Cognitive Psychology -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives


List some examples from everyday life that illustrate the topics that cognitive psychologists study.

List the processes that cognitive psychologists study.

Explain how memory is involved in a wide range of human functioning.

Describe the structuralism and behaviorism approaches that preceded the cognitive approach.

Explain how cognitive psychologists proposed to study the mental world using Kant's method.

Describe how cognitive psychologists use models to investigate mental processes.

Explain the different levels of description used by cognitive psychologists.

Describe the information processing approach and its use of the computer as a metaphor.

List some methods cognitive psychologists use to examine, for example, working memory.

Describe the components of the working memory model proposed by Baddeley and Hitch.

Explain the evidence that supports the concept of an articulatory rehearsal loop as part of a working memory system.