CSC 220 - Object-Oriented Multimedia Programming, Fall 2022.
CSC 458 - Data Mining & Predictive Analytics I, Fall 2022.

Setting up campus PC OneDrive and Weka, latter for CSC458 only.

1. OneDrive on a campus Windows PC

This approach should work. If you want to play it safe or plan to use non-campus-network PCs such as laptops or Macs, use a thumb drive to save your work instead of the networked OneDrive. CSC220 Processing users should create a Processing folder as the Sketchbook Location on the thumb drive if you go the thumb drive route.

1a. Use the Windows File Explorer to navigate to C:\Users\STUDENTID\OneDrive,
    where STUDENTID is your KU login ID. Mine is parson.

1b. The first time in for a login session on a PC you should get this pop-up. Sign in using your KU login.


Faculty must also supply a PIN to the subsequent prompt. I don't believe students need to do this.


1c. At that point C:\Users\STUDENTID\OneDrive should say C:\Users\STUDENTID\OneDrive Kutztown University.

It may take 30 seconds or so for saved remote files such as the Processing sketch folder or saved Weka data files to appear in that directory.

If this is the first time a CSC220 student connects to the the Kutztown University OneDrive, use the File Explorer to create folder Processing inside the C:\Users\STUDENTID\OneDrive Kutztown University folder. Thereafter, every time you start Processing, bring up its Preferences window and make sure the Sketchbook Location is set to this Processing folder. You have to set this every time you log in.

Processing Preferences Sketchbook location is
        C:\Users\STUDENTID\OneDrive Kutztown University

CSC458 students can save Weka ARFF files there.

This approach should work. If you want to play it safe or plan to use non-campus-network PCs such as laptops or Macs, use a thumb drive to save your work instead of the networked OneDrive.

2. Weka on a campus Windows PC for CSC458

2a. Bring up a command prompt at the lower left of the Windows screen and type Weka. If Weka 3.8.6 shows up then it is installed. Run that. Weka is installed on the Old Main 158 student PCs.

Weka 3.8.6

2b. If Weka 3.8.6 is not installed, type Software Center and Install Weka after clicking the Weka 3.8.6 icon per this screen shot.

Software Center

2c. Once this install completes, you will have to use the File Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files\Weka-3-8-6 per this illustration and double click the Weka 3.8.6 icon to run it.

Run installed

2d. You can save ARFF files to the Kutztown University OneDrive or a thumb drive as explained in Section 1 above. If you want to play it safe or plan to use non-campus-network PCs such as laptops or Macs, use a thumb drive to save your work instead of the networked OneDrive.