Cognition -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives

Judgment: Drawing Conclusions from Evidence

Define and recognize examples of inductive reasoning.

Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.

Distinguish between a normative account and a descriptive account.

State the set of normative rules that apply to inductive reasoning.

Describe the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from inductive reasoning versus deductive reasoning.

Recognize examples of how frequency judgments are used in inductive reasoning.

Distinguish between a heuristic and an algorithm.

Name the heuristics that people use to make inductive judgments.

Describe the Framing Effect.

Define and recognize examples of the availability heuristic.

Describe the factors, besides the actual frequency of occurrence, that influence how easily we remember instances of something occurring.

Describe and recognize examples of the anchoring and adjustment heuristic.

Describe the evidence regarding whether knowing that an "anchor" was randomly chosen affects people's use of the anchoring and adjustment heuristic.

Describe and recognize examples of the representativeness heuristic.

Define the "gambler's fallacy".

Describe how the gambler's fallacy is related to the representativeness heuristic.

Recognize examples illustrating people's insensitivity to sample size when reasoning about a population from a sample.

Recognize the effect of knowing that an instance in not typical on people's judgments about the population from this instance.

Define covariation and give examples of how judging covariation is involved in many everyday judgments.

Define "illusory covariation" and give examples.

Describe the evidence about the effect of expert knowledge on seeing illusory covariations.

Describe the evidence about the effects of prior beliefs on judgments of covariation.

Define confirmation bias and recognize examples.

Describe how availability and confirmation bias affect judgments of covariation.

Define "base rate".

Describe and give examples of diagnostic information.

Explain the effect of the presence of diagnostic information on people's tendency to neglect the base rate.

Describe examples of evidence about the effect of the presence of diagnostic information.

Explain the effect of neglecting the base rate on using diagnostic information.