/************************************************************ /* Sketch: CSC220Fall2023Recur3D, derived from CSC220Fall2020Recur3D, /* derived from CSC480SP2020Recur2D, derived from Recursive2020Parson, /* derived from Recursive2017Parson. /* CSC220Fall2021Recur3D replacees nested zdelta, xdelta, ydeltay /* for loops in drawRecursiveShape() with single loop with X,Y,Z limits /* under user control, and indirected recursion to drawIndirectRecursiveShape() /* that draws orthogonal, nested 2D shapes. It eliminates PImage Easter egg. /* CSC220Fall2020Recur3D added 3D space partitioning & navigation /* to CSC480SP2020Recur2D. This was originally a CSC220 project in 2017. /* Author: STUDENT NAME /* Creation Date: 11/06/2022 /* Due Date: Thursday 11/30/2023 /* Course: /* Professor Name: Dr. Parson /* Assignment: 4. /* Original Sketch name: CSC220Fall2023Recur3D, Parson's solution. /* Purpose: Demonstrate & accelerate a recursive graphical shape. *************************************************************/ /* // keyPressed() WORKS AS FOLLOWS: // UP increments recursionDepth with no limit. // DOWN decrements recursionDepth, does not take it < 0. // RIGHT increments rotationIncrement, wrapping from 359 to 0. // LEFT decrements rotationIncrement, wrapping from 0 to 359. // key '0' puts into isPaint=true mode, no background() call in draw().. // Upper case 'C' sets isPaint to false ('C' for Clear). // Upper case 'R' sets rotation and rotationIncrement to 0 ('R' for Reset). // 'R' also eliminates global rotation. // (key - 'a') and multiply by 10 to get a new frameRate. // 'g' toggles rotation of the whole space, default is false // 'O' enters shape rotateZ, no rotateX or rotateY // '-' enters shape rotateX, no rotateZ or rotateY (dash character) // '|' enters shape rotateY, no rotateX or rotateZ (vertical bar) // 'F' toggles freezing the display * 'p' sets perspective projection; 'o' sets orthographic (NEW TO 3D) * 'f' flips the eye to look at back or front of Z. * vvv START OF KEY POLLING SUPPLIED IN HANDOUT IN moveCameraRotateWorldKeys() vvv * KEYS BELOW ARE WHEN **NEITHER* CONTROL NOR ALT KEY IS CURRENTLY ENGAGED. * 'u' when held down moves camera up in Z direction *very* slowly * 'U' when held down moves camera up in Z direction quickly * 'd' when held down moves camera down in Z direction *very* slowly * 'D' when held down moves camera down in Z direction quickly * 'n' when held down moves camera up in Y direction slowly * 'N' when held down moves camera up in Y direction quickly * 's' when held down moves camera down in Y direction slowly * 'S' when held down moves camera down in Y direction quickly * 'e' when held down moves camera right in X direction slowly * 'E' when held down moves camera right in X direction quickly * 'w' when held down moves camera left in X direction slowly * 'W' when held down moves camera left in X direction quickly * 'x' when held down rotates image positive degrees around x * 'X' when held down rotates image negative degrees around x * 'y' when held down rotates image positive degrees around y * 'Y' when held down rotates image negative degrees around y * 'z' when held down rotates image positive degrees around z * 'Z' when held down rotates image negative degrees around z * ^^^ END OF KEY POLLING SUPPLIED IN HANDOUT IN moveCameraRotateWorldKeys() ^^^ * VVV CONTINUOUS CONTROL and ALT key closures, CONTROL or ALT key held down VVV * CONTROL-x CONTROL-y CONTROL-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. * CONTROL-X CONTROL-Y CONTROL-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these by spanIncr. * float xSpanLimit = 0.5, ySpanLimit = 0.5, zSpanLimit = .5 ; * ALT-x ALT-y ALT-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. * ALT-X ALT-Y ALT-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these by spanIncr. * float xScaleAmount = 0.5, yScaleAmount = 0.5, zScaleAmount = 0.5 ; * ^^^ END CONTINUOUS CONTROL and ALT key closures ^^^ * 'R' resets to original camera point of view, * also resets xeye, yeye, zeye, worldxrotate, worldyrotate, worldzrotate * to their original, default positions * '2' sets spanSteps at 2 and '4' sets spanSteps at 4 * SPACE BAR held down moves camera x,y to mouseX*2-width, mouseY*2-height */ int recursionDepth = 0 ; // How many function calls deep is the recursion, staring at 0 for no recursion. Increment on UP, decrement on DOWN, don't go negative. float rotation = 0.0 ; // How many degrees to rotate the shape in degrees. float rotationIncrement = 0 ; // How much to add to rotation as recursion depth increases, increment/decrement on RIGHT/LEFT, keep in range 0..360. boolean isPaint = false ; // 0 sets to true for no background() call, C resets to false. final int fRate = 30 ; // frame rate constant. final int strokeSize = 20 ; // basis for strokeWeight() boolean isGridRotating = false ; enum RotationType { ROTATEZ, ROTATEX, ROTATEY }; RotationType rottype = RotationType.ROTATEZ ; // Only switch rottype when we approximate 0 degrees rotation // to avoid a big discontinuity in the shape & space. RotationType nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATEZ ; boolean nextIsGridRotating = false ; boolean isFrozen = false ; boolean isOrtho = false ; boolean lookAtBack = true ; // toggle with 'f' for flip horizon between back and front // Added 3D navigation float xeye, yeye, zeye ; float worldxrotate = 0, worldyrotate = 0, worldzrotate = 0 ; float degree = radians(1.0), around = TWO_PI ; // Globals that allow interactive partitioning of 3D space. // [xyz]SpanLimit are fractions of the scaled width, height, height in // drawRecursiveShape(), their negative and positive values states range of // xdelta of -xSpanLimit * width to xSpanLimit * width, similar for // ydelta and zdelta for height. // CONTROL-x CONTROL-y CONTROL-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. // CONTROL-X CONTROL-Y CONTROL-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these by spanIncr. float xSpanLimit = 0.5, ySpanLimit = 0.5, zSpanLimit = .5 ; // The above SpanLimits may range from -[xyz]SpanRange to [xyz]SpanRange. // spanIncr is the increment, -spanIncr decrement for the above SpanLimits. final float xSpanRange = 2.0, ySpanRange = 2.0, zSpanRange = 2.0, spanIncr = .002; // Three separate scale values for drawRecursiveShape(), above SpanRanges are their limits. // ALT-x ALT-y ALT-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. // ALT-X ALT-Y ALT-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these by spanIncr. float xScaleAmount = 0.5, yScaleAmount = 0.5, zScaleAmount = 0.5 ; int spanSteps = 2 ; // keyPressed() '2' sets spanSteps at 2 and '4' sets spanSteps at 4 // spanSteps controls how many steps within xSpanLimit, ySpanLimit, zSpanLimit PImage STUDENTIMAGE ; PShape STUDENTSHAPE ; // STUDENT I set this via createShape in setup() but use this in drawShape(). // See STUDENTSHAPE B requirement in drawShape(). void setup() { // fullScreen(P3D); // STUDENT adjust size() for your monitor. size(1500, 1000, P3D); // Use size() to avoid Zoom problem on fullScreen. frameRate(fRate); // Call frameRate() after size to avoid the new Mac problem. colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); STUDENTIMAGE = loadImage("Hex306090B.png"); // STUDENT replace with your own image file for drawShape() background(0, 100, 50); strokeWeight(strokeSize); xeye = width / 2 ; yeye = height / 2 ; zeye = (height*3) ; ellipseMode(CENTER); // set these as defaults, student may change rectMode(CENTER); imageMode(CENTER); shapeMode(CENTER); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); } void draw() { if (isFrozen) { return ; } if (isOrtho) { ortho(); } else { perspective(); } if (! isPaint) { background(0, 100, 50); } push(); moveCameraRotateWorldKeys(); translate(width/2, height/2); // 0,0 is at middle of the display drawRecursiveShape(0, recursionDepth, rotation) ; // draw the shape rotation = (rotation + rotationIncrement) ; // use this rotation next time in draw(). // Since rotationIncrement may be negative, use while loop instead // of modulo operator to wrap around. Also, update any pending // rottype when rotation approaches 0 to avoid jumps in the shape. while (rotation < 0.0) { rotation += 360.0 ; } while (rotation >= 360.0) { rotation -= 360.0 ; } if (nextrottype != rottype && rotation <= abs(rotationIncrement)) { rottype = nextrottype ; } if (nextIsGridRotating != isGridRotating && rotation <= abs(rotationIncrement)) { isGridRotating = nextIsGridRotating ; } pop(); //println("frameRate " + frameRate); } void drawRecursiveShape(final int mydepth, final int recursionDepth, final float rotation) { if (mydepth >= recursionDepth) { push(); // This is the base case, no recursion. helpRotate(); drawShape(mydepth, rotation); pop(); } else { // This is the recursive case. // Partition the entire window using -xSpanLimit * width, -ySpanLimit * width, and // -zSpanLimit * width as the starting points, using xSpanLimit * width, // ySpanLimit * width, and zSpanLimit * width inclusive as the ending points, // and xincrement, yincrement, zincrement as the increments, where xSpanLimit of .25 // for example gives 2 steps spanning the center half of width when spanSteps == 2. // spanSteps is limited to values 2 or 4 for symmetry & speed of draw(). float xincrement = (xSpanLimit * 4.0 * width) / spanSteps; float yincrement = (ySpanLimit * 4.0 * height) / spanSteps; float zincrement = (zSpanLimit * 4.0 * height) / spanSteps; for (float xdelta = -xSpanLimit * width; xdelta <= xSpanLimit * width ; xdelta += xincrement) { for (float ydelta = -ySpanLimit * height; ydelta <= ySpanLimit * height ; ydelta += yincrement) { for (float zdelta = -zSpanLimit * height; zdelta <= zSpanLimit * height ; zdelta += zincrement) { //println("DEBUG xdelta " + xdelta + " ydelta " + ydelta + " zdelta " + zdelta //+ " xincrement " + xincrement + " yincrement " + yincrement + " zincrement " + zincrement); push(); strokeWeight(strokeSize/4); stroke(0,0,0); // black line connector if (isGridRotating) { helpRotate(); } line(0,0,0,xdelta,ydelta,zdelta); // draw line from center of outer region to center of nested region strokeWeight(strokeSize); translate(xdelta, ydelta, zdelta); // 0,0 is now center of outer region to center of nested region scale(xScaleAmount, yScaleAmount, zScaleAmount); drawRecursiveShape(mydepth+1, recursionDepth, rotation); pop(); // STUDENT A 20%: At this bottom section of the recursive case call drawShape(mydepth, rotation); // just like in the non-recursive case, with its full size, not scaled via scale(), // but showing the same rotation in effect as the base case (non-recursive) drawShape. // Achieving this requires some additional lines of code, properly placed. } } } } } void helpRotate() { if (rotation != 0.0) { // rotate the shape just at the time of drawing it. float rads = radians(rotation) ; if (rottype == RotationType.ROTATEX) { rotateX(-rads); } else if (rottype == RotationType.ROTATEY) { rotateY(rads); } else { rotateZ(rads); } } } boolean nesting = false ; void drawShape(int mydepth, final float rotation) { // Since HSB uses 0..359 degrees, just like rotation, // use rotation for HUE as well. I am adding 175 so // it comes out as cyan when there is no rotation. stroke((175+rotation)%360,100,100); fill((rotation)%360,100,100); // STUDENT B 50%: Each student creates their own shape according to handout spec. // You must use 2D shapes only, with copies rotated in X, Y, and Z directions, and // nested to the degree given by global recursionDepth+1. Also, plot one 2D PShape STUDENTSHAPE // per https://processing.org/reference/createShape_.html, and plot it as the innermost nested shape per // // recursionDepth. // I initialized STUDENTSHAPE via createShape() in setup() to avoid doing it repeatedly inside drawShape(). // I will demo. The handout code does none of this. // NOTE: If you plot 2 2D shapes of different colors in the same Z plane, their pixels will // munge together. The later one plotted will NOT cover the earlier ones. // Therefore, as you nest deeper to plot smaller shapes, you could plot 2 of each offset at // increased z and -z distances from the outermost one. I just stuck with the same color instead // of plotting multiple copies. However, I plotted 2 copies of the STUDENTSHAPE, // one at a positive and one at a negative Z translate, to correct the problem. // Plot via shape(STUDENTSHAPE, 0, 0, yourwidth, yourheight) one library-supplied PShape built with // STUDENTSHAPE = createShape(…) (could be a 2D vector file via loadShape() if you know how to build those), // AND display one STUDENTIMAGE loaded within setup() with loadImage() and plotted with // image(STUDENTIMAGE, 0, 0, yourwidth, yourheight). Call createShape() and loadImage() // up in setup() to avoid the overhead of creating them in each call to drawShape(). // You do NOT need to use vertex() in creating your PShape. You can use a canned library // shape as documented in the createShape() documentation. line(-width/4, -height/3, -width/4, height/3); line(width/4, -height/3, width/4, height/3); line(-width/3, 0, width/3, 0); // next ellipses inside sphere for navigating in. ellipse(0,0,width/12, height/12); ellipse(0,0,height/12, width/12); push(); strokeWeight(.1); stroke(0); scale(10.0); sphereDetail(10); fill((rotation+42)%360,100,100); sphere(10.0); fill((rotation+12345)%360,100,100); stroke(0); pop(); } boolean controlKey = false ; boolean altKey = false ; boolean shiftKey = false ; void keyPressed() { println("DEBUG keyPressed() key=" + key + ", int(key) =" + int(key) + ", keyCode=" + keyCode + ", iscoded = " + (key == CODED)); println("DEBUG controlKey: " + controlKey + ", altKey: " + altKey + " shiftKey " + shiftKey + " on " + key); // See https://processing.org/reference/keyCode.html if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == CONTROL) { controlKey = true ; } else if (keyCode == ALT) { altKey = true ; } else if (keyCode == SHIFT) { shiftKey = true ; } else if (keyCode == UP) { recursionDepth++ ; println("recursionDepth " + recursionDepth); } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { recursionDepth = constrain(recursionDepth-1, 0, recursionDepth); println("recursionDepth " + recursionDepth); } else if (keyCode == RIGHT) { rotationIncrement = ((int)rotationIncrement+1) % 360 ; println("rotationIncrement " + rotationIncrement); } else if (keyCode == LEFT) { rotationIncrement = ((int)rotationIncrement-1+360) % 360 ; println("rotationIncrement " + rotationIncrement); } } else if (key == '0') { isPaint = true ; // STUDENT C 10%: // on key of '2' set spanSteps to 2, // on key of '4' set spanSteps to 4. // on key of '6' set spanSteps to 6. // on key of '8' set spanSteps to 8. // Note you can treat character variables like key and constants like '0' // as integers for the purpose of arithmetic such as subtraction and // numeric comparisions of key to character constants. You don't necessarily // need to but it can shorten your code. Or you can just use individual // "else if" statements for each key constant or a switch statement. // Also, setting spanSteps greater than 4 runs slowly with more than 1 level // of recursion. When testing, the starting point is spanSteps == 2. // Hitting '2' after recursing 1 level deep should show no change. } else if (key == 'C') { isPaint = false ; } else if (key == 'R') { // Use 'C' for this: isPaint = false ; rotation = 0 ; rotationIncrement = 0 ; isGridRotating = false ; nextIsGridRotating = false ; rottype = RotationType.ROTATEZ ; nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATEZ ; xeye = width / 2 ; yeye = height / 2 ; zeye = (height*3) /* / tan(PI*30.0 / 180.0) */ ; worldxrotate = worldyrotate = worldzrotate = 0 ; lookAtBack = true ; xSpanLimit = ySpanLimit = zSpanLimit = 0.5 ; xScaleAmount = yScaleAmount = zScaleAmount = 0.5 ; } else if (key == 'f') { lookAtBack = ! lookAtBack ; print("lookAtBack is " + lookAtBack); } else if (key == 'g') { nextIsGridRotating = ! nextIsGridRotating ; println("next isGridRotating = " + nextIsGridRotating); } else if (key == 'O') { nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATEZ ; println("next rotation type is rotateZ"); } else if (key == '-') { nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATEX ; println("next rotation type is 'rotateX'"); } else if (key == '|') { nextrottype = RotationType.ROTATEY ; println(" nextrotation type is 'rotateY'"); } else if (key == 'F') { isFrozen = ! isFrozen ; println("isFrozen = " + isFrozen); } else if (key == 'o') { isOrtho = true ; println("using orthographic projection"); } else if (key == 'p') { isOrtho = false ; println("using perspective projection"); } } void keyReleased() { println("DEBUG keyReleased() key=" + key + ", int(key) =" + int(key) + ", keyCode=" + keyCode + ", iscoded = " + (key == CODED)); println("DEBUG controlKey: " + controlKey + ", altKey: " + altKey + " shiftKey " + shiftKey + " on " + key); if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == CONTROL) { controlKey = false ; } else if (keyCode == ALT) { altKey = false ; } else if (keyCode == SHIFT) { shiftKey = false ; } } } // Added 2/2020 to move camera and rotate world when these keys are held down. void moveCameraRotateWorldKeys() { if (keyPressed) { if (! (controlKey || altKey)) { if (key == 'u') { zeye += 1/(recursionDepth+1.0) ; // println("DEBUG u " + zeye + ", minZ: " + minimumZ + ", maxZ: " + maximumZ); } else if (key == 'U') { zeye += 50/(recursionDepth+1.0) ; // println("DEBUG U " + zeye + ", minZ: " + minimumZ + ", maxZ: " + maximumZ); } else if (key == 'd') { zeye -= 1/(recursionDepth+1.0) ; // println("DEBUG d " + zeye + ", minZ: " + minimumZ + ", maxZ: " + maximumZ); } else if (key == 'D') { zeye -= 50/(recursionDepth+1.0) ; // println("DEBUG D " + zeye + ", minZ: " + minimumZ + ", maxZ: " + maximumZ); } else if (key == 'n') { yeye -= 1 ; } else if (key == 'N') { yeye -= 10 ; } else if (key == 's') { yeye += 1 ; } else if (key == 'S') { yeye += 10 ; } else if (key == 'w') { xeye -= 1 ; } else if (key == 'W') { xeye -= 10 ; } else if (key == 'e') { xeye += 1 ; } else if (key == 'E') { xeye += 10 ; } else if (key == 'x') { worldxrotate += degree ; if (worldxrotate >= around) { worldxrotate = 0 ; } } else if (key == 'X') { worldxrotate -= degree ; if (worldxrotate < -around) { worldxrotate = 0 ; } } else if (key == 'y') { worldyrotate += degree ; if (worldyrotate >= around) { worldyrotate = 0 ; } } else if (key == 'Y') { worldyrotate -= degree ; if (worldyrotate < -around) { worldyrotate = 0 ; } } else if (key == 'z') { worldzrotate += degree ; if (worldzrotate >= around) { worldzrotate = 0 ; } } else if (key == 'Z') { worldzrotate -= degree ; if (worldzrotate < -around) { worldzrotate = 0 ; } } else if (mousePressed && key == ' ') { xeye = mouseX ; yeye = mouseY ; } } else { // controlKey, altKey, or both are currently engaged: // STUDENT D 20%: IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING // VVV CONTINUOUS CONTROL and ALT key closures, CONTROL or ALT key held down VVV // CONTROL-x CONTROL-y CONTROL-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. // CONTROL-X CONTROL-Y CONTROL-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these // SpanLimits by spanIncr: // float xSpanLimit = 0.5, ySpanLimit = 0.5, zSpanLimit = .5 ; // The above SpanLimits may range from -[xyz]SpanRange to [xyz]SpanRange. // spanIncr is the increment, -spanIncr decrement for the above SpanLimits. // final float xSpanRange = 2.0, ySpanRange = 2.0, zSpanRange = 2.0, spanIncr = .002; // USE -[xyz]SpanRange and [xyz]spanRange as limit within a constrain call. if (controlKey) { // In this code, key == 'x', for example, is how Mac detects control keys, // and the other mess is for Windows & Processing 4.x.. if (key == 'x' || ((int(key) == 24 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 88)) && ! shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-x, replace this line with the specified code."); } else if (key == 'y'|| ((int(key) == 25 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 89)) && ! shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-y, replace this line with the specified code."); } else if (key == 'z'|| ((int(key) == 26 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 90)) && ! shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-z, replace this line with the specified code."); } else if (key == 'X'|| ((int(key) == 24 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 88)) && shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-X, replace this line with the specified code."); } else if (key == 'Y'|| ((int(key) == 25 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 89)) && shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-Y, replace this line with the specified code."); } else if (key == 'Z'|| ((int(key) == 26 || (key == CODED && keyCode == 90)) && shiftKey)) { println("CONTROL-Z, replace this line with the specified code."); } } // ALT-x ALT-y ALT-z continuously increment these by spanIncr. // ALT-X ALT-Y ALT-Z (upper case) continuously decrement these by spanIncr. // float xScaleAmount = 0.5, yScaleAmount = 0.5, zScaleAmount = 0.5 ; // The ScaleAmounts may range from -[xyz]SpanRange to [xyz]SpanRange. // USE -[xyz]SpanRange and [xyz]spanRange as limit within a constrain call. // STUDENT DOES NOT NEED CODE LIKE (int(key) == 24 && ! shiftKey)). // Just use code like "key == 'x'" inside this block, i.e., like Mac. // ^^^ END CONTINUOUS CONTROL and ALT key closures ^^^ // IF A POLLED KEY STICKS< JUST HIT THE SPACE BAR TO UNSTICK IT. if (altKey) { println("ALT-" + key + " , replace this line with the specified code."); } } } // Make sure 6th parameter -- focus in the Z direction -- is far, far away // towards the horizon. Otherwise, ortho() does not work. //camera(xeye, yeye, zeye, xeye, yeye, zeye-signum(zeye-minimumZ)*maximumZ*2 , 0,1,0); camera(xeye, yeye, zeye, xeye, yeye, (lookAtBack ? -1000000 : 1000000), 0,1,0); if (worldxrotate != 0 || worldyrotate != 0 || worldzrotate != 0) { translate(width/2, height/2, 0); // rotate from the middle of the world if (worldxrotate != 0) { rotateX(worldxrotate); } if (worldyrotate != 0) { rotateY(worldyrotate); } if (worldzrotate != 0) { rotateZ(worldzrotate); } translate(-width/2, -height/2, 0); // Apply the inverse of the above translate. // Do not use push()-pop() instead of the inverse translate, // because pop() would discard the rotations. } }