CSC 458 - Data Mining & Predictive Analytics I, Fall 2022, Assignment 1.

Assignment 1 due 11:59 PM September 22 via make turnitin.

Added 9:22: If you get a dif in findPeaksValleys.csv.dif like this (your output on left):









then you need to wrap a call to round(DIVISION, 6) around your DIVISION IN STUDENT 4.
This is the dvision as it appears in the comment:
    # (cellvalue-minvalueforthatcolumn)
    #       / (maxvalueforthatcolumn-minvalueforthatcolumn),

Added 9/12:
The comments for my findInName2Col(...) and your findOutName2Col() incorrectly state:
map (Python dict) that maps the column number as an int to the name of the attribute stripped of leading & trailing blanks.
map (Python dict) that maps the name of the attribute stripped of leading & trailing blanks to the column number as an int.
My findInName2Col(...) is implemeted correctly. Only the comments are backwards.
Also, the error messages disappear in a useful order if you complete STUDENT requirements 5 & 6 before 3 & 4, since function normalizePerMinMaxMutateInPlace(normdatarows, noNormalizeColSet) that contains 3 & 4 runs after 5 & 6.

1. To get the assignment on acad ( or mcgonagall (ssh kupapcsit01 from acad):
    mkdir ~/DataMine   #  (This is in your home directory; it may exists if you took one of my data science courses.)
    cd ~/DataMine
    cp ~parson/DataMine/
    cd ./CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022
    make clean test        # This fails on handout code as follows:

/bin/rm -f *.o *.class .jar core *.exe *.obj *.pyc __pycache__/*.pyc
/bin/rm -f junk* *.pyc *.err findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleysX4.csv
/bin/rm -f *.tmp *.o *.dif *.out __pycache__/*
/bin/rm -f findPeaksValleys.csv && /usr/local/bin/python3.7 year_aggregate_HMS_1976_2021_kupapcsit01.csv findPeaksValleys.csv -year wndN wndNNE wndNE wndENE wndE
 wndESE wndSE wndSSE wndS wndSSW wndSW wndWSW wndW wndWNW wndNW wndNNW wndUNK  fltN fltNNE fltNE fltENE fltE fltESE fltSE fltSSE fltS fltSSW fltSW fltWSW fltW fltWNW fltNW fltNNW fl
tUNK CloudCover_median WindSpd_median HMtempC_median Visibility_median RT_All SS_All AK_All BE_All GE_All BW_All TOTAL CH_All OS_All NH_All NG_All RL_All
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 172, in <module>
    normName2Col, noNormalizeColSet = findOutName2Col(sys.argv[3:])
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
make: *** [findPeaksValleys.csv] Error 1

2. Edit and search for upper-case STUDENT comments. The requirements with % point values are there.
    See the course page on Notepad++ if you are new to our Linux systems, or you can log in and use the vim or emacs editor.
    Scroll down to Basic UNIX Information on this page.
    The Purpose of this code is to open the CSV file in the command line above (year_aggregate_HMS_1976_2021_kupapcsit01.csv), load 46 years of annual raptor counts and weather statistics from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary's North Lookout, then iterate through the data attributes (columns) following "-year" on the above command line, and find their peaks and valleys in two ranges, fine (range [-4,4]) and course (range [-1, 1]) according to the following illustration.
Script normalizes each column that does not start with a "-" on the command line (e.g., "-year") into the range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 is the scaled minimum numeric value for that column, 1.0 is the scaled maximum value for that column, and values in between are scaled according to the formula:

    (value-min) / (max-min)

This normalization maps attributes named on the command line into the same [0.0, 1.0] scale for viewing together. Script goes on to look at the slope of each normalized attribute change for attributes listed in the command line, recording the positive or negative slope as a discrete integer _FineNum attribute [-4, 4] and a _CoarseNum attribute [-1,1], where Figure 1 shows the boundaries for the discrete slope values. A downward slope is negative.

Figure 2 is Figure 23 in the 2022 Hawk Mountain Research Project, showing unnormalized (at the top) and normalized (at the bottom) counts for wndNW (annual northwest wind counts at North Lookout), wndNNW (north-northwest wind counts), and RT_All (annual counts of red-tailed hawks). The dashed lines give 5-year running averages that smooth out the peaks and valleys.

Figure 2
Figure 2: Unnormalized and normalized line graphs of wndNW, wndNNW, and RT_All with 5-year averages

Figure 3
Figure 3: python findPeaksValleys.csv year  RT_All_FineNum  wndNW_FineNum wndNNW_FineNum

Figure 3 plots the output of script's _FineNum extraction of these 3 attributes showing approximate alignment of RT_All peaks and valleys to wndNW and wndNNW since about 2010. File findPeaksValleys.csv is the output from your script Figure 4 shows even tighter inverse (negative) correlation of RT_All and wnd_ENE in recent years.

Figure 4: python findPeaksValleys.csv year  RT_All_FineNum  wndENE_FineNum

You can run with the "-file" command line argument to generate a PNG file that you can view immediately with a web browser as follows.

$ python findPeaksValleys.csv year  -file RT_All_FineNum  wndENE_FineNum
DEBUG X TYPE <class 'float'> 1976.0
X is year Type is <class 'float'>
         MEAN 1998.5     MEDIAN 1998.5     PSTDEV 13.275918047351754     MIN 197
6.0     MAX 2021.0
Y is wndENE_FineNum Type is <class 'float'>

For this to work you must have a login directory (~) and a ~/public_html directory with read and execute permissions enabled. Here are mine as an example.

$ ls -ld ~
drwxr-xr-x. 26 parson apache 4096 Aug 26 13:26 /home/
$ ls -ld ~/public_html
drwxr-xr-x. 8 parson csit_faculty 20480 Aug 23 16:47 /home/

If you do not see the ~/public_html directory do this:

$ mkdir ~/public_html

If you do not see "r-x" in the bottom 3 permission characters do this:

$ chmod o+r+x ~
$ chmod o+r+x ~/public_html

Check permissions again with the "ls" command per above instructions.

Here is another plot using wndESE_FineNum correlation to RT_All_FineNum:

Figure 5: python findPeaksValleys.csv year RT_All_FineNum RT_All_Finenum_model  wndESE_FineNum

The RT_All_Finenum_model is a fairly highly-accurate regression model for 2010 through 2021 that we will discuss later.

Simple Linear regression on wndESE_FineNum for years 2010 thru 2021
RT_All_FineNum = -0.6 * wndESE_FineNum - 0.13
Predicting 0 if attribute value is missing.
Correlation coefficient                  0.7666
Mean absolute error                      0.5833
Root mean squared error                  0.7179
RT_All_FineNum range is [-2,2]

3. We will go over the handout code in class. When you are ready to test your code, type make clean test in the code directory. A successful test run looks like this:

$ make clean test
/bin/rm -f *.o *.class .jar core *.exe *.obj *.pyc __pycache__/*.pyc
/bin/rm -f junk* *.pyc *.err findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleysX4.csv
/bin/rm -f *.tmp *.o *.dif *.out __pycache__/*
/bin/rm -f findPeaksValleys.csv && /usr/local/bin/python3.7 year_aggregate_HMS_1976_2021_kupapcsit01.csv findPeaksValleys.csv -year wndN wndNNE wndNE wndENE wndE
 wndESE wndSE wndSSE wndS wndSSW wndSW wndWSW wndW wndWNW wndNW wndNNW wndUNK  fltN fltNNE fltNE fltENE fltE fltESE fltSE fltSSE fltS fltSSW fltSW fltWSW fltW fltWNW fltNW fltNNW fl
tUNK CloudCover_median WindSpd_median HMtempC_median Visibility_median RT_All SS_All AK_All BE_All GE_All BW_All TOTAL CH_All OS_All NH_All NG_All RL_All
diff --ignore-trailing-space --strip-trailing-cr findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleys.csv.ref > findPeaksValleys.csv.dif
head -1 findPeaksValleys.csv > findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
[:-) ~/private/CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022] make clean test
/bin/rm -f *.o *.class .jar core *.exe *.obj *.pyc __pycache__/*.pyc
/bin/rm -f junk* *.pyc *.err findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleysX4.csv
/bin/rm -f *.tmp *.o *.dif *.out __pycache__/*
/bin/rm -f findPeaksValleys.csv && /usr/local/bin/python3.7 year_aggregate_HMS_1976_2021_kupapcsit01.csv findPeaksValleys.csv -year wndN wndNNE wndNE wndENE wndE
 wndESE wndSE wndSSE wndS wndSSW wndSW wndWSW wndW wndWNW wndNW wndNNW wndUNK  fltN fltNNE fltNE fltENE fltE fltESE fltSE fltSSE fltS fltSSW fltSW fltWSW fltW fltWNW fltNW fltNNW fl
tUNK CloudCover_median WindSpd_median HMtempC_median Visibility_median RT_All SS_All AK_All BE_All GE_All BW_All TOTAL CH_All OS_All NH_All NG_All RL_All
diff --ignore-trailing-space --strip-trailing-cr findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleys.csv.ref > findPeaksValleys.csv.dif
head -1 findPeaksValleys.csv > findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv
grep -v year findPeaksValleys.csv >> findPeaksValleysX4.csv

Tests can fail in one of two ways. Script may blow up on a bug with an error message to the terminal, e.g., the handout code bug above:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 172, in <module>
    normName2Col, noNormalizeColSet = findOutName2Col(sys.argv[3:])
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
make: *** [findPeaksValleys.csv] Error 1

Or the program may run without blowing up but produce incorrect output as flagged by this step above:

diff --ignore-trailing-space --strip-trailing-cr findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleys.csv.ref > findPeaksValleys.csv.dif

The findPeaksValleys.csv.dif file shows differences between output file findPeaksValleys.csv and correct reference file findPeaksValleys.csv.ref. You may need to use an editor to compare the difference lines from findPeaksValleys.csv and findPeaksValleys.csv.ref if findPeaksValleys.csv.dif is too hard to interpret. I will demo a diff in class.

4. After make clean test works without errors (terminates without an error message), type make turnitin and hit Enter at the prompt to get your work to me before the deadline.

If you make subsequent changes and make clean test still passes, you can run make turnitin again and over-write your previous submission. Note that this is not the "turnin" script you may have used in other courses.

There is a 10% per day penalty for late assignments in my courses and I cannot grant any points after I go over a solution.

$ make turnitin
/bin/rm -f *.o *.class .jar core *.exe *.obj *.pyc __pycache__/*.pyc
/bin/rm -f junk* *.pyc *.err findPeaksValleys.csv findPeaksValleysX4.csv
/bin/rm -f *.tmp *.o *.dif *.out __pycache__/*

Do you really want to send CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022 to Professor Parson?
Hit Enter to continue, control-C to abort.

/bin/bash -c "cd .. ; /bin/chmod 700 .                  ; \
        /bin/tar cvf ./CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022_parson.tar CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022      ; \
        /bin/gzip ./CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022_parson.tar                    ; \
        /bin/chmod 666 ./CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022_parson.tar.gz            ; \
        /bin/mv ./CSC458assn1SLOPESfall2022_parson.tar.gz ~parson/incoming"
In [2]: s = 'abCdeFChijClllll'
In [3]: s1 = s.replace('C','') # removes the Cs from a copy, '' is two single quotes
In [4]: s1
Out[4]: 'abdeFhijlllll'
In [5]: s
Out[5]: 'abCdeFChijClllll'
In [6]: s.startswith('a')
Out[6]: True
In [7]: s.startswith('b')
Out[7]: False
In [8]: s2 = s[3:] # slice from 4th char (skip 0, 1, 2) thru the end
In [9]: s2
Out[9]: 'deFChijClllll'
In [10]: s
Out[10]: 'abCdeFChijClllll'
In [11]: myset = set([])
In [12]: for character in s:
    ...:     myset.add(character)
In [13]: print(myset) # no duplicates in a set
{'a', 'l', 'e', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'h', 'C', 'd', 'F'}
In [15]: mylist = list(myset) ; print(mylist)
['a', 'l', 'e', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'h', 'C', 'd', 'F']
In [16]: mylist.sort() ; print(mylist)
['C', 'F', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'l']
In [17]: mylist2 = sorted(myset) ; print(mylist2)
['C', 'F', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'l']

In [19]: rowsOfData = [ # our datasets are rows of lists of fields
    ...: [colix + rowix for colix in range(0,9)]
    ...: for rowix in range(0,99,10)]
# List comprehensions not needed for STUDENT 3. I need some data to demo.
In [20]: rowsOfData
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
 [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
 [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28],
 [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38],
 [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48],
 [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58],
 [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68],
 [70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78],
 [80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88],
 [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]]
In [23]: column2Sum = {}
In [24]: for col in range(0, len(rowsOfData[0])):
    ...:     column2Sum[col] = 0
In [25]: column2Sum
Out[25]: {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0}
In [26]: for row in rowsOfData:
    ...:     for col in range(0, len(row)):
    ...:         column2Sum[col] = column2Sum[col] + row[col]
In [27]: column2Sum
Out[27]: {0: 450, 1: 460, 2: 470, 3: 480, 4: 490, 5: 500, 6: 510, 7: 520, 8: 530
In [29]: sum(range(0,91,10)) # This is an error check for validation of the above.
Out[29]: 450
In [31]: sum(range(8,99,10)) # Also validation.
Out[31]: 530

In [35]: # HINTS FOR STUDENT 4, just the set-related stuff
In [36]: myset
Out[36]: {'C', 'F', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'l'}
In [37]: 'b' in myset
Out[37]: True
In [38]: not 'b' in myset
Out[38]: False
In [39]: 'w' in myset
Out[39]: False
In [40]: not 'w' in myset
Out[40]: True
In [41]: v = None
In [42]: v in myset
Out[42]: False
In [43]: v == None
Out[43]: True
In [44]: v != None
Out[44]: False
In [45]: v = 'l'
In [46]: v in myset
Out[46]: True

In [35]: # HINTS FOR STUDENT 5, the key & set-related stuff
In [51]: column2Sum
Out[51]: {0: 450, 1: 460, 2: 470, 3: 480, 4: 490, 5: 500, 6: 510, 7: 520, 8: 530}
In [52]: column2Sum.keys()
Out[52]: dict_keys([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
In [53]: myset
Out[53]: {'C', 'F', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'l'}
In [54]: for k in column2Sum.keys():
    ...:     character = chr(ord('a') + k)
    ...:     # ord converts a char to its integer represetntation
    ...:     # chr converts integer representation to a character
    ...:     if not character in myset:
    ...:         print('character',character,'missing from myset.')
character c missing from myset.
character f missing from myset.
character g missing from myset.

In [60]: # HINTS FOR STUDENT 6, just the try-catch stuff
In [61]: somedata = [0, 1.1, -2, None, 'fred', '22', '-22.2', None]
In [62]: numdata = []
In [63]: for element in somedata:
    ...:     try:
    ...:         value = float(element)
    ...:     except Exception:
    ...:         value = None
    ...:     numdata.append(value)
In [64]: numdata
Out[64]: [0.0, 1.1, -2.0, None, None, 22.0, -22.2, None]