Cognition -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives


Describe how the Gestalt psychologists viewed the process of perception.

Explain why we know that pattern recognition accomplishes more than just detecting simple features and assembling them.

Describe the evidence that there are primitive features to which the visual system responds.

Describe a procedure to study letter or word recognition and explain why it is used.

List the factors that affect how well a person can recognize a letter that is presented very briefly.

Name two kinds of models that can account for the factors above.

Explain the special characteristic(s) of each that allows it to account for the factors.

List some other kinds of things besides letters and words for which we have recognition systems.

Explain the evidence that our object recognition system uses Geons.

Explain what is meant by top down (or conceptually driven) processing as opposed to bottom up (or data driven) processing.

List some examples of top down processing.

Describe the Thatcher illusion in face processing.

Explain the evidence that face recognition needs an explanation that includes the processing of configurations of features, not just the features themselves.