Assignment 4 on Using Reference Strings to
simulate page replacement algorithms in demand paging,
make turnitin due
by 11:59 PM on Sunday May 7.
In the noon class on April 25 I changed
this incorrect line 56 in the handout code:
# Always uses
referenceQueues[isModified] for for plain LRU.
> # Always
uses referenceQueues[isModified] for LRUDirty.
Answers to April 27 questions:
1. Copy PageReplaceOptimal.stm to PageReplaceFIFO.stm
and follow all instructions.
2. When make testFIFO passes, copy PageReplaceFIFO.stm to PageReplaceLRU.stm &
re-read / follow ALL instructions.
3. When make testLRU passes, copy
PageReplaceLRU.stm to PageReplaceLRUDirty.stm &
re-read / follow ALL instructions.
4. Use make testLRUDirty, then make clean
test, then edit README.txt.
Make sure to assign into the variable victimPage in
STUDENT requirements C, D, and E in their respective
STM files.
Perform the following steps to get my
handout. You will code and test on mcgonagall, to which you can
ssh mcgonagall from acad.
cd $HOME # or start out in your login
mkdir OpSys # All of this semester’s work
goes under here, skip if you did it before.
cd ./OpSys
cp ~parson/OpSys/
cd ./DemandPagingCSC343Spring2023
make clean testOptimal
I have implemented the textbook's Optimal page
replacement algorithm in PageReplaceOptimal.stm.
You will implement the other three in this order.
Optimal page replacement based on future
make testOptimal tests this
FIFO page replacement based
on history of page accesses.
make testFIFO tests this model.
Run it when you complete coding this one.
Least recent used page
replacement based on history of page accesses.
testLRU tests this model. Run it when you complete coding
this one.
Least recent used page replacement based on
history of page accesses and unmodified / modified page status.
make testLRUDirty tests this
model. Run it when you complete coding this one.
Edit the README.txt file when make clean test
works without errors.
There is some overhead in the simulation mechanics that could have
been tuned, but I didn't want to make the code too complicated.
That overhead does not affect the fidelity of the simulations.
STUDENT instructions in PageReplaceOptimal.stm guide your development
stages. From the textbook slides:

referencePageCount=100,000 page number references in referencePageList
implement the Reference String.

Above is the Gaussian Distribution of page references,
giving pretty good Locality of Reference.

Handout PageReplaceOptimal.stm is already
working. It is your starting point.
The changes in PageReplaceFIFO.stm
are worth 26% of the assignment.

Page numbers in referenceQueues[0] and
referenceQueues[1] implement the FIFO queues of page
reference history.
The changes in PageReplaceLRU.stm
are worth 21% of the assignment.

The changes in PageReplaceLRUDirty.stm
are worth 26% of the assignment.
There is no slide for LRU page replacement that uses the
"dirty" (a.k.a. "modified") bit in the resident page status
to prefer selecting pages that have not been modified since
the most recent page-in.
They do not incur page-out over head once they are on the
paging disk ("swap device").
The three questions in
README.txt are worth 9% each, totaling 100% of the
We will use the final exam period to go over the solution.
Here is the state machine diagram. You do not need to add or
remove any transitions.