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Ryan Lab Group Meetings

Spring 2007 (20076)

First Week of Fifteen, Tues. 1-16-07

Present: Dr. Ryan, Shannon Roberts, Samantha Scott, Kirsten Williams, Bevin Lustman, Sam Elbeleidy, Chris O'Donnell, and, new, Elliot Fitzpatrick

Local Global:
Bevin and Kirsten are ready to go out and collect data. Bevin will send the Navon letters to Samantha, Sam, or both. Then Sam and Samantha will be ready to go out.

Next I explained the Local Global study to Elliot

We were running 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays. For right now, Shannon and Chris could run subjects from 1:00 - 4:00 on Fridays. I'll put up the first time slot for next Friday, 1/26/07.

I explained the CP3 study briefly to Elliot. He is willing to train on this study. I got his information into my database. I also gave him the quick tour of the Lab Group web site so he can get started on the Human subject protections training. I added Elliot to a new mailing list for Research Assistants 20076. So far, I only put in those who were at today's meeting.

Other notes:

I have not put Bevin Lustman's picture on the lab group page yet. Haven't taken a picture of Elliot yet.

Shannon, Chris, and Elliot will watch the sign ups on sona systems to see if we have any to run. We will run one more subject in the FC condition to complete it, then start running pairs of subjects in the MF condition.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Second Week of Fifteen, Tues., 1-23-07

Need a lab assistant to help Megan get the survey data. --- DONE

The local global group: Present: Bevin, Kirsten, Samantha, and Sam

Bevin and Kirsten  will go out Monday the 29th in the evening, from 4:30 - 7 pm ish. Samantha and Sam will go as well and will make sure their set of Navon letters is set  up correctly in the binders.

It appears that when a student changes a file, the permissions change so that I can't see the files or folders. I called IT help to see if they can fix that.

The CP3 group: Present: Elliot and Shannon

They will check on materials for our next sessions. No sign ups so far. But we will do dry runs even if no one signs up. I gave Elliot a copy of the MF anal anal script.

New members: Present: Nikita Driscoll and Mandy Briar.

I gave them instructions about Megan's survey. I gave each of them enough materials to collect 20 respondents - 10 A's and 10 B's. They will try to start collecting data right away.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Third Week of Fifteen, Tues., 1-30-07

The local global group: Present: Samantha; absent, Bevin (excused), Sam, Kirsten

Sam and Samantha went out and got some data. Only thing that went wrong was that they didn't follow the order of the conditions. They went in a convenient order - as the stimuli occurred in the binder. Also, they had no formalized way to record the results. However, they did keep some info hand-written down - hopefully enough to reconstruct what they did and to salvage the data.

Bevin and Kirsten also went out. Bevin met with me earlier. I still need to hear from Kirsten about what data they have collected and whether they have a formalized way to record the results.

Sam came later. He helped me reconstruct which conditions they actually ran and what the results were. We will need to get the hand-written records back from Samantha to double check those conditions. I did not try to enter the accuracy data yet.

Finally, we printed out Sam's lineups.

The CP3 group: Present: Elliot, 

He has been working on the script for MF anal/anal. I gave him the Worked examples for that condition also. I put him into Sona systems as researcher, but he has yet to be added to the CP3 study.

The Megan's survey group: Present: Mandy Briar, Nikita Driscoll, Melissa Gilroy

I explained the study to Melissa. Copied materials the next day and left them in the folder on my door for her. Also, I got Melissa's basic info.

The PR studies

Need to get res. assts. on PR2 face to face

Still need to get caught up on and get going on PR1 with gender.

Other needs:

Need to finish the email list for the res_assts_20076

Need to continue working on the notes from the latest running of CP3.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Fourth Week of Fifteen, Tues., 2-6-07

The local global group: Present: Samantha , Bevin, Sam, Kirsten

Bevin and Kirsten have run 8 and 9.
Sam and Samantha have run 1 and 6.

We set up an excel file for the data and put it in the Ryan Lab Group folder.
We set up a code sheet and put it in there also.

Next time they will bring their data or have it entered by making their own individual copies of the data file.

We still need to run some subjects for me to watch.

The CP3 group: Present: Elliot, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts

Shannon will run on the 16th. Still running MF anal/anal. Chris and Elliot will sit in. Once the MF anal/anal cell is filled, I will have to be involved in training on the MA conditions.

The Megan's survey group: Present: Mandy Briar, Nikita Driscoll, Melissa Gilroy

Mandy has 2 surveys done. Will try secondary ed. profs (5 or 6). They are people who did not respond to an email.
Nikita has 5 surveys done. 1 more promised. One more to contact in special ed. Then will move on to elem. ed. profs.
Melissa Gilroy has 1 survey done from elem. ed.  Will also try more elem. ed. profs. Will coordinate with Nikita.
Megan has 4 completed (one of which is being sent to me)

The PR studies

Need more new research assistants.
Need to get res. assts. on PR2 face to face

Still need to get caught up on and get going on PR1 with gender.

Other needs:

Need to finish the email list for the res_assts_20076

Need to continue working on the notes from the latest running of CP3.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Fifth Week of Fifteen, Tues., 2-13-07

We still need to run some subjects for me to watch.

Need more new research assistants:
    Need to get res. assts. on PR2 face to face
    Still need to get caught up on and get going on PR1 with gender.

The Megan's survey group: Present: Megan Gaittens, Mandi Briar, Nikita Driscoll, and Mellisa Gilbert

Megan turned in 3 surveys and has one more at home, which she can get to me tomorrow.
Mandi turned in 3.
Nikita turned in 5.
Melissa turned in 1.
In the campus mail 1.

I sent an email to Dr. Bernhardt asking for his help in contacting the grad students.

The local global group: Present: Samantha , Bevin, Sam, Kirsten

I will set up time slots for Fri 3-2-07 at 3:15 - 3:30 - 4:00 - 4:15 for me to watch them run.

The PR studies

Bevin and Samantha volunteered to get PR2 face to face with males only and PR1 with gender info running again. I re-activated the studies and made them the researchers. They will check out the materials in the lab and get back to me on when they can run.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Sixth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 2 - 20 - 07 

No meeting - on the Monday schedule
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Spring 2007 (20076)

Seventh Week of Fifteen,  Tues. 2-27-07

The Megan's survey group: Present: Nikita Driscoll, and Mellisa Gilbert

There are no more surveys to be handed in. So Megan can go ahead and analyze and write up what she has.

The local global group: Present: Samantha , Bevin, Kirsten

Bevin has 12 out of her 48 subjects data on the hand written scoring sheet and Kirsten has 16. They will enter their data into the Excel file after they get all 48 each.  They have their code sheets to do that. We will take a preliminary look at the data towards end of this semester. They estimate they can collect all 192 subects by the end of next Fall (Fall 2007).

Sam has 8 or 9 run so far. Samantha has about 8 or 9.

The subjects for me to watch them run are signed up.

The PR studies: Jessica Bieda (new), Bevin, Samantha

Bevin and Samantha found that they have pretty much everything they need to start collecting more data. They did not see a script or instructions, but they will check again. Also, they will look in the files in the Ryan Lab Group folder for a script or instructions.

Jessica sat in and listened to what Bevin and Samantha are doing. They traded contact information. Jessica knows about the lab group page and has seen the list of things to do. She will begin working on the human participant protections training.

I put Jessica's info put into the Members.xls file and I put her into the subject pool as a researcher. I also requested to have her added to the Ryan Lab Group folder.
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Spring 2007 (20076)

Eighth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3-6-07

The Megan's survey group: Nikita Driscoll, Mandy Briar, and Mellisa Gilbert

Megan and her helpers presented their poster at the KU 3rd Annual Psychological Student Research Conference. Good job, well done!

This complete's Megan's requirement for the product for her Research Practicum.  

The others will all finish their human participant protections training, and then join the PR studies group.
Mandy is in the system as a researcher.
I will put Nikita and Mellisa in as well.

The local global group: Present: Sam, Kirsten, Bevin

Last Friday, the group ran some subjects here outside the lab so that I could watch. Everything went well. I just noticed a couple of small changes that needed to be made to insure that the teams are all following exactly the same procedure. The difference was not anything to be concerned about. They just need to have their Navon letters in the folders the same way (only on one side of a page instead of two) and they have to all turn the pages for the subject as opposed to having the subject turn the pages.

The PR studies: Jessica Bieda, Bevin, Lora Seiverling,

Bevin has subjects signed up and will run them tomorrow. She and Samantha will continue running.
Jessica and Lora will finish the human participant protections training and then join the others in running subjects in these studies.
I will put Jessica Beida and Lora in as researchers.
All the new people know what they have to do as new researchers.

The CP3 group: (Elliot, Chris O'Donnell, Shannon Roberts are members of this group, but no one attended)

I will have to set up more time slots and or contact this group.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Ninth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3/13/07

No meeting - Spring break

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Tenth Week of Fifteen, Tues. 3/20/07

The PR studies: present: Jessica Bieda, Lora Seiverling, Nikita Driscoll, Mandy Briar, and Mellisa Gilbert, Samantha

I collected the Certificates for the subject protection training from several and recorded it in the member file and filed the certificates.

I put Lora, Jessica, Melissa, and Nikita in sona systems as researchers (Jessica was in but with the wrong email - I corrected it).

As far as I know the people who need to be added to the Ryan Lab group folder are: Mandi Briar, Nikita Driscoll, Lora Seiverling, Melissa Gilbert

In these studies, the new data that is being collected can be added to the existing data files. The best way to do the subject numbering would be to continue the numbering from those of the previously run subjects, but to add a new variable to the data file coding the fact that this is the new data. Of course, the gender data will be there only for the new data anyway.

The local global group: Present: Samantha

Samantha and Sam still need to see if they can figure out why they are having more trouble than Bevin and Kirsten at getting subjects to agree to participate.

I reminded Samantha that before the semester is out we should begin scoring, coding, and entering data.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Eleventh Week of Fifteen, 3/27/07

The volunteer research assistants should be aware of opportunities to present research and to compete for awards such as the Gill-Lauer-Sharp and the Research award. I showed them the link - My page>Lab Group>Other Useful Info>Information and Nomination form...

Trisha Parker is new. I put her in the Members file. She will continue attending meetings to pick something she wants to volunteer for. She does not have a lot of time available right now, but she is just a sophomore.

Bevin and Samantha Scott will work on revitalizing the conference calendar and they will also gather information on funding sources.

The PR studies: present: , Nikita Driscoll, Mandy Briar, and Mellisa Gilbert, Samantha Scott, and Bevin Lustman

Students are showing up thinking they can be run without having signed up. I will email faculty members to remind their students to follow the instructions. Mandi Briar had set up a new version of PR1 because I had not added her to the PR1 that was in the system. I put her on the PR1 that is already up, and I'll take down the other PR1 she created.

The local global group: Present: Bevin Lustman, Kirsten Williams, Samantha Scott

Bevin & Kirsten and Samantha & Sam will work over the summer on getting more subjects.

Samantha reports that she and Sam were asked to leave a store in which they were recruiting subjects. They were not doing anything inappropriate. Rather, they simply were doing something in the store other than being a potential paying customer. We discussed the importance of cheerfully complying with such requests so as to preserve the good reputation of the University and the research enterprise in general.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Twelfth Week of Fifteen, 4/3/07

I sent an email to faculty members to remind them to have their students sign up, but also to remind their students to follow the instructions.

Bevin contacted the Society for Neuroscience in Central PA, Amanda Price, by email to get info for the calendar. Waiting for a response. Nothing new on searching for grant funding. Bevin will get the info on the KU undergrad research grant funds.

The PR studies: Present: Jessica Beida, Nikita Driscoll, Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott, Melissa Gilbert, and Mandy Briar

Nikita and I will organize the PR stuff on Thurs. 4/5/07, at 11:00am to 1:00pm. Nikita will see if Jessica Beida can join us. Also, Mandy Briar and Melissa Gilbert and I will finish up whatever remains on Tues. 4/10/07, at 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Mandy and Melissa will be running subjects in one of the PR studies on Thursday 4/12/07.

The local global group: Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott

The changes that needed to be made as a result of my check have been made. Samantha and Bevin are starting to write the materials section of a paper for the study.

The CP3 group: Trisha Parker, Sarah Winfelder (new)

Trisha Parker and Sarah Winfelder will begin sitting in on the last few sessions of CP3. I added them to the study as researchers on CP3.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Thirteenth Week of Fifteen, 4/10/07

The PR studies: Present: Nikita Driscoll, Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott, Melissa Gilbert, and Mandy Briar, and Lora Seiverling

We (minus Bevin and Samantha who are ready to move on to PR2) went down to the lab so that I could show them the organization of the files for PR1. Mandy Briar took home the raw data, the grid, and the log, for the most recent running in order to fix subject numbers. There are 34 Disgust subjects numbered 1 through 34. There are 13 Fear subjects. Currently they are numbered 1 through 13, but Mandy will  renumber them starting at 35. Then she will transfer the gender info from the raw data to the grid and log. The grid will be redone with one page for males and one for females and only the subject number, not the subject pool number.

We discussed that they need to avoid having one experimenter running one condition and another experimenter running another. (Bevin and Samantha ran the 34 Disgust subjects, so the others will finish running enough Fear subjects to balance that out). Then, each experimenter will run different conditions randomly. Also, we need to run more male subjects to even out the larger number of females. I explained that the purpose of doing the grid the way we are going to do it is to keep track of those balances.

The local global group: Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott

Will run more subjects this friday. They have their data coded on paper, but not in Excel files yet. They have a total of around 50 subjects among the 4 experimenters. They will get the current data into the Excel file so that I can look at it by next week. They expect to have all 48 subjects for all 4 experimenters by the end of the summer.

The CP3 group: Trisha Parker, Sarah Winfelder

They will come to the next two sessions and learn more about the procedure. I game them copies of the scripts to start to study, along with a copy of the choice task. I requested Rick Miller to add them to the Lab group folder.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Fourteenth Week of Fifteen, 4/17/07

The PR studies: Present: Nikita Driscoll,  Melissa Gilbert, Mandy Briar, and Jessica Beida

Melissa will put the 2006 subjects run by Joe and Alyssa (with gender info) on separate grids for Males and Females. Then we will know if we need to run more males.

The local global group: out running subjects

The CP3 group: Trisha Parker, Sarah Winfelder

We will try to run training sessions in the summer to be able to run CP3 immediately in the Fall when subjects are available. I may cut CP3 down to a shorter version and run that. Or I may run both a shorter version and also keep running the longer version.
Had Trisha try accessing a file in the Ryan Lab Group folder and try altering it, to see if she had permission to do that. She could read the file and save it with a new name, but could not over write the original file. Then I could open her saved version. I could open from a Windows or a Linux machine.

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Spring 2007 (20076)

Fifteenth Week of Fifteen, 4-24-07

The PR studies: Present: Nikita Driscoll, Mandy Briar

Along with Sarah Windfelder, they put the 2006 subjects run by Joe and Alyssa (with gender info) on separate grids for Males and Females.

The local global group: Bevin Lustman, Samantha Scott

Don't have the data in Excel format for me yet, but have 85 to 90 subjects across the 4 experimenters. As soon as possible, they will get what they have to me so that we can see if we need to run more subjects.

The CP3 group: Sarah Windfelder

Nothing new. As soon as the other 2 studies have provided the data we need, people can be moved from their studies into this one.