int hayBaleCount = 0, hayBaleMax = 0; final int cloverResolution = 100 ; void makeCloverPShape() { cloverPImage = loadImage("clover.png"); // cloverPImage.resize(cloverResolution, cloverResolution); // cloverPImage.loadPixels(); cloverPShape = createShape(BOX,cloverResolution, cloverResolution*1.5, cloverResolution*2); cloverPShape.setStroke(false); cloverPShape.setTexture(cloverPImage); cloverPShape.translate(cloverResolution/2, cloverResolution*0.75,0); // shapeMode(CENTER) broken int newcells = 0 ; for (int x = 0 ; x < width ; x += cloverResolution*2) { for (int y = 0 ; y < height ; y += cloverResolution*3) { for (int z = minimumZ ; z < maximumZ ; z += cloverResolution*4) { newcells++ ; } } } int oldcells = avatars.length ; Avatar [] newavatars = new Avatar [ oldcells + newcells ]; java.lang.System.arraycopy(avatars, 0, newavatars, 0, oldcells); int cellix = oldcells ; for (int x = 0 ; x < width ; x += cloverResolution*2) { for (int y = 0 ; y < height ; y += cloverResolution*3) { for (int z = minimumZ ; z < maximumZ ; z += cloverResolution*4) { // SLOW!!! avatars = (Avatar []) append(avatars, new HayBale(x, y, z, avatars.length)); newavatars[cellix] = new HayBale(x, y, z, cellix); cellix++ ; } } } hayBaleCount = hayBaleMax = newcells ; avatars = newavatars ; } float lastHayNote = 0 ; class HayBale implements Avatar { final int channel = 1; final int DrawbarOrgan = 16 ; // final int pitch = 36 ; // multiple of 12 for "C" // says 17 is Drawbar Organ int x, y, z, avatarsIndex ; HayBale(int x, int y, int z, int avatarsIndex) { this.x = x ; this.y = y ; this.z = z ; this.avatarsIndex = avatarsIndex ; } void display() { push(); translate(x, y, z); shape(cloverPShape, 0, 0); pop(); // USE MIDI channel 1 and instrument organ. Cannot run in constructor // must wait until after initMIDI() runs in draw(): sendMIDI(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, channel, DrawbarOrgan, 0); float elapsed = ((float)frameCount / (float)frameRate) - lastHayNote ; int volumeAdjust = 7 ; int volumeLevel = int(constrain(map(float(hayBaleCount), 0.0, float(hayBaleMax), 64.0, 127.0), 64.0, 127.0)); sendMIDI(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel, volumeAdjust, volumeLevel); if (lastHayNote == 0 || elapsed > 60) { sendMIDI(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, pitch, 127); lastHayNote = ((float)frameCount / (float)frameRate); // See } } void move() { } int getX() { return x; } int getY() { return y; } int getZ() { return z; } int [] getBoundingBox() { int [] result = new int[6]; result[0] = x - cloverResolution/2 ; result[1] = y - int(cloverResolution*.75) ; result[2] = z - cloverResolution ; result[3] = x + cloverResolution/2 ; result[4] = y + int(cloverResolution*.75) ; result[5] = z + cloverResolution ; return result ; } void shuffle() {} void forceshuffle() { x = int(random(0,width)); y = int(random(0, height)); z = int(random(minimumZ, maximumZ)); } void mow() { avatars[avatarsIndex] = null ; hayBaleCount = constrain(hayBaleCount-1, 0, hayBaleCount); // println("DEBUG hayBaleCount hayBaleMAX", hayBaleCount, hayBaleMax); if (hayBaleCount == 0) { sendMIDI(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, pitch, 0); } } }