CSC 220 - Object-Oriented
Multimedia Programming, Fall 2022, Assignment 5.
Assignment 5 due by 11:59 PM on Thursday December 15 via D2L
Assignment 5.
1. To get the assignment:
Go to course page and download and unzip zip file of the
starting code.
You have very little coding to do. This is mostly practicing and
the recording your performance of an improvised visual
There is some coding.
We will go over a demo of recording and playing back a
performance on November 29. I will post the Zoom video.
2. Practicing
Unzip the handout code into your sketch directory. This sketch
stores multiple PImages into memory at one time. You probably
need to increase Processing available memory in its Preferences

My Processing is up to 8 Gigabytes, although you shouldn't need
to go that high. Check the "Increase maximum available memory"
box and at least double it to 512 MB. Make it bigger on a
computer with more memory. If you get "out of memory" error
messages, try making it bigger.
Practice according to my demo video of November 29.
3. Remove my photos and add yours (20%)
You must remove any image files in my handout and supply your
own, at least one of which must be your portrait.
(Note added 11/29: I am not entirely satisfied with my
photo selection and will change it. For example, PImage.blend()
in ADD mode did not wash out composite images when using earlier
geometric shapes, but my current photos do. To avoid problems
with PImage.blend() light and dark options, try to have
consecutive images that do not share light or dark regions in
most of the same areas. Also, I want to do something different
than "nature photos", something more geometric and new.)
After placing your PImage files into this sketch's directory,
edit handout file CSC220Fall2022PaintingAssn5.txt with the names
of your files, one per line. Make sure to remove my lines. Test
with your photos. You can give the 1 command to the
running sketch to advance through the photos. All commands must
be terminated by hitting the Enter key. Here are the commands
from the code comments.
All require a trailing \n to trigger interpretation:
+MUTATOR for replacing a MUTATOR from set below to be the
sole mutator
of the worker-thread mutator queue. See
MUTATOR commands below.
- for removing any MUTATORs from the worker-thread queue.
rANGLE rotate the previous canvas snapshot ANGLE degrees
as the background
sSCALE scale the previous canvas snapshot SCALE amount as
the background
RANGLE rotate the foreground image a fixed ANGLE in
SSCALE scale the foreground image a fixed SCALE
Xpixels Move horizontally pixels per draw(), positive or
Ypixels Move vertically pixels per draw(), positive or
e[LOWER[,UPPER]] set loadImage etch threshold
between LOWER and UPPER inclusive,
when UPPER not given it is
0 trhough LOWER, when neither shut it off, i.e., both -1.
f toggle foreground image painting
b toggle background image painting
F toggle drawForeground() foreground call
B toggle drawBackground() background call
c toggle clipping circle
C toggle clipping square
p toggles painting on/off, i.e., no background command in
draw() when on
e toggles echo on/off, i.e., take snapshot at end of
draw() when on, display at start of draw()
x toggles reflect on/off anything painted around the x
axis (reflect via scale(1,-1)).
y toggles reflect on/off anything painted around the y
axis (reflect via scale(-1,1)).
z toggles reflect x and y on/off, on reflects anything
painted around the x and y axes
0 resets translations, rotates, scales to their default
values, eliminates mutation(s) in effect
- eliminates mutation(s) in effect
1 or 2 or ... Decimal String advances the imageQueue
reading this many positions % imageLimit
QQQ quits the program after flushing any pending key
capture recording output
IGNORE INT and FLOAT in these commands. To be implemented
For now they use default initialization values set in their
fade [0, 255] = [transparent, opaque], TAKES 2 ARGS for int
opacity & float opacityDecayRate
etch with probability range [0.0, 1.0], TAKES 1 NUMERIC ARGUMENT
nest with scale range (0.0, 1.0), TAKES 1 NUMERIC ARGUMENT FOR
mask image 0 with image 1
blend SCREEN image 0 with image 1
threshold etcher with initial threshold set to FLOAT
etch in and out from an outer circle
etch in and out from an outer square
Posterize Mutator
Erode Mutator
Dilate Mutator
Invisible Mutator hides foreground PImage
eliminates mutation(s) in effect
Test to make sure your PImages display correctly by repeatedly
hitting the 1 key followed by Enter.
4. Coding (20%)
Rewrite the drawBackground() and drawForeground()
functions to display more interesting graphics that work well
with the e (echo) and s (scale echoed image)
commands. You can test by running b to toggle the
background photo not to display, then f to toggle the
foreground PImage not to display, then both B and F
to enable drawBackground() and drawForegound() respectively.
Fill in the comment block at the top of the main tab, making
sure to answer this question:
/* Permission to share in Rohrbach Library and YouTube (YES or
You are under no obligation to include your work in the video. I
exhibit video artwork, but some pieces are just learning
experiences. This is your decision & does not affect your
Make sure to change this line in the code to use your name.
final String CREDIT = "Dr. Dale Parson, CSC220, Fall 2022";
Do not make other changes to functions. That may break the next
5. I will grant ten bonus points for anyone who re-implements
the call() function of class InvisibleMutator in the Mutators
tab to do something totally new to the sketch.
Right now it just makes the foreground image transparent,
duplicating command f functionality. There are examples
of using PImage.filter() and PImage.blend() in other mutators in
that tab. You could do something new with one of those or come
up with something completely new. You can test it by running +s4
followed by Enter. Do not change the name of the class. Add a
comment at the top of the main tab letting me know if you go for
the bonus points.
6. Recording and playing back your performance (60%)
After practicing the sketch performance, change this line of
final String KeyRecordingFile = null; // "Assn5KeyRecording.txt"
; // Make null to skip recording/playback
to this:
final String KeyRecordingFile = "Assn5KeyRecording.txt" ; //
Make null to skip recording/playback
Running the sketch now will record all keystrokes into that
file. A subsequent run without changing the name of the file or
removing the file results in this error message:
There are a bunch of cryptic Processing error messages following
this line, all in red. Scroll up to see it.
Terminate a sketch being recorded by typing the command QQQ (for
quit) followed by Enter. This flushes keystroke output. You can
just remove the recording file, or rename it to keep it, if you
want to make multiple recordings. Make sure variable
KeyRecordingFile is set to the name of the file you want
me to use to play back your favorite performance.
Once you are comfortable with the keyboard commands, change this
boolean IS_PRINTING_COMMAND = true ;
to this:
boolean IS_PRINTING_COMMAND = false;
To play back after recording a keystroke file, change this line
of code:
boolean isRecording = true ;
to this:
boolean isRecording = false ;
7. Turning it in
Turn in all files in the sketch directory including the code TAB
.pde files, the image files, CSC220Fall2022PaintingAssn5.txt
with the names of your files, and your keystroke recording file
with variable KeyRecordingFile set top its name and isRecording
set to false so I can play back your performance. I will merge
30 to 60 seconds of your recording into the final video,
depending on RaspberryPi memory constraints. Let me know if you
have a favorite part to include by putting that into the
comments at the top of the sketch.
The final exam periods of Tuesday 12/13 at 8 AM for the noon
class and Thursday 12/15 at 8 AM for the 1:30 class will be work
sessions with Q&A, in person or on Zoom as usual. You are
welcome to attend both.
There is the usual 10% per day late charge and I cannot accept
anything turned in after Saturday night, since I need to
complete most grading on Sunday.