Evidence for a task-general response selector.

Evidence for the task-general response selector
A. This can't happen, because the response selector can't do two things at once. Task general means the same selector is used for all tasks. If it is being used to select response 1, it can't be used to select response 2 until it is finished with selecting response 1.

B. What really happens is that completing response 2 is delayed by waiting for the response selector to finish selecting response 1.

C. If the perception of stimulus 1 is slowed down, response 1 is delayed. AND response 2 is also delayed  because, again, the response selector must wait for response 1 to be selected before starting to select response 2.


D. However, if the perception of stimulus 2 is slowed down, response 2 is NOT delayed. That's because (as shown in B) there was extra time that the response selector was just waiting for response 1 to get finished. The slowing down of the perception of stimulus 2 just uses up that extra time.