/** * Professor is my Avatar-derived class that displays & moves a mobile Professor. * You must write your own Avatar-derived class. You can delete class Professor * or use it as a starting point for your re-named class. Document what your * class adds or changes at the top of the class declaration like this. **/ int ProfessorScaleStep = 0 ; int ProfessorTimeDelaySlot = 0 ; class Professor extends CollisionDetector { /* The data fields store the state of the Avatar. */ protected int legdist = 0 ; // You can initialize to a constant here. int channel = 0 ; int mypitch = 0 ; float mydelay = 0 ; float [] delaySeconds = {.1, .15, .25}; int instrument = 106 ; // http://midi.teragonaudio.com/tutr/gm.htm Professor(int avx, int avy, int avz, float spdx, float spdy, float spdz, float avscale) { super(avx,avy,avz,spdx,spdy,spdz,avscale,0,0,0); // Call the base class constructor to initialize its data fields, // then initialize this class' data fields. xlimitright = width ; ylimitbottom = height ; // limit off-screen motion to xlimitleft = 0 ; // one width or height off the display ylimittop = 0 ; // in either direction int [] myscale = scales[2]; // major scale mypitch = myscale[ProfessorScaleStep] + 48 ; // major scale, next note in scale, halfway up keyboard ProfessorScaleStep = (ProfessorScaleStep + 1) % myscale.length ; mydelay = delaySeconds[ProfessorTimeDelaySlot]; instrument += ProfessorTimeDelaySlot ; ProfessorTimeDelaySlot = (ProfessorTimeDelaySlot + 1) % delaySeconds.length ; } void shuffle() { forceshuffle(); // always do it. } // The display() function simply draws the Avatar object. // The move() function updates the Avatar object's state. void display() { // Draw the avatar. push(); // STUDENT *MUST* use push() & translate first in display(). translate(myx, myy, myz); scale(myscale); noStroke(); fill(240, 150, 150); // STUDENT: Notice that I enclose each body part in a push()-pop() // pair for 3D. This is because we *MUST* use translate to position a 3D // box() or sphere, may use scale(X,Y,Z) to stretch a box or sphere - scaling // is needed to stretch a sphere, and must use rotateX, rotateY, and/or rotateZ // to position the body part at a non-multiple of 90 degrees. pop() // is needed to discard these transformations after the body part displays. // 2D REWORK ellipse(0, 0, 50, 40); // head, 0,0 is the conceptual center of the object. push(); // HEAD, requires scaling scale(50,40,50); // ratio width:height:depth sphere(.5); // diameter is 10 * scale pop(); // END OF HEAD // An object rotates around its 0,0 point. // 2D REWORK quad(-5 , 0, 5 , 0, 10 , 40 , -10 , 40 ); // neck push(); // START NECK translate(0, 20, 0); // 2d neck was at 40 pixels above 0,0 scale(20,40,20); sphere(.5); pop(); // end of neck fill(0); // professor gown // 2D REWORK ellipse(0, 60 , 40 , 80 ); // torso IN FRONT OF NECK push(); // TORSO REQUIRES TRANSLATE & SCALE translate(0, 60, 0); // scale(4,8,4); // ratio w:h:d // sphere(5); // diameter is 10 * scale scale(40,80,40); // ratio w:h:d, taken from above ellipse sphere(.5); // radius of .5 == diameter of 1, you can make all spheres this way pop(); // END OF TORSO stroke(0); // stick arms & legs strokeWeight(10) ; // REWORD 2D strokeWeight(8); // STUDENT NOTE: strokeWeight extends into the Z plane line(0, 60 , -20 -abs(10-legdist) , 120 ); // left leg line(0, 60 , 20 +abs(10-legdist) , 120 ); // right leg strokeWeight(7); // 2D REWORK strokeWeight(5); line(0, 60 , -40 , 20 -2*abs(10-legdist) ); // left arm line(0, 60 , 40 , 20 +2*abs(10-legdist) ); // right arm strokeWeight(2); fill(0, 50, 255); // 2D REWORK ellipse(-10 , -5 , 10 , 10 ); // avatar's left side of glasses push(); translate(-6, -2, 20); sphere(5); pop(); // end left eye // 2D REWORK ellipse(10 , -5 , 10 , 10 ); // avatar's right side of glasses push(); translate(6, -2, 20); sphere(5); pop(); // end right eye // 2D line(-5 , -5 , 5 , -5 ); // glasses connector line(-6, -2, 25, 6, -2, 25); // glasses connector // 2D line(-15 , -5 , -22 , -8 ); // left earpiece // 2D line(15 , -5 , 22 , -8 ); // right earpiece // 3D lines go thru head, so just put a black circle around it push(); // Put a noFill band around the head to hold the glasses. noFill(); stroke(0); translate(0, -2, 0); // Higher up looks like a halo. rotateX(radians(90)); ellipse(0,0,50,50); pop(); fill(0); // 2D REWORK ellipse(0, 1 , 5 , 5 ); // nose push(); // nose translate(0, 4, 25); sphere(2); pop(); // nose // 2D REWORK arc(0, 10 , 20 , 10 , 0, PI); // mouth // PLOT A BUNCH OF CONTIGUOUS 2D MOUTHS push(); translate(0, 0, 20); for (int back = 0 ; back < 20 ; back++) { arc(0, 10 , 20 , 10 , 0, PI); // mouth translate(0,0,-1); // next mouth is behind previous } pop(); // 2D REWORK quad(-30 , -15 , 30 , -15 , 15 ,-30 , -35 , -30 );// hat push(); // HAT translate(0, -22, 0); rotateY(radians(45)); // rakish angle box(40, 15, 40); pop(); pop(); // STUDENT *MUST* use pop() last in display(). } // The move() function updates the Avatar object's state. void move() { // get ready for movement in next frame. myx = round(myx + speedX) ; myy = round(myy + speedY) ; myz = round(myz + speedZ); legdist = (legdist+1) % 20 ; Set colliders = detectCollisions(); if (colliders.size() > 0) { sendMIDI(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, channel, instrument, 0); sendMIDI(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, channel, instrument, 0); int volumeAdjust = 7 ; sendMIDI(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, volumeAdjust, 127); int balanceControl = 8 ; int balanceLocation = int(constrain(map(myx, 0, width, 0, 127),0,127)); // 64 is centered in stereo field sendMIDI(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, balanceControl, balanceLocation); sendMIDI(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, mypitch, 127); // See http://midi.teragonaudio.com/tech/midispec.htm } for (Avatar other : colliders) { float probability = random(0, 100); if (probability < 60) { // mow 60% of them other.mow(); } } } int [] getBoundingBox() { int [] result = new int[6]; result[0] = myx-round(40*myscale) ; // left extreme of left arm result[1] = myy - round(30*myscale); // top of hat result[2] = myz - round(25*myscale); // back of head result[3] = myx + round(myscale*max(20 +abs(10-legdist),40)); // max of right leg & arm result[4] = myy + round(120*myscale) ; // bottom of legs result[5] = myz + round(25*myscale); // front of head return result ; } } // D. Parson's makecustomPShapeParsonParson vectors taken from Shape3DDemo /* * Make and return a custom 3D PShape created using vertex() calls, * for use in Avatar-derived class VectorAvatar. The textureimg * parameter may be null; when it is non-null, use it to texture * at least one of the planar sides of the returned PShape. If the * STUDENT decides not to texture, remove the loadImage call at the * top of the sketch, allowing textureimg to be null. */ PShape makecustomPShapeParsonParson(PImage textureimg) { // STUDENT NOTE: Even though // https://processing.org/reference/vertex_.html // shows use of 3D coordinates combined with texture: // vertex(x, y, z, u, v), that did not work for my // 3D planar surfaces like the initial base that varies // the Z value. Intuitively, the limitation makes sense, // since texturing images are 2D, and varying the Z // coordinate can create a non-planar shape, even though // mine are all planar. I switched to vertex(x, y, u, v) // for the textured planar surface in the else clause below, // then used rotateX and translate to move it into position // within the GROUP PShape. PShape base = createShape(); base.beginShape(); if (textureimg == null) { base.vertex(0,100,100); // vertex(x, y, z) with varying base.vertex(-100,100,-100); // Z did not work for texturing, base.vertex(100,100,-100); // even though the constant Y value base.vertex(0,100,100); // makes this surface planar. base.endShape(); base.setFill(color(0,255,255)); } else { int imgwidth = round(textureimg.width); // Use 2D vertex() calls to int imgheight = round(textureimg.height); // get texture to work. base.texture(textureimg); base.vertex(0,100,imgwidth/2,imgheight-1); // The u,v coordinates base.vertex(-100,-100,0,0); // in the vertex() calls tell where in base.vertex(100,-100,imgwidth-1,0); // the PImage to attach to the base.endShape(); // PShape vertex. base.rotateX(radians(90)); // rotate with apex pointing at me base.translate(0,100,0); // translate to drop it down to the floor. // base.setTint(color(250,197,200)); // light pink -- leave tint off for clean look. } PShape left = createShape(); // Al of the other planar sides use the Z coordinate. left.beginShape(); left.vertex(0,100,100); // center,bottom,front left.vertex(0,-100,0); // center,top, center (pyramid apex) left.vertex(-100,100,-100); // left,bottom,back left.vertex(0,100,100); // close at original vertex for setFill to work left.endShape(); left.setFill(color(255,0,0)); PShape right = createShape(); right.beginShape(); right.vertex(0,100,100); right.vertex(0,-100,0); right.vertex(100,100,-100); right.vertex(0,100,100);; right.endShape(); right.setFill(color(0,255,0)); PShape back = createShape(); back.beginShape(); back.vertex(-100,100,-100); back.vertex(100,100,-100); back.vertex(0,-100,0); back.vertex(-100,100,-100); back.endShape(); back.setFill(color(0,0,255)); PShape custom = createShape(GROUP); custom.addChild(base); custom.addChild(left); custom.addChild(right); custom.addChild(back); custom.translate(100,100,0); // trial-and-error, slide into centered position return custom ; } /** * VectorAvatar is my Avatar-derived class that displays & moves a custom vector PShape. * STUDENT must update getBoundingBox() to work with their PShape. **/ class VectorAvatar extends CollisionDetector { /* The data fields store the state of the Avatar. */ float rotXspeed = .04 ; float rotYspeed = .05 ; float myrotX = 0, myrotY = 0 ; VectorAvatar(int avx, int avy, int avz, float spdx, float spdy, float spdz, float avscale) { super(avx,avy,avz,spdx,spdy,spdz,avscale,0,0,0); // Call the base class constructor to initialize its data fields, // then initialize this class' data fields. xlimitright = width ; ylimitbottom = height ; // limit off-screen motion to xlimitleft = 0 ; // one width or height off the display ylimittop = 0 ; // in either direction rotZspeed = .03 ; } void shuffle() { forceshuffle(); // always do it. } // The display() function simply draws the Avatar object. // The move() function updates the Avatar object's state. void display() { // Draw the avatar. push(); // STUDENT *MUST* use push() & translate first in display(). translate(myx, myy, myz); scale(myscale); rotateX(myrotX); rotateY(myrotY); rotateZ(myrotZ); shape(customPShapeParson, 0, 0); pop(); // STUDENT *MUST* use pop() last in display(). } // The move() function updates the Avatar object's state. void move() { // get ready for movement in next frame. myx = round(myx + speedX) ; myy = round(myy + speedY) ; myz = round(myz + speedZ); myrotX += rotZspeed ; myrotY += rotYspeed ; myrotZ += rotZspeed ; Set colliders = detectCollisions(); for (Avatar other : colliders) { float probability = random(0, 100); if (probability < 40) { // mow() 40% of them other.mow(); } } } int [] getBoundingBox() { // These limits do not account for rotation, but the // Pyramid PShape is -100 to +100 in all 3 dimensions. // You may have to adjust this to work with your PShape. int [] result = new int[6]; // customPShapeParson.depth does not work. /* println("DEBUG customPShapeParson width,height,depth: " + customPShapeParson.width + "," + customPShapeParson.height + "," + customPShapeParson.depth); I DOUBLED SIZE OF BOUNDING B */ result[0] = round(myx - 100 * myscale * 2) ; //round(myx-myscale*customPShapeParson.width/2.0); result[1] = round(myy - 100 * myscale * 2) ; //round(myy-myscale*customPShapeParson.height/2.0); result[2] = round(myz - 100 * myscale * 2) ; //round(myz-myscale*customPShapeParson.depth/2.0); result[3] = round(myx + 100 * myscale * 2) ; //round(myx+myscale*customPShapeParson.width/2.0); result[4] = round(myy + 100 * myscale * 2) ; //round(myy-myscale*customPShapeParson.width/2.0); result[5] = round(myz + 100* myscale * 2) ; // round(myz-myscale*customPShapeParson.depth/2.0); return result ; } }