Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Department of Mathematics

Spotlight Student

Spotlight Students for March of 2011


Ms. Danielle Young was born and reared in Reading, Pennsylvania.  She started her undergraduate degree at Kutztown University as an undeclared student in 2007.  She intends to graduate in December 2011 with a bachelorette degree in Secondary Education Mathematics.  She hopes to find a job soon after graduating and come back to KU for her master’s degree in mathematics education.


Ms. Ashley Dougherty was born in San Diego, California and moved to Pennsylvania to pursue a secondary education mathematics degree at Kutztown University. She is currently a junior and will graduate in May, 2012 with honors and a Spanish minor. At some point in the future she intends to pursue further education.


Mr. David Blisard was born in Chester, Pennsylvania and began his undergraduate degree as a secondary education mathematics major in 2007. He intends to graduate in May, 2012. Mr. Blisard is very involved on and off campus with three part time jobs, and holding the president’s position of multiple organizations.  Mr. Blisard prefers applied mathematics. Upon graduation he plans to spend some time teaching abroad in a third world country.


These three students have studied together ever since Dr. Deb’s Calculus III class. Now they enjoy spending long weekends in math modeling competitions. Over the past 2 years they have taken seven classes together. In the fall semester of 2010 the team competed at the Cumberland Valley Math Modeling Competition and went home with first place. In spring 2011 the team competed in the COMAP international math modeling competition. While results have not yet been returned the team is proud of their efforts. While the group is extremely unconventional with Ashley and Dave constantly fighting and Danielle playing mom, they continue to succeed and excel in all they do.

Spotlight Student for November 2010

Ms. Tiffany Kantz is a honours programme mathematics major planning on graduating in May of 2011. Her plan is to go to graduate school, and she is currently working with Dr. Lyn McQuaid on research on various types of sequences for both her Senior Seminar project and Honours Capstone project. She and Dr. McQuaid plan on Ms. Kantz presenting her work during the Spring semester of 2011 at a mathematical conference.

She was originally accepted to Kutztown University of Pennsylvania as a fine arts major--complete with portfolio--but switched to mathematics partway through her first semester!  She is a very creative person:  some her hobbies include drawing, writing, and knitting.

May 2010

     Nicholas John Owad is a Mathematics and Physics major here at Kutztown University.  He is in his fifth year and will be graduating in May.  In the fall, he plans on travelling abroad to serve in the Peace Corps, where he will teach mathematics to secondary level school students in an Asian country. 
Upon returning to the United States, he plans on continuing his education and hopes to attend Cornell University to study mathematics, concentrating in geometry. Currently his research is in self-intersecting polygons (directed by Dr. Anke Walz).  His work is an attempt to generate the first comprehensive overview of the topic. 
He has presented his work at Moravian College’s undergraduate mathematics conference, will be presenting at the Eastern Pennsylvania - Delaware Section (EPaDel) of the Mathematical Association of America Conference at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA. in April of this year, and plans to presnt his work in August at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Mathfest in Pittsburgh as well.  







April 2010

     Ms. Bongco (class of 2010) is a mathematics major and music minor. She had presented, “An Apercus Study of Cardinality and Ordinality,” at the Conference on Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA. in the fall of 2009 and continues her research in Set Theory.  She is to present another paper at the Eastern Pennsylvania - Delaware Section (EPaDel) of the Mathematical Association of America Conference at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA. in April of this year. 

     She is interested also in analysis, cryptography, and topology.  She has already been accepted to graduate school (Wake Forest, Villanova, and the University of Delaware); but, is weighing her options and might decide to work for the National Security Agency (NSA) rather than go directly into graduate school.  













Last updated: 18 April  2010

© 2007 - 2010, KUDOM

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Department of Mathematics, Dr. Paul Ache, Chair

Any problems, suggestions, or comments please contact Dr. Padraig McLoughlin, 265 Lytle Hall: mcloughl{at}kutztown.edu