Cognition -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives

Neural basis of Cognition

Describe Capgras Syndrome.

Name the two regions of the brain believed to be involved in Capgras Syndrome.

Describe the evidence that the functioning of these two regions can account for the symptoms of Capgras Syndrome.

Name two methods of gathering evidence about the relationship between brain regions and the symptoms of a cognitive deficit such as Capgras Syndrome.

Recognize the lobes and other important structures of the brain. (do a Google search on "pictures of brain anatomy")

Explain what is meant by the "hindbrain", the "midbrain", and the "forebrain".

Describe the lobes and hemispheres of the cerebrum.

Describe the cerebral cortex.

List the subcortical structures of the forebrain.

List and describe the major neuroimaging methods.

Describe how an fMRI can show that different regions of the cortex process different stimuli.

Describe some advantages of fMRI over other brain imaging techniques.

Explain what is meant by a projection area and an association area of the cortex.

Explain what is meant by a receptive field.

List the structures in the visual system that focus light, and those that detect light.

Describe the visual pathway from the retina to the primary visual cortex.

Explain how lateral inhibition results in edge enhancement.

Describe a neuron in terms of structure and function.

Define "receptive field".

Describe some of the major "detectors" in the visual system.

Define "parallel processing" and "serial processing".

Explain the advantage of parallel processing.

Explain the "binding problem" and one possible solution to it.