T. A. Betts and R. C. Mayrhofer, "Fluorescence in the Undergraduate Curriculum", 220th ACS National Meeting, 2000.
R. C. Mayrhofer and J. Kubeika, "Classical Study of the Isomerization Dynamics for High Angular Momentum States of HCN", 220th ACS National Meeting, 2000.
J. Kubeika and R. C. Mayrhofer, "A Classical Study of the Isomerization Dynamics for HCN", 33rd ACS MARM, 2000.
R. Snyder, J. L. Hardick and R. C. Mayrhofer, "Investigating Various Coordinate Systems to Model HO2 Vibrational Motion", 32nd ACS MARM, 1999.
T. A. Betts and R. C. Mayrhofer, "Fluorescence Quenching of Quinine with Halide Ions", 216th ACS National Meeting, 1998.
R. J. Kovacich and R. C. Mayrhofer, "Classical Study of Energy Flow in HeI2", 53rd International Symposium on Molecular Spectrsocopy, 1998.
R. J. Kovacich and R. C. Mayrhofer, "Classical Dynamics of Energy Flow within HeI2", 31st ACS MARM, 1997.
R. J. Kovacich, "Classical Simulations of Energy Flow in HeI2", 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Kutztown University, 1997.
B. K. Liskey, D. Moore, R. C. Mayrhofer and E. Vitz, "The chemical kinetics of bleaching with Rit dyes", 30th ACS MARM, 1996.
R. C. Mayrhofer and J. M. Bowman, "Simulating photodissociation processes using complex L2 functions", 207th ACS meeting, 1994.
R. C. Mayrhofer and J. M. Bowman, "Application of complex L2 functions to photodissociation processes", 23rd Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1994
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer and Joel M. Bowman, "Absorbing boundary condition applied to the simulation of the IHI- photodetachment spectrum", Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, 1993.
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer and Joel M. Bowman, "The effects of rotations on IHI- photodetachment spectra", 22nd Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1993.
R. C. Mayrhofer and E. L. Sibert III, "Investigating highly excited vibrational states of acetylene", 203th ACS meeting, 1992.
R. C. Mayrhofer and E. L. Sibert III, "Investigating highly excited vibrational states of acetylene", 25th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1992.
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer, Kirk A. Peterson, R. C. Woods, and E. L. Sibert III, "Theoretical studies of the highly excited vibrational states of COC+", Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, 1991.
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer and E. L. Sibert III, "Investigating the separability of vibrational motions", 46th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, 1991.
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer, Kirk A. Peterson, R. C. Woods, and E. L. Sibert III, "Theoretical studies of the highly excited vibrational stats of COC+", 24th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1991.
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer and Edwin L. Sibert III, "The variable curvature coordinates as a more separable representation for calculating the vibrational energy levels of symmetrics", 23th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1990.
Daniel T. Colbert, Rudolph C. Mayrhofer and Phillip R. Certain, "A potential that is not dilatation analytic", 19th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, 1986.