Ed.D. in Educational Technology Minor: Business Administration
GPA: 3.96 Dissertation Topic: An Expert System of Effective Schools
M.S. degree in Educational Psychology Field of Interest: Instructional Design
GPA: 4.0
B. S. Elementary Education/Special Education Double Major
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
University: 2004 – present. Tenured Associate
Professor in the College of Business. Leader within the department. Outstanding teaching, scholarship, and
service credentials. Courses developed
and/or taught include: Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Managing Large
Enterprise Projects, Managing Enterprise Information Technology, Business
Information Technology, Advanced Business Information Technology, Personal and Organizational Leadership, Strategic
Management, Executive Decision Making, Writing for Business. (Italicized courses
developed but not taught.)
Has served on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee,(Secretary of the Senate), MBA Committee; University Academic Technology Committee; Chair of the College of Business Academic Technology Committee; University Promotion Committee, Department Promotion, Evaluation, and Tenure Committee; Academic Standards Committee; and many more.
Albright College. 1987-1991, 2001 -2002 and 2012 to present. Instructor for various Accelerated Degree courses including Business, Government, and Society for the business department and Hardware and Software, Advanced Database Concepts, Systems Analysis and Design for the Information Technology department. In prior years, taught Continuing Education courses on DOS, UNIX, Novell, Project, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPerfect, Lotus 123 (including advanced level Macros, @Finances, and other special topics), DisplayWrite, Harvard Graphics, Symphony, dBASE III+ & IV, R:Base, Nutshell, DacEasy and OneWrite Accounting.
Lehigh University. 1986-1990, and 2003-4. Taught in the Iococca Institute's Global Village Program on Technology Leadership: How to Make The Right Decisions At The Right Time. During work on my doctorate, (Expert Systems for Effective Schools) consulted for a variety of projects including, Artificial Intelligence and robotics, CD-I applications, Instructional Design, Expert Systems used in System Configuration, LISP, PROLOG, and SMALLTALK programming, Completed several projects on instructional design in CBT.
Lebanon Valley College. 1993-1994. Adjunct instructor for Entrepreneurship (MBA program), Microcomputers in Business (Management program) and various continuing education seminars on computer applications in business.
Drexel University. 2000- 2002. Instrumental in development of Strategic Internet Management Certification program. Taught the following courses: Getting IT: Understanding Information Technology, Databases: Design and Applications, Essentials of Network Technology, Project Management for Information Technology.
Penn State University (1995) in partnership with T. Max Devlin in Enterprise Network Management.
Bay Networks (now Nortel Networks) Certification (1994-1995) to teach a variety of technical courses including Networking Basics, Token Ring, Ethernet, Optivity Network Management, and Managing Your Network with OpenView.
Alvernia College. 1991- 1992. Adjunct instructor for Microcomputers in Business.
Reading Area Community College. 1985-1990. Adjunct instructor for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, a special program for gifted students. Also: instructor for various microcomputer courses.
Awarded the Athena Award in 2011 by Greater Reading Area Chamber of Commerce and honored at a dinner on May 3, 2011.The ATHENA Leadership Award® is presented to a person for professional excellence, community service and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills.
Named one of Pennsylvania's Best 50 Women in Business by Governor Ed Rendell and the Department of Community and Economic Development in April 2009, and honored at a reception and awards ceremony in Harrisburg on May 11, 2009.
Given the John P. Schellenberg Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning on December 4, 2008 by the Center for Advancement of Teaching at Kutztown University.
One of top three among the eight finalists out of all the nominations for the Technology Educator of the Year, an annual award of TechQuest of Pennsylvania, a program of the Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania given on February 12, 2010 in Harrisburg, PA.
Inducted into the United Fellowship of Martial Artists Hall of Fame as Martial Arts Promoter of the Year by the United Fellowship of Martial Artists in Philadelphia, PA on March 6, 2010.
Won First Place Gold medal and National Championship in Women's Push Hands Division at International Chinese Martial Art Championship in Washington DC on October 9, 2009. Also won various Bronze and Gold medals in open hands and weapon forms divisions.
Named the Consultant of the Month for January
2005 by the Society of Advancement of
Consulting (SAC), an international community of consulting colleagues founded
by Alan Weiss, PhD. Dr. Weiss
explained the reasoning behind the choice: "
At MBNA, in recognition of teamwork and leadership efforts, nominated by peers and subordinates and received the Financial Excellence Award for the First Quarter of 1998.
At Hi-TECH Connections, in recognition of leadership efforts, received the President's Mile High Award for Excellence for the First Quarter of 1994.
HPL Consortium, Inc. 7/01– Present
Founding Principal & CEO
ETM Associates, Inc. started out as a unique consulting company comprised of former and current CIOs, CEOs, and other senior level executives of major corporations serving clients in a variety of industries advising their clients, often on enterprise, technology, and management projects, but always on specific efforts that would significantly increase sales or decrease costs. Some of the previous accomplishments of the company were:
· Diagnosed business strategy issues for dozens of clients, increasing their profits by millions of dollars.
· Diagnosed leadership team issues for dozens of clients, increasing productivity and quality of work environment.
Developed and implemented data security program
to meet government regulatory requirements for over 70 applications and third-party
service providers for the third largest financial institution in
· Collaboration project uniting the CIOs of 40 subsidiary companies of the largest electrical and mechanical construction and facilities services provider in the world. Standards and procurement procedures agreed upon will save millions for the company in the coming years.
· A reorganization of all local IT departments for a major research firm. Project included standardizing and consolidating systems from 20 countries (including 50 sites, 12 mainframes, and 7000 desktops) into a globally led Data Services Group.
In summer of 2012, ETM Associates, Inc. changed its name to HPL Consortium, Inc. and expanding its focus from just helping companies become more profitable to helping both companies and individuals gain health and prosperity through leadership. HPL Consortium is in the midst of a multi-year project to develop the technology so that the individuals and companies needing help can connect with the exact right people, with the exact right talents, at the exact right time.
CommerceLinks.Net 8/00– 3/01
Chief Operations & Technology Officer
Recruited to serve as CTO to CommerceLinks.Net - a startup company that developed a new technology for Live Video Customer Service. In November I was promoted to COO as well. With the exception of sales and marketing, fully responsible for all aspects of the company. Under my direction, the company accomplished quite a bit:
· completed a competitive analysis
· developed and published a business plan
· developed business requirements Customer Collaboration Platform (CCP)
· led team in assessing technical requirements for CCP
· developed business requirements for Video Communication Network
· wrote patents on the Live Video Customer Service technologies
· established operational processes for proposing, closing, and billing customers
Millstar Corporation 2/00– 8/00
Chief Technology Officer
Millstar was a Business to Business E‑commerce software development company that specialized in medium to large manufacturers and distributors of equipment and supplies. I was brought in to stabilize/build a technology team, establish controls, and implement a new direction for the company.
As part of the senior management team, introduced a new business model - publishing software. We developed an easy-to-implement-fully-featured e-commerce software with the ability to print personalized catalog of items in full color. The change improved gross margin and increased employee motivation. Among our successes:
· Established "startup" vision & culture to attract employees.
· Stabilized development team.
· Increased retention rate from 40% to 91%.
· Increased employee satisfaction. 95% employees identified "very satisfied with job" in a survey compared to less than 20% (prior to my joining).
· Identified missing skills and successfully hired to obtain key skills.
· Increased accountability in all areas, leading to increased productivity.
· Applied job costing analysis to customer accounts.
· Increased potential gross profit margins from 25% to 63%.
· Refocused sales and marketing on more profitable accounts.
The focus of the development team turned to re-usable components, repeatable processes, and an SEI level 5 (Optimizing) of the Capability Maturity Model.
First USA/Bank One/JP Morgan/Chase 5/98 – 2/00
Vice President
One of the
world's largest credit card issuers ($63 billion in managed loans in
1999). Recruited to lead Project
Management Initiatives. Responsible for
all major infrastructure projects including Y2K, Data Warehouse, MVS
Conversion, Oracle Conversion, Data Center Relocation, Firewall Architecture
and Backup Architecture. On time/on budget projects jumped from one (out of
102) to 85 (out of 130) by September 1998.
In 11/98 promoted to lead the global strategic initiatives in Information Services Operations. Recognized issues immediately with work management & customer service, and implemented actions to improve. Compliancy rate went from 64% to 81%, and early fulfillment rate went from 59% to 83%.
In 3/99 promoted to lead initiatives in company-wide Program Office. Implemented many projects to increase efficiency and increase productivity. Spearheaded Root Cause Analysis program. Identified top recurring issues, including
Stability and Capacity
Release Testing
Ownership, Maintenance & Build
Problem Ticket
Defined success criteria, and empowered five multidisciplinary teams to resolve. Fully responsible for program implementation involving over 200 people. Also initiated Time Tracking project to enable managers to effectively guide resources.
MBNA/Bank of America 1/96– 5/98
Vice President-Strategy
and Long Range Planning, Resource Allocation Divison)
MBNA was also one of the world's largest credit card issuers ($71 billion in managed loans), and a pioneer in affinity marketing. Served as the internal consultant to executive management on all enterprise-wide projects including Capital Budgeting, Expense Budgeting, People and Resource planning, Y2K, Enterprise Network & Systems Management, Call Center Workstation Implementation, & NT Enterprise Upgrade. Translated technical descriptions into more easily understood terms for financial & business executives. Coached teams seeking funding on doing financial projections and presentations.
recognized issues with $600 million capital budget procedures. Streamlined approval and forecasting process
through teamwork and technology.
Designed and implemented new process for tracking capital and project
budgets. Improvements included
elimination of reconciliation issues, time reduction for major expenditures from
18 days to less than 2 days, and from 41 days
to 2 days for minor projects. Also
increased accuracy (see chart).
Chosen by senior management to lead a team of eighty people to design & develop process and system to meet the drastically changing planning needs. Fully responsible for all aspects including developing the business requirements and choosing the software.
Hi-TECH Connections, Inc. 6/86
– 1/96
Managing Director/President Hi-TECH Educational Services
Hi-TECH Connections purchased the company I built (CES) in 1993. I became one of four key executives in parent company and grew from 30 employees and sales of $13 million to 62 employees and $50 million in sales. Responsibilities included:
· P & L accountability for consulting & training of
Enterprise Network Management (ENM) services to Fortune 100 companies.
· Internal computer systems of Reading main office, two
training rooms & three branch offices (
· Purchasing (including vendor relationships,
shipping, warehouse, and inventory control).
· CAD & networking documentation staff.
· Supporting services for field engineers.
Initiated major initiatives to improve internal processes. Spearheaded integration of the Internet into vendor processes. Oversaw major upgrade to finance and inventory control software. Streamlined warranty processing. Created a process for software shipments. Evaluated and installed a company-wide sales contact database system. Inaugurated a time and expense tracking system.
Special challenges: increase margin on consulting and training, navigate the transition from product distribution to a services focus, increase speed to customer, and decrease slow moving inventory.
· Net margins for consulting and training increased to 47%
Services Income increased from 3% to 15% of
· Fill rates increased to 86%
· "Dead" inventory cut by 73%
Computer Educational Services - Founder
Started CES after many attempts at finding high quality computer training as a teacher. Blossomed into successful full service technology training and consulting firm with five employees and two full-time training facilities. Expanded business each year with top two years showing 66% and 75% growth.
and conducted courses in more than 90 software programs.
manuals in over 75 computer-related topics.
and documented a research-based method for microcomputer applications training;
the OPIRTSM Method,
instructors to use OPIRTSM Method and provide high quality
database and spreadsheet programs, built many sophisticated small business
systems, including every conceivable aspect of accounting, cash flow, and
integrating Executive Information Systems with legacy technology.
Approached by Hi-TECH in 1991 for joint ventures. Enabled the CES team to quickly master physical, data link, & network layers (first 3 layers of OSI model) and come up to speed on Enterprise Network Management Consulting. Successfully managed the sale and merger into the parent company. Extremely smooth merger, with multiples of return on original investment for founders.
CTCE Federal
Credit Union, serve as Vice Chair of the board of directors for an $80 million
dollar credit union. Responsible for
effective strategic planning as well as operational oversight including audit
committee, nominating committee, and governance committee. 2010 - present.
Consortium, Inc. (formerly known as ETM
Associates, Inc.) Serve as CEO of company and Chairman of the Board. Fully
responsible for all facets. 2001 - present.
HPL 501c3
Institute (formerly Pacem In Vita Institute/Taijiquan Enthusiasts Organization). Board member and founder. Fully responsible
for all facets. Pioneered three main programs. 1) Healthy
Lifestyles for Seniors, an exercise and Qigong program brought to senior
centers, assisted living centers, nursing homes, rehabilitation hospitals,
etc. 2) Making a Better Future program,
including the Enterpreneurially Talented Teen project
which helps youth develop character and discipline to become productive
prosperous citizens. 3) Taijiquan
Enthusiasts Events, which include the Taijiquan Retreat and Enthusiasts Event
in the summer, the Tai Chi Picnic and Festival in the fall, and the Chinese New
Year dinner in the winter. 2001 - present.
Association of Computer Technology
Professionals. Previously known as DPMA (Data Processing Management
Association). Member of local chapter
since 1987. Served on Executive
Committee of Board of Directors in 1991-1992, and then again from 2001 - 2003.
Pacem In Terris (a non-profit organization dedicated to Peace on
Earth). Board Member and chair of
Technology Committee. 1998 - 2006. Responsible
for Strategic Planning and Audit.
Unitarian Universalist Churches and Fellowships Served on the boards at each one of the churches to
which I belong; UU Church of Berks County, UU Fellowship of Newark, and UU
Fellowship of Pottstown. Served on Audit
committee, as Treasurer, Chair of the Annual Pledge Drive, Publicity Committee,
Membership Committee (among others). 1983 - 2008
Project REACH– served on the board of a community organization that
meets the needs of disabled college students. 1994 - 1996.
Presenter on Oct
24, 2012 on An Empirical Analysis:
The Impact of Pre-Test Activities (Study, Exercise, or Meditation) on Student
Performance at NABET Annual Conference for Northeastern Association of
Business, Economics, and Technology, in State College, PA.
Speaker with Duane Crider on Oct 19, 2012 on Innovative uses of Distance Learning in Phys Ed and Healthy Lifestyle courses at Emerging and Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Practices to Ensure Student Success Conference for Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education in Shippensburg, PA.
Presenter Sept
10, 2012 on A Predictive Model of
Healthcare Costs: Applying Financial Impact to Thrive Index at ABR Fall
2012 Conference for Academy of Business Research in Atlantic City, NJ.
Speaker on Dec 3, 2011 on Moving from Creative Writing to Professional Writing for Pagoda's Writer Group in Mt. Penn, PA.
Speaker (Opening Keynote) on October 11, 2011 on Survive To Thrive: What is different about companies that flourish during a recession? for Institute of Management Consultants in Reno, NV.
Speaker on Mar 6, 2011 on The Secrets of Writing that gets Published for Pagoda Writers Club Reading, PA.
Speaker on Mar 2, 2011 on Making it in Business: The Secrets of a Starting your Career Right for the First Steps Series of the Women's Center, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on Oct 29, 2010 on Smashing the Glass Ceiling to Bits for PASSHE Women’s Consortium on Tough Women in Tough Times: Advancing in Adversity in Harrisburg, PA.
Speaker on Oct 6, 2010 on Survive to Thrive: What is different about companies that flourish during recessions? for Vistage International meeting, Alexandria, VA.
Speaker on Oct 01, 2010 on Surviving to Thrive:An Empirical look at Past Recessions: Strategy Lessons Learned for the Business Community Northeastern Business and Economics Association, Morristown, NJ.
Speaker on Sep 23, 2010 on Integrating Online Consulting Tools for Entrepreneurs for Association of Small Business Development Centers, Las Vegas, NV.
Speaker on March 17, 2010 on The Rise and Fall of Social Media: What Does the Research Say? with Trisha Scarcia-King in the Seeking Solutions Series for the Students in Free Enterprise club, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on February 03, 2010 on Surviving to Thrive: What is Different About Companies that Flourish During Recessions in the Seeking Solutions Series for the Students in Free Enterprise club, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on January 20, 2010 on The One Most Important Characteristic of Leaders: What The Research Says May Surprise You in the Seeking Solutions Series for the Students in Free Enterprise club, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on How Entrepreneurs Learn and How to Get the Most From Resources with Ernie Post in the Seeking Solutions Series for the Students in Free Enterprise club, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on September 23, 2009 on Leadership:The Quest for Excellence at SIFE Leadership Training Conference at Metropolitan College of New York in New York, NY.
Speaker on July 05, 2009 on Leadership Characteristics of Chinese Martial Arts at International Tai chi chuan Symposium, Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN.
Panelist at a Networking Session on July 07, 2009 on Increasing Clients at International Tai chi chuan Symposium, Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN.
Presenter at a Poster Session on July 09, 2009 on How to Build a Rewarding Alternative Healthcare Business at International Tai chi chuan Symposium, Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN.
Panelists on February 27, 2009 on Mobile Panel: The Future is in Mobility! at Wharton School of Business Technology Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
Speaker on January 30, 2009 on Dr. CJ Rhoads Explains Training vs. Consulting at Web Conference in Online for Klee Associates, Inc.
Speaker on October 30, 2008 on Teaching Others to Build Businesses for Northeastern Association of Business, Economics, and Technology at State College, PA.
Presenter on October 30, 2008 on Effectiveness Of Online Learning And Virtual Tools In Assisting Nascent Entrepreneurs with Business Planning with Ernie Post for Northeastern Association of Business, Economics, and Technology at State College, PA.
Speaker on October 13, 2008 on Leadership and Diversity: Creating a Top Decision Making Team, for 2008 annual conference “Focus on the Future.” Community Action Association of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, PA.
Guest Speaker on June 16, 2008 on Portability Grant for Director's Meeting of Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers in Harrisburg, PA.
Speaker on March 12, 2008 on The Future of Teaching: What Can Technology NOT Do? for Hawaii Department of Education E-school Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Speaker on March 09, 2008 Increasing Financial Wealth Workshop for Total Well Being Conference, Essentia Enterprises, Inc. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Presenter on March 5, 2008 Managing Technology Information Overload: Which Sources Of Knowledge Are Best? for the National Business and Economic Society in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Speaker on October 25, 2007 on Knowledgeable Decision Making: Does Source of Knowledge Impact Effective Use of Information Technology? for Northeastern Association of Business, Economics, and Technology, State College, PA.
Speaker on Mar 29, 2007 Do Small Entrepreneurial Companies Use
Technology More Effectively? for International Academy of Business
Disciplines in DoubleTree Castle Hotel, Orlando, FL.
Speaker on Mar 5, 2007 on Factors
of technology initiative success in business: Calculating the risk of failure
of strategic IT projects for National Business and Economics Society in
Westin Rio Mar Beach, Puerto Rico.
Speaker on
Jan 30, 2007 Research on Leadership Decision Making for Manufacturer
Resource Center in Bethlehem, PA.
Speaker on November 09, 2006 on Calculating the Risks of Project Failure: What Is Project Success? for the American Academy of Business Discipline in Diamondhead Hotel, Ft. Myers Beach, FL.
Speaker on
October 05, 2006 for On Calculating Technology Project
Risks for Association of
Pennsylvania University Business and Economics Faculties at State College, PA.
Speaker on July 15, 2006 Pacem In Vita: A Leadership Program that Works for Second International Taijiquan Forum: Academic Conference at Lakehead University & Confederation College, Thunderbay, Canada.
Speaker on April 4, 2006 Smashing the Glass Ceiling to Bits for the American Business Women's Association in Chef Alan's at Fairground Square Mall, Reading, PA
Presenter on March 8, 2006 Impact of the Decision Maker on Use and Perceived Value of Internet Technologies for the National Business and Economic Society in Los Cabos, Mexico
Panelists on February 24, 2006 Monetizing Amateur Content for the Wharton Tech Conference in Philadelphia, PA
Speaker on January 31, 2006 Deciding on Marketing Technology for the CEO Forum; Manufacturer Resource Center, Ben Franklin Technology Center, Bethlehem, PA
Mentored Students for the November 11, 2005 Business Women in Leadership for the Women's Leadership Institute in Alumni Auditorium, Kutztown University
Presenter on October 20, 2005 Impact of the Decision Maker on Use and Perceived Value of Internet Technologies for the Association of Pennsylvania Business and Economic Faculty in Penn State University in State College, PA
Presenter on June 20, 2005 Technology Decisionmaking for Educators & Administrators for the Kutztown University Continuing Education in Kutztown, PA
Featured Guest on June 17, 2005 for Technology Leaders Radio Show for the WWDB 860 AM Radio in Philadelphia, PA
Moderated a panel on Sox: What
is Real? on May 5, 2005 at the CIO Forum & Executive IT
Organized a panel on Compliance and Good
Governance: The Alphabet Soup of Technology in the Technology Leadership Breakfast Series hosted by the Technology
Committee from the Berks County Chamber of Commerce. CEOs and CIOs discussed
the challenges of dealing with the requirements of legislation like
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA or HIPPA). The event was held
on April 15, 2005 at the Penn State Berks Campus. The panelists were Edward Barrett, CFP of
Leesport Financial Corp; Jay Raman, CIO of The Reading Hospital and
Keynote speaker on March 2, 2005 at the BizTECH Technology Forecast and Technology Recognition hosted by
the Berks County Chamber of Commerce at the Sheraton in
Spoke on February 23, 2005 at the Association
for Information Technology Professionals (AITP) dinner on How To Keep Up With Technology.
Spoke on Dec 10, 2004 at the
Moderated the final panel in the Technology Leadership Breakfast Series hosted by the Technology Committee from the Berks County Chamber of Commerce on November 12, 2004 at Penn State Berks Campus. The topic was How to Make Sure Employees are Getting the Most from Technology in the Technology. The networking event included a Case Study authored by me.
Presented Overwelmed and Invaded: How to Deal with Spam, Viruses and Spyware at the Small Business Alliance breakfast on Oct. 13, 2004
Presented Portrait of Business
Technology on October 1, 2004, at the Association of Pennsylvania Business and Economic Faculty conference
Moderated a panel on Sept 24, 2004 and led a Case Study on What Technology Will be Like in Five Years at the second Technology Leadership Breakfast Series for the Technology Committee of the Berks County Chamber of Commerce at Penn State Berks Campus. Panelists were John Weidenhammer, CEO of Weidenhammer Systems; Edith Ritter, Executive Director of Manufacturers Resource Center; G. William Ruhl, CEO of D&E Communications; Don Gould, Director of IT, Godiva Chocolatier.
Panelist at
Panelist at
CIO Forum in
Presenter at several AITP meetings and Business Associations on Technology Decision Making and Optimizing Technology for Business
Presenter at the CFO Forum in September, 2000 on Increasing Shareholder Value through E-Business.
Presenter at the CIO Forum for Financial Services in May, 2000 on Getting Clarity from the Business Side … and CEOs who get “IT”.
Presenter and
Organizer on Sept 16, 2012 on Qigong
and Fan Form for Tai Chi Picnic & Festival sponsored by Taijiquan
Enthusiasts Organization in Levitttown, PA.
Speaker on Jun
07, 2012 on Pacem In Vita Healthy Lifestyles Senior
Program for Taijiquan Retreat & Enthusiasts Event sponsored by the Taijiquan
Enthusiasts Organization in Heresford, PA.
Speaker on Jun
08, 2012 on Flourishing in
Integrative Healthcare for Taijiquan Retreat & Enthusiasts Event
sponsored by the Taijiquan Enthusiasts Organization in Heresford,
Speaker on Jan 21, 2012 on The Tao of Happiness and Spirituality at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on Nov 19, 2011 on Giving Thanks at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA
Speaker on Oct 2, 2011 on Tap Into the Power of the Universe at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA
Speaker on April 16, 2010 on Resiliency Leadership, a leadership development program in the Non-Instructional Leadership Development program at Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on February 28, 2010 on The Leader In You, Too at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on October 15, 2009 on Leadership in Communication in the LINKS (Leadership in Kutztown University) in Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on August 23, 2009 on The Nature of God at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Organizer for July 14, 2008 Taijiquan Gathering on Taijiquan Enthusiasts Organization at course with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA.
Speaker on March 30, 2008 on Stewardship & Philanthropy at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on February 17, 2008 on Balancing Life and Wealth at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on January 06, 2008 on Power of Apology, Peace of Forgiveness at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on December 02, 2007 on In The Beginning: The Nature of God at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on August 26, 2007 on Search for Meaning at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown, Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on May 20, 2007 on Pacem In Vita for Leaders for
Pacem In Vita Institute in Wilmington, DE.
Speaker on May 6, 2007 Community as a Sacred Vessel for
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown in Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on Apr 29, 2007 Pacem In Vita for Children for
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown in Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on October 08, 2006 on Peacemakers Among Us for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown in Pottstown, PA. The talk had been nominated for the Dana McLean Greeley Address Competition sponsored by the United Nations Office of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Speaker on August 5, 2006 for Pacem In Vita: Assessment sponsored by Pacem In Terris in Wilmington, DE.
Speaker on July 15, 2006 on Pacem In Vita: Leadership Curriculum that Works at the International Taijiquan Forum: Academic Conference at Lakehead University & Confederation College, in Thunderbay, Canada.
Speaker on July 9, 2006 on The Power of Soft at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown in Pottstown, PA.
Speaker on May 26, 2006 Taiji & Qigong: 18 Therapies for the UUFP in Pottstown, PA.
Organizer on March 23, 2006 Pacem In Vita for Pacem In Terris in Wilmington, DE.
Panelists on March 23, 2006 The Importance of Networking for the Kutztown University Alumni Association in Kutztown, PA.
Speaker on March 14, 2006 Opportunities at the College of Business, Kutztown University for Educational Talent Search College Bound Conference at the Jewish Community Center in Reading, PA.
Business Related:
Northeastern Berks Chamber of Commerce. Connection for SIFE student club events through Kutztown University as well as ETM Associates, Inc.
Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce. Member since 1986. Formerly served on Technology Committee.
National Association of Corporate Directors. A professional organization for directors of both for-profit and non-profit boards of directors.
American Academy of Business Disciplines. Active member. An academic research and professional organization focusing on interrelated business disciplines in the Unites States.
International Academy of Business Disciplines. Active member and Paper Reviewer. An academic research and professional organization focusing on interrelated business disciplines around the world.
of Management. An academic and
practitioner organization for professionals in management. Previously member of three divisions:
Entrepreneurship, Management Consultants, and Spirituality. Also active in
Technology and Innovation division and Research division.
Society for Information Management. An organization for senior Information Services professionals. Served on the Communications Committee and the Collaboration Task Force. Member from 1996 to 2011.
American Accounting Association. An academic and practitioner organization for accounting professionals. Member of the Information Technology division.
Association of Pennsylvania University Business and Economics Faculty. Previous member. A professional organization that holds academic conferences and sponsors a peer-reviewed journal for state universities.
Decision Sciences Institute. Previous member. An academic research and professional organization focusing on decision making in the business environment.
National Business and Economics Society. Previous member. An academic research and professional organization focusing on business and economic topics.
In Technology International. Previous
member. An organization of
technology professionals. Profiled in June 1999 during Women in Science &
Technology month. One of founders of
Mid-Atlantic Chapter serving
Chief Officer (an exclusive on-line community of CEOs, CIOs, and COOs). Previous member. Served on Advisory Board of Directors 2002 to 2007.
Executive Suite (an exclusive on-line community of CIOs) Served on Advisory Board of Directors from 2000 to 2002
Healthcare & Integrative Practices Related:
National Qigong Association, a professional organization for Tai Chi and Qigong practitioners. Currently Chair of the Research and Education Committee. Member since 2009
Science and Spirituality Society an organization dedicated to bring science together with spirituality. Currently taking an on-line course in Quantum Biology.
Canadian Taijiquan Federation. Member since 2000. Certified as Professional Taijiquan Instructor Level II.
Kutztown University
Foundation. Served as a Business and Industry volunteer
soliciting sponsorships and scholarships from local businesses for KU
Foundation for five years. Currently
working in conjunction with them, integrating SIFE activities into the B&I
Pacem In Terris (a non-profit organization
dedicated to Peace on Earth). Current
Leader in Pacem In Vita, a conflict resolution program for junior and senior
high school students based upon the principles of Taijiquan. Serving as advisor for 4 pilot programs in
Delaware and Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Olympics –
served as volunteer both in Pennsylvania and Delaware for over thirty
years. In PA developed and managed
database for several years in early 90’s as well as volunteering in track and
field. In DE coached Swimming and Golfing.
Group –
served as liaison and leader among Berks County churches involved in a group
dedicated to education about different faiths and coordinating efforts to help
the needy in downtown Reading.
Olivet Boys and
Girls Club/Police Athletic League of Greater Reading– serving underprivileged
youth and families in downtown Reading.
Contribute as a volunteer in various events and programs, and organized
the Pacem In Vita program in 2007.
HOST mentor (Helping One Student To
Succeed)– In Delaware involved for four years in a program to mentor a student
at risk for dropping out.
PCs For
Community Crew–
a program to clean up and recycle older microcomputers donated by corporations
and reused by non-profit organizations and schools.