Cognition -  PSY 340- Learning Objectives

Acquisition and Working Memory

Name the three memory processes by which we gain new knowledge, retain it, and later use it.

Describe how an information processing approach views memory.

Name and describe the two parts of the human memory system according to the modal model.

Describe a free recall task in a list learning experiment.

Describe the serial position curve that is usually observed in free recall from a learned list.

Define the primacy effect and the recency effect in the serial position curve.

Explain how the serial position curve supports the distinction between working memory and long-term memory.

Describe as many manipulations as possible that affect recency, but not primacy and vice versa.

Explain what could account for a long term memory serial position curve.

Explain what makes items in long term memory more distinctive and give examples.

State the capacity of working memory and explain how it is measured.

List some capabilities that are correlated with short term memory span.

Describe "chunking" and explain its effect on working memory capacity.

Distinguish between a "storage area" view of short term memory and a "working memory" view.

Describe a test of working memory span.

List some capabilities that are correlated with working memory span.

Explain the implication of the difference between the number and kinds of tasks that are correlated with digit span versus working memory span.

Describe short term or working memory in terms of its capacity, duration, and the way material is encoded in it.

Explain some of the evidence that material in working memory is often encoded phonologically (by its sound).

Describe the "central executive" of working memory and the "lower level assistants".

Define perseveration and give an example.

Define maintenance rehearsal.

List the effects of maintenance rehearsal.

Compare the effects of intentional versus incidental learning.

Name some well known mnemonic techniques for memorization.

Explain the principle that is involved in most mnemonic techniques.

Define "clustering" in recall. Explain how it is the result of the same principle used in mnemonics.

Compare maintenance rehearsal with elaboration rehearsal.

Explain the role of prior knowledge in memory acquisition.