CPSC 558 - Scripting for Data Science, Fall 2024, Thursday 6:00-8:50 PM, Old Main 158 .
Assignment 1 is due via D2L Assignment 1 drop box
    by 11:59 PM Saturday September 21.

Use Firefox or try other non-Chrome browser for these links. Chrome has problems

Download & install Weka 3.8.x (latest stable 3.8) from the website per our course page.

Then download handout files CSC558F24Assn1Handout.arff.gz and README_558_Assn1.txt.
You may need to control-click
README_558_Assn1.txt in order to save it.
The former contains the starting data for this assignment and the latter has questions you must answer.
Place these files in a directory (folder) with the assignment name, e.g., CSC558Assn1.

You will turn in the following files via D2L Assignment 1 after completing the assignment per steps below.
README_558_Assn1.txt contains your answers. Make sure to use a text file format, not Word or other format.

When you have finished and checked your work:
Include these 7 files along with README_558_Assn1.txt when you
turn in your assignment. If at all possible, please create them in a
single directory (folder) and turn in a standard .zip file of that
folder to D2L. I can deal with turning in all individual files, but
grading goes a lot faster if you turn in a .zip file of the folder.
You can leave CSC558F24Assn1Handout.arff.gz in there if you want.


STEP 1: Load CSC558F24Assn1Handout.arff.gz into Weka using the Preprocess -> Open file... button.
    Set file type to arff.gz per the screen shots below.



Figures 1 and 2: Loading the starting dataset into Weka.

Assignment 1 analyzes statistical measures extracted from 5 different generated pseudo-random number distributions.
We will classify the name of a record's distribution based on its numeric statistical properties.
Later assignments will use real world data. This assignment's data are realistic for reasons that I explain below.
Here are the 14 data attributes (Excel or Weka columns) as enumerated in Figure 2.

1. Distribution is one of uniform, normal, bimodal, exponential, and revexponential as detailed below.
    My Python generating script derives bimodal from normal and derives revexponential from exponential.
2 & 3. Param1 and Param2 are parameters to statistical generators for the distributions. They differ by generator.
4. Count is the number of numeric distributions for each record (row) from which my script has extracted stats.
5. Mean is the average value within that record's distributions, i.e., sumOfValues / Count.
6. Hmean is the harmonic mean, which is the reciprocal of the (mean of the reciprocals of the numbers),
    sometimes used when averaging ratios.
7. Median is the statistical "value in the middle" of that record's distributions, the mean of the two middle values for even counts.
8. Pstdev is the population standard deviation, a measure of variability.
9. Pvariance is the square of the Pstdev.
10-12. P25, P50, and P75 are the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, i.e., value at which 25%, 50%, and 75% of
    a record's distributions of values reading from left (min value) to right (max value).
13 & 14. Min and Max are the minimum and maximum of a record's distributions of values.
The Python script that generated this data is here.
All of this assignment's numeric distributions are normalized into the range [1, 100] by my code.

Figure 3: Uniform distribution of 10,000 values, first record of uniform data, red at the percentile boundaries.
This is the classic "random distribution". Random surveillance (non-volunteer) testing during COVID restrictions
to get an unbiased sample would be one example. Rolling dice or shuffling cards try for uniform distributions.

Figure 4: Normal distribution of 10,000 values, first record of normal data, red at the percentile boundaries.
There are many manifestations of the normal distribution.

Figure 5: Bimodal distribution of 10,000 values, first record of bimodal data, red at the percentile boundaries.
Bimodal distribution represents two population centers. Occasionally this appears in project grades.

Figure 6: Exponential distribution of 10,000 values, first record of exponential data, red at the percentile boundaries.
Unprotected COVID infection propagates at an exponential rate. For the alpha infection rate of 3.5,
    each unprotected person infects 3 other unprotected persons with a 100% probability, with a 50% probability of infecting a fourth.
I have used exponential in teaching Operating Systems to model IO-bound threads, where most CPU bursts are small.

Figure 7: Revexponential distribution of 10,000 values, first record of revexponential data, red at the percentile boundaries.
Reverse exponential is just the mirror image of exponential.
I have used it in teaching Operating Systems to model CPU-bound threads, where most CPU bursts are large.

STEP 2: Run
filter -> unsupervised -> attribute -> Reorder, moving attribute Distribution to the last position 14 while maintaining the relative order of the remaining 13 attributes. We are doing this because Weka expects the class attribute, a.k.a. target attribute, to be the final attribute in the data. Always Apply Weka's filters one time and inspect the Preprocess panels to ensure your work has taken effect.

STEP 3: After reviewing the 14 attributes in Weka's Preprocess tab, run filter -> unsupervised -> attribute -> RemoveUseless. There should now be 11 attributes.

All Qn questions require answers in README_558_Assn1.txt.

Each of Q1 through Q15 is worth 6.66% of the assignment.
Please answer all questions, even if you need to guess one.
It creates the opportunity for partial credit. A lack
of an answer = 0% for that one. Also, the penalty for missing
or incorrect files for Q15 is scaled by severity.

Q1: Which attributes did RemoveUseless remove? Why did it remove them?
(Help: You can click any Weka command line and click More to read its documentation.)

STEP 4: Manually Remove attributes Param1 and Param2, leaving 9 attributes intact.
We are removing them because they are tagged attributes, a.k.a. meta-data, that helps
to configure the Distribution generators. Their values correlate trivially with Distribution
since they helped to generate its values. We are using only statistical numeric data to
predict the associated Distribution, also a tagged attribute.

STEP 5: Save this 9-attribute, 5000-instance dataset as CSC558F24Assn1Student.arff.gz
using the arff.gz output file format shown in Figure 8. You will turn this file in along with
several other files when you have completed your work.


Figure 8: Saving
CSC558F24Assn1Student.arff.gz as an arff.gz file

Q2: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier rules -> ZeroR and paste ONLY these output fields
into your README file, substituting actual values for the N and N.n placeholders.
You must use control-C to copy Weka output after sweeping the output to copy.

Correctly Classified Instances        N               N      %
Incorrectly Classified Instances      N               N      %
Kappa statistic                          N
Mean absolute error                      N.n
Root mean squared error                  N.n
Relative absolute error                N      %
Root relative squared error            N      %
Total Number of Instances             5000

=== Confusion Matrix ===

   a   b   c   d   e   <-- classified as
   N   N   N   N   N |   a = uniform
   N   N   N   N   N |   b = normal
   N   N   N   N   N |   c = bimodal
   N   N   N   N   N |   d = exponential
   N   N   N   N   N |   e = revexponential

Q3: What are the "
Correctly Classified Instances" as a percentage and the Kappa value?
What accounts for this Kappa value in terms of how ZeroR works for classification?
(Help: Clicking "More" on the ZeroR command line may help.)

Q4: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier rules -> OneR and paste ONLY
these output fields into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category
does this Kappa value fit?

Landis and Koch category:

Attribute name:
    < N.n   -> exponential
    < N.n   -> normal
    < N.n   -> bimodal
    < N.n   -> uniform
    >= N.n  -> revexponential
(N/N instances correct)

Correctly Classified Instances        N               N      %

Incorrectly Classified Instances      N               N      %
Kappa statistic                          N
Mean absolute error                      N.n
Root mean squared error                  N.n
Relative absolute error                N      %
Root relative squared error            N      %
Total Number of Instances             5000

=== Confusion Matrix ===

   a   b   c   d   e   <-- classified as
   N   N   N   N   N |   a = uniform
   N   N   N   N   N |   b = normal
   N   N   N   N   N |   c = bimodal
   N   N   N   N   N |   d = exponential
   N   N   N   N   N |   e = revexponential

Q5: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier trees -> J48 and paste ONLY
these output fields into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category
does this Kappa value fit?

Landis and Koch category:

J48 pruned tree
AttrName <= N
|   AttrName <= N: exponential (N.n)
|   AttrName > N
|   |   AttrName <= N: normal (N.n)
|   |   AttrName > N: revexponential (N.n)
AttrName > N
|   AttrName <= N: bimodal (N.n)
|   AttrName > N: uniform (N.n)

Number of Leaves  :     N

Size of the tree :  N

Correctly Classified Instances        N               N      %

Incorrectly Classified Instances      N               N      %
Kappa statistic                          N
Mean absolute error                      N.n
Root mean squared error                  N.n
Relative absolute error                N      %
Root relative squared error            N      %
Total Number of Instances             5000

=== Confusion Matrix ===

   a   b   c   d   e   <-- classified as
   N   N   N   N   N |   a = uniform
   N   N   N   N   N |   b = normal
   N   N   N   N   N |   c = bimodal
   N   N   N   N   N |   d = exponential
   N   N   N   N   N |   e = revexponential

STEP 6: Note the attributes used in the OneR rule of Q4 and the J48 decision tree of Q5.
Remove ALL other attributes except for these noted ones plus target attribute Distribution,
which you must also keep. There should be 4 attributes including Distribution. Save this file
CSC558F24Assn1MinAttrs.arff.gz using the arff.gz format as before.

Q6: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier trees -> J48 on this MinAttrs dataset
and paste ONLY these output fields into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this Kappa value fit?

Landis and Koch category:

J48 pruned tree
AttrName <= N
|   AttrName <= N: exponential (N.n)
|   AttrName > N
|   |   AttrName <= N: normal (N.n)
|   |   AttrName > N: revexponential (N.n)
AttrName > N
|   AttrName <= N: bimodal (N.n)
|   AttrName > N: uniform (N.n)

Number of Leaves  :     N

Size of the tree :  N

Correctly Classified Instances        N               N      %

Incorrectly Classified Instances      N               N      %
Kappa statistic                          N
Mean absolute error                      N.n
Root mean squared error                  N.n
Relative absolute error                N      %
Root relative squared error            N      %
Total Number of Instances             5000

=== Confusion Matrix ===

   a   b   c   d   e   <-- classified as
   N   N   N   N   N |   a = uniform
   N   N   N   N   N |   b = normal
   N   N   N   N   N |   c = bimodal
   N   N   N   N   N |   d = exponential
   N   N   N   N   N |   e = revexponential

STEP 7: So far we have been using 10-fold cross-validation for testing, in which 90%
of the records randomly selected are used for training, the remaining 10% for testing,
repeated 10 times using different 10% for testing each time. Now we are going to create
distinct training and testing datasets. In Weka Preprocess tab run filter unsupervised ->
instance -> RemovePercentage with the default arguments of 50%. There should be
2500 instances after Apply. Look at the distribution of Distribution values in the Preprocess
tab. Save this dataset as handouttest.arff.gz using the arff.gz format as before.

STEP 8: Load
CSC558F24Assn1MinAttrs.arff.gz to get all 5000 instances back. In Weka Preprocess tab
click the RemovePercentage command line and set the invertSelection parameter to True.
Run filter unsupervised -> instance -> RemovePercentage. There should again be
2500 instances after Apply. Look at the distribution of Distribution values in the Preprocess
tab. Save this dataset as handouttrain.arff.gz using the arff.gz format as before.

STEP 9: In the Classify tab select Supplied test set and set it to
handouttest.arff.gz per Figure 9.


Figure 9: Preparing to run distinct training versus testing datasets.

Q7: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier trees -> J48 on handouttest.arff.gz,
having trained on
handouttrain.arff.gz, and paste ONLY the output fields that
you pasted for Q6 into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this
Kappa value fit? Consider the distribution of Distribution values you inspected
in STEPS 7 and 8 and the J48 decision tree and the Confusion Matrix of Q7,
where only the counts on the diagonal represent correctly classified target values.
Why did Q7 lead to the Kappa value you recorded here in terms of training versus testing
data and possible over-fitting of the J48 model to the training data?

Each column gives a prediction.
   a   b   c   d   e   <-- classified as  Each row is the actual class value.
   N   N   N   N   N |   a = uniform
   N   N   N   N   N |   b = normal
   N   N   N   N   N |   c = bimodal
   N   N   N   N   N |   d = exponential
   N   N   N   N   N |   e = revexponential

STEP 10: Load CSC558F24Assn1MinAttrs.arff.gz to get all 5000 instances back. In Weka Preprocess tab
click filter
unsupervised -> instance -> Randomize and hit Apply ONE TIME with the default parameters.
Randomize shuffles the order of the instances.
Now run RemovePercentage with the invertSelection parameter
set to the default False. There should  be 2500 instances after Apply. Look at the distribution of Distribution
values in the Preprocess tab. Save this dataset as randomtest.arff.gz using the arff.gz format as before.
Then Undo ONE TIME (careful not to Undo the Randomize!), verify that there are 5000 instances, run
RemovePercentage after setting the invertSelection parameter set to True. Apply should again give 2500 instances.
Look at the distribution of Distribution values in the Preprocess tab. Save this dataset as randomtrain.arff.gz
using the arff.gz

STEP 11: In the Classify tab select Supplied test set and set it to
randomtest.arff.gz similar to Figure 9.

: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier trees -> J48 on randomtest.arff.gz,
having trained on randomtrain.arff.gz, and paste ONLY the output fields that
you pasted for Q6 and Q7 into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this
Kappa value fit? Consider the distribution of Distribution values you inspected
in STEP 10 and the J48 decision tree and the Confusion Matrix of Q8, where only the counts
on the diagonal represent correctly classified target values. Why did Q8
lead to the Kappa value you recorded here in terms of training versus testing
data as compared with the Kappa value of Q7?

STEP 12: Load
randomtrain.arff.gz into Weka in the Preprocess tab, run RemovePercentage with the
invertSelection parameter set to False and the percentage set to 99.0 and Apply ONE TIME.
There should be only 25 training instances remaining.
Again, run RemovePercentage with the
invertSelection parameter set to False and the percentage set to 40.0 and Apply ONE TIME.
There should be only 15 training instances remaining.
Look at the distribution of Distribution
values in the Preprocess tab. Save this dataset as tinytrain.arff.gz using the arff.gz format as before.

STEP 13: In the Classify tab select Supplied test set and set it to
randomtest.arff.gz similar to Figure 9.

Q9: In Weka's Classify tab run classifier trees -> J48 on randomtest.arff.gz,
having trained on tinytrain.arff.gz, and paste ONLY the output fields that
you pasted for Q6 and Q7 and Q8 into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this
Kappa value fit? Consider the distribution of Distribution values you inspected
in STEP 13 and the J48 decision tree and the Confusion Matrix of Q9, where only the counts
on the diagonal represent correctly classified target values. Why do you think Q9
leads to the Kappa value you recorded here in terms of training versus testing
data as compared with the Kappa value of Q8?

Q10: In Weka's Classify tab run instance-based classifier lazy -> IBk on randomtest.arff.gz,
having trained on tinytrain.arff.gz, and paste ONLY the output fields that
you pasted for Q9 (there is no tree) into your README file, substituting actual values
for the N and N.n placeholders. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this
Kappa value fit? Why do you think Q10 leads to the Kappa value you recorded here in terms
of training versus testing data as compared with the Kappa value of Q9?

Q11: In Weka's Classify tab run instance-based classifier lazy -> KStar on
randomtest.arff.gz, having trained on tinytrain.arff.gz, and paste ONLY the
output fields that you pasted for Q10 (there is no tree) into your README file,
substituting actual values for the N and N.n placeholders. Where IBk of Q10
uses K-nearest-neighbors (KNN) linear distance comparisons between each
test instance and individual training instances (K=1 nearest neighbor
by default), KStar uses a non-linear, entropy (distinguishability) distance
metric. In what "Landis and Koch" category does this Kappa value fit?
Inspect misclassified instance counts in the Confusion Matrix, i.e., the
ones that are NOT on the diagonal. For each misclassified count, complete
the table showing PREDICTED (column), ACTUAL (row), and the misclassified

PREDICTED (column)          ACTUAL (row)            COUNT

STEP 14: Load CSC558F24Assn1MinAttrs.arff.gz into Weka. The remaining interpretive
questions relate to the relationship of the 3 non-target attributes to class Distribution
and the graphs of Figures 3 through 7.


Figure 10: Scatter plot of Distribution class (Y axis) as a function of Pstdev (X axis)

Q12: Inspect the J48 decision tree of your answer for Q5, Q6, or Q8.
(The trees should be identical). Look at Figure 10 in the handout.
What values of target attribute Distribution are unambiguously correlated
with Pstdev without referring to any other non-target attributes?


Figure 11: Scatter plot of Distribution class (Y axis) as a function of Median (X axis)

Look at Figure 11 in the handout. What values of target attribute Distribution are
unambiguously correlated with Median without referring to any other non-target attributes?
Does your answer agree with those
Distributions as graphed in their subset of Figures 3 to 7? (Note that Figures 3 to 7 correspond to only the first in the arff file of 1000 instances for that Distribution class. It is an example, while the scatter plots show all instances.) Justify your answer.


Figure 12: Scatter plot of Distribution class (Y axis) as a function of P75 (X axis, 75 percentile)th

: Look at Figure 12 in the handout. What values of target attribute Distribution are AMBIGUOUSLY
correlated with P75, i.e., these Distribution values correlate with overlapping values of P75.
Does your answer agree with those Distributions as graphed in their subset of Figures 3 to 7?
(Note that Figures 3 to 7 correspond to only the first in the arff file of 1000 instances for that Distribution class.
It is an example, while the scatter plots show all instances.) Justify your answer.

Q15: Include these 7 files along with README_558_Assn1.txt when you
turn in your assignment. If at all possible, please create them in a
single directory (folder) and turn in a standard .zip file of that
folder to D2L. I can deal with turning in all individual files, but
grading goes a lot faster if you turn in a .zip file of the folder. You can leave
CSC558F24Assn1Handout.arff.gz in there if you want.
