Computer Lab Accounts for Students in my Classes and Volunteer Research Assistants.

If you have not already set up your Computer Lab Account, you need to click on this link ( and then follow the instructions below.

Once you have set up the account you will be given a folder of your own on the network server. Its name will be the same as your Kutztown email user name. You can then store documents there and work on them from any computer on the network.

For volunteer research assistants only: To use your account to access the Ryan Lab Group folder

After you join the group, I will send your name and social security number to the network administrator at IT, and he will change the permissions on the Ryan Lab Group Folder so that you can access it. You will be able to read and write files.

Because the files stored there are the original files for all of my research projects, it is important that you never change one of the original files. Rather, make a copy with a new name and work on the copy.

The Ryan Lab Group Folder is located at \\stucluster\shared\psychology.

Once you are allowed access to the Ryan Lab Group Folder, here is how you get to it.