. All 4 of them will practice their presentation at this lab meeting on Mar. 4th, and then will stop in to my office if needed to work on it again before the 20th.

They will bring me a draft of the paper (for LVPA and EPA) tomorrow at the meeting for potential coordinators.  They will do a final re-write of the paper, and the poster after next week's meeting. They will do a tri-fold version for LVPA and then a Fast Signs printed version for EPA.

Ashley and Shawn will begin collecting more data in Local /Global. Ashley and Shawn are working on getting photos for stimulus sets in which they will be the targets. They will check out the binders and try to get new binders with themselves as the targets by next meeting or as soon after that as possible.
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Spring 2008 (20086)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-4-08 (NO MEETING 3/11 - SPRING BREAK)

Live Local/Global crew

Bevin, Kirsten, and Sam will practice their presentation for the URC meeting.

Fear and Disgust crew

Sara, Trisha, Melissa, and Lora will practice their presentation for the URC meeting.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-18-08

Live Local/Global crew

Bevin, Kirsten, and Sam practiced their presentation for the URC meeting.

Ashley and Shawn have everything done except printing out the pictures. They need a color printer. They will check to see when I'm free to help them get them printed.

Fear and Disgust crew

Nikita says that they will work on converting the EPA poster into a tri-fold for the Psy-Chi symposium this Thursday and for LVPA. They will work on that tonight or tomorrow to have it ready for Thursday.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-25-08

Present: Nkoug - She tried to get info to begin helping with coding the CP3 data. She emailed Elliott twice - once after he came back from interviewing, but has not heard back from him. Nikita will try to get her on coding the PR1 data.  

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin,

Bevin will get the info to Shawn and Ashley regarding exactly how the ordering of faces was done in the line ups. She says for the simultaneous, the target face appeared once in each of the six locations and the other faces were rotated around the locations clockwise. Starting with the upper left, the locations were numbered 1 to 3 across the top, and 4 to 6 across the bottom. Then for the sequential line ups, the faces were in a sequential position that corresponded to those numbers. The same extra face was used to replace the target for every absent line up.

Dr. Jackson collected the posters from LVPA and brought them up to the Psych office. Ours are not up yet. It may be because there is not enough room and he doesn't want them on the floor.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita , Sarah
As noted above, Nikita will get Nkoug working on coding the PR1 data. They will meet Monday at 4:30. Then, the next step will be to get running subjects in PR2 face to face.

Dr. Jackson collected the posters from LVPA and brought them up to the Psych office. Ours are not up yet. It may be because there is not enough room and he doesn't want them on the floor.

Sarah suggested trying to publish these findings. I suggested a student journal. Sarah will look for a good journal. I will try to get them the original lit search. It was suggested that Brittany help with this also.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-1-08

The posters that were presented at LVPA are now hanging in the Psych Department.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Bevin, Kirsten, Shawn and Ashley

Shawn and Ashley have the stimulus materials set up like Bevin's as described in notes from last meeting. They need to be printed out and then they can run subjects. Bevin told them that there is a color printer in the Geography department lab. Otherwise, they can try to get them printed in the Psych office if they can get either Jean Waxler, a grad assistant, or me, to do it.

Kirsten went to my office and registered for the conference (becoming a student APS member in the process). Bevin is already registered. Bevin phoned Samantha to tell her to register.

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Nikita , Sarah, and Nkoug

Nikita took Nkoug to the lab to show her how to code the data from PR 1.

CP3 crew

I asked Bevin and Nikita if anyone has started coding data in CP3 yet. So far no one is on it. I advised them to keep persisting to get responses to try to get someone on it. I emailed Elliot with Michelle Reilly's name and email address and asked him to contact her and get back to me. I added a note to myself on my calendar to remind me to email him again if he doesn't get back to me by tomorrow. I advised everyone to be that persistent in order to get these projects moving.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-8-08

Fear and Disgust crew

Present: Sarah Windfelder

Trying to get the paper published in the Psy Chi journal. Nikita and Sarah are being inducted.  They will use the EPA paper as a starting point and then add more to the intro. They will run it by me before submitting it.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Kirsten, Shawn, and Ashely.
 I received an email from Bevin that the local / global poster has been accepted for the Scranton conference. However, she tells me that she can't attend and doesn't know who can.  Kirsten will find out from Bevin what is needed. That is, what poster is being presented (the same one as from LVPA? a different version?) Where is the conference held? What time does it start? Do you have to be a member of an organization to present there? Is there a registration fee? I emailed the Scranton conference website to Kirsten as a starting point.
Sarah, or Michele may go with Kirsten to the conference just as attendees.

"Just reminding you I will not be at the mtg tomorrow. Also emailing you to remind you that we were accepted to U Scranton conf. but I am not able to go. The date is Saturday April 19th at Scranton. you can ask whoever is from Local Global that shows up to the mtg tomorrow if they are able to go or not to the mtg."

Shawn and Ashely need someone else's copies of the Navon letters. When they try to print them out some of them come out black. They will try to get copies from either Bevin or Sam and Samantha. If not, then they will go to IT for help with the printing problem.

Bevin needs to get the documentation for how to set up the 48 conditions in Local Global to Shawn and Ashley.

I emailed Rick Miller to let Shawn and Ashley have access to the Ryan Lab Group folder.

CP3 crew

Elliott stopped in to ask me to give Michele Reilly access to the Ryan lab group folder. I sent an email to Rick Miller. Elliott is now training Michele to code the data. Michelle needs the lock box combination. We will do that tonight.

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-15-08

News: Elliott Fitzgerald has been accepted at the University of Southern Illinois in their clinical PhD program. He was one of six out of 135 applicants that were accepted. He was offered a full tuition fellowship and a stipend. Congratulations Elliott !!!

Fear and Disgust crew

Present : Nikita, Melissa Gilbert

Nikita is still working on adding to the introduction of the manuscript for the fear and disgust study to submit to the Psi Chi journal.

Live Local/Global crew

Present: Kirsten, Shawn Griffiths, Ashely Daley, Bevin Lustman

Kirsten is not having any luck getting anyone else to be able to go and do the Scranton presentation, but she will go and do it herself. Bevin will help to make sure she has the print outs of the parts of the poster to pin up.

We needed to solve the problem of the Navon letters not all printing out correctly. So we went to OM 384 and succeeded at getting the bad printouts replaced with good ones using .ppt 2003, instead of .ppt 2007.

CP3 crew

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-22-08

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Spring 2008 (20086)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 4-29-08