/************************************************************ /* Sketch: Recursive2020Parson, derived from Recursive2017Parson. /* Author: Dr. Parson /* Updated 2/4/2020 for spring 2020 csc480 demo of 2D recursion. /* Creation Date: 4/19/2017 /* Due Date: Friday, 5/5/2017 /* Course: CSC220 Object Oriented Multimedia Programming /* Professor Name: Dr. Parson /* Assignment: 5. /* Original Sketch name: Recursive2017Parson, Parson's solution. /* Purpose: Demonstrate & accelerate a recursive graphical shape. *************************************************************/ // keyPressed() WORKS AS FOLLOWS ('g'..'F' added 2/2020): // UP increments recursionDepth with no limit. // DOWN decrements recursionDepth, does not take it < 0. // RIGHT increments rotationIncrement, wrapping from 359 to 0. // LEFT decrements rotationIncrement, wrapping from 0 to 359. // key between '0' and '9' sets eraseRate 0..9, use (key - '0') to get an int value 0..9. // Upper case 'C' sets eraseRate to 100 ('C' for Clear). // Upper case 'R' sets eraseRate to 100, rotation and rotationIncrement to 0 ('R' for Reset). // 'R' also eliminates global rotation and shearing. // Lower case 'a' to 'f' sets fRate and calls frameRate to value 10..60, just take // (key - 'a') and multiply by 10 to get a new frameRate. // 'g' toggles rotation or shearing of the whole space, default is false // 'r' enters standard rotation, no shearing // 'x' enters shearX, not shearY or standard rotation // 'y' enters shearY, not shearX or standard rotation // 'F' toggles frezzing the display int recursionDepth = 0 ; // How many function calls deep is the recursion, staring at 0 for no recursion. Increment on UP, decrement on DOWN, don't go negative. float rotation = 0.0 ; // How many degrees to rotate the shape degrees. float rotationIncrement = 0 ; // How much to add to rotation as recursion depth increases, increment/decrement on RIGHT/LEFT, keep in range 0..360. int eraseRate = 100 ; // 100 for full erasure, 0 for none, 1 to 9 for partial> Use key '0'..'9' to set to 0..9, upper case 'C' for 100. int fRate = 10 ; // frame rate, use keys 'a'..'f' to set it in range 10..60 in increments of 10. final int strokeSize = 20 ; // basis for strokeWeight() boolean isSpaceRotating = false ; enum RotationType { ROTATE, SHEARX, SHEARY }; RotationType rottype = RotationType.ROTATE ; // Only switch rottype when we approximate 0 degrees rotation // to avoid a big discontinuity in the shape & space. RotationType nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATE ; boolean nextIsSpaceRotating = false ; boolean isFrozen = false ; void setup() { fullScreen(P2D); // size(1000, 800, P2D); colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); background(0, 100, 50); frameRate(fRate); strokeWeight(strokeSize); } void draw() { if (isFrozen) { return ; } if (eraseRate >= 99) { background(0, 100, 50); } else if (eraseRate > 0) { // Use a translucent rectangle size of window for partial erase. fill(0,100,50,eraseRate); noStroke(); rectMode(CORNER); rect(0,0,width, height); } pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2); // 0,0 is at middle of the display drawRecursiveShape(0, recursionDepth, rotation) ; // draw the shape rotation = (rotation + rotationIncrement) ; // use this rotation next time in draw(). // Since rotationIncrement may be negative, use while loop instead // of modulo operator to wrap around. Also, update any pending // rottype when rotation approaches 0 to avoid jumps in the shape. while (rotation < 0.0) { rotation += 360.0 ; } while (rotation >= 360.0) { rotation -= 360.0 ; } if (nextrottype != rottype && rotation <= abs(rotationIncrement)) { rottype = nextrottype ; } if (nextIsSpaceRotating != isSpaceRotating && rotation <= abs(rotationIncrement)) { isSpaceRotating = nextIsSpaceRotating ; } popMatrix(); //println("frameRate " + frameRate); } void drawRecursiveShape(final int mydepth, final int recursionDepth, final float rotation) { if (mydepth >= recursionDepth) { //<>// pushMatrix(); if (rotation != 0.0) { // rotate the shape just at the time of drawing it. // rotate(radians(rotation)); float rads = radians(rotation) ; if (rottype == RotationType.SHEARX) { shearX(-rads); } else if (rottype == RotationType.SHEARY) { shearY(rads); } else { rotate(rads); } } drawShape(mydepth, rotation); popMatrix(); } else { // Partition the entire window from coordinates -width/2,-height/2 TO width/2,height/2 // into 4 regions in the left upper, left lower, right upper, right lower, then apply // drawRecursiveShape recursively. for (int xdelta = -width/4 ; xdelta <= width/4+1 ; xdelta += width/2) { for (int ydelta = -height/4 ; ydelta <= height/4+1 ; ydelta += height/2) { pushMatrix(); if (isSpaceRotating && rotation != 0.0) { float rads = radians(rotation) ; if (rottype == RotationType.SHEARX) { shearX(-rads); } else if (rottype == RotationType.SHEARY) { shearY(rads); } else { rotate(rads); } } strokeWeight(strokeSize/4); stroke(0,0,0); // black line connector line(0,0,xdelta,ydelta); // draw line from center of outer region to center of nested region strokeWeight(strokeSize); translate(xdelta, ydelta); // 0,0 is now center of outer region to center of nested region scale(.5); // scale to .5 because segmenting into 4 regions gives 1/2 the width and 1/2 the height /* THIS WOULD JUST ADD MORE ROTATION TO THE BASE-CASE CALLS TO drawShape. if (rotation != 0.0) { rotate(radians(rotation)); } */ drawRecursiveShape(mydepth+1, recursionDepth, rotation); popMatrix(); } } } } void drawShape(int mydepth, final float rotation) { // Since HSB uses 0..359 degrees, just like rotation, // use rotation for HUE as well. I am adding 175 so // it comes out as cyan when there is no rotation. stroke((175+rotation)%360,100,100); fill((rotation)%360,100,100); // Each student creates their own shape. line(-width/4, -height/3, -width/4, height/3); line(width/4, -height/3, width/4, height/3); line(-width/3, 0, width/3, 0); ellipse(0,0,width/12, height/12); } void keyPressed() { if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == UP) { recursionDepth++ ; println("recursionDepth " + recursionDepth); } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { recursionDepth = constrain(recursionDepth-1, 0, recursionDepth); println("recursionDepth " + recursionDepth); } else if (keyCode == RIGHT) { rotationIncrement = ((int)rotationIncrement+1) % 360 ; println("rotationIncrement " + rotationIncrement); } else if (keyCode == LEFT) { rotationIncrement = ((int)rotationIncrement-1+360) % 360 ; println("rotationIncrement " + rotationIncrement); } } else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') { eraseRate = key - '0' ; println("eraseRate " + eraseRate); } else if (key == 'C') { eraseRate = 100 ; println("eraseRate " + eraseRate); } else if (key == 'R') { eraseRate = 100 ; rotation = 0 ; rotationIncrement = 0 ; isSpaceRotating = false ; nextIsSpaceRotating = false ; rottype = RotationType.ROTATE ; nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATE ; } else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'f') { fRate = (key - 'a' + 1) * 10 ; frameRate(fRate); println("fRate " + fRate); } else if (key == 'g') { nextIsSpaceRotating = ! nextIsSpaceRotating ; println("next isSpaceRotating = " + nextIsSpaceRotating); } else if (key == 'r') { nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATE ; println("next rotation type is non-shearing rotate"); } else if (key == 'x') { nextrottype = RotationType.SHEARX ; println("next rotation type is 'shearx'"); } else if (key == 'y') { nextrottype = RotationType.SHEARY ; println(" nextrotation type is 'sheary'"); } else if (key == 'F') { isFrozen = ! isFrozen ; println("isFrozen = " + isFrozen); } }