PDP Pattern Associator Model to Illustrate Learning two Patterns

Start with Association A. Use the buttons to select the INPUT pattern and the DESIRED OUTPUT pattern for Association A. Click the button to set the THRESHOLDS to 0, and type in a LEARNING RATE of .05.

Set CONNECTION WEIGHTS FOR A by clicking the button. Propagate the activation. You should get the desired output.

Scroll down to Association B, and follow the same process.

Then scroll down to Association A and B. First click on the button marked "Add Weights A and B". Then set the THRESHOLDS and the LEARNING RATE as before. But now, select the INPUT and DESIRED OUTPUT for "Association A". Propagate the activation. You should get the desired output on the first try. Now, change the INPUT and DESIRED OUTPUT to "Association B". Without changing the weights, propagate the activation again. You should get the desired output again.