Cognition -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives

Memory Errors, Memory Gaps

Describe the effects of people's assumptions on what they remember as shown by the Brewer and Tryens (1981) study.

Explain why we do not notice that our perception of the world around us is filled with gaps.

Describe a study showing that we remember the meaning of sentences, but not their exact wording.

Describe and give examples of a schema.

Explain how schemas can give rise to "intrusion errors".

Explain how schemas are useful.

Define "retention interval".

Name and describe three ways that forgetting could occur.

Describe Baddeley and Hitch's evidence that interference is more important than decay in forgetting.

Describe some evidence that vividly imagining can lead to falsely remembering what was imagined.

Describe the evidence regarding the effects of post-event misleading information.

Explain how false memories can occur and what types of events could be false memories.

State what the research suggests about the relationship between an eyewitnesses accuracy and confidence.

Describe a "cognitive interview" technique.

Define "weapon focus" and "flashbulb memory".