MAT 181 Fall 2013 Section 050:


Course Documents:

         - First Day Handout


Dr. Brian Kronenthal

Lytle Hall 264

Office phone: 610-683-4393 (**Warning: e-mail is usually the preferred and fastest way to reach me**)


Supplemental Instructor (SI):

The SI for this course will be Katelyn Ciccozzi; her e-mail address is

Katelyn's office hours will be in our normal classroom (DF 115) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm and Tuesdays from 11:00am-12:00pm (starting Tuesday, September 3, which is a Monday schedule); any changes will be announced in advance via e-mail.  Attendance is not required, but given that we will have limited class time to do homework problems, I STRONGLY suggest you attend regularly.



I.B.L. Math Lab:

For extra help, free peer tutoring is available Monday-Thursday from 3:00pm-5:00pm in Lytle 136.  No appointment is necessary, just drop by!


Exams and Quizzes:

Important Note: Solutions to all exams and quizzes will be posted on D2L

Exams and Quizzes will be cumulative in so much as the material is cumulative. 


  Date Material Covered
Quiz 1 Friday, August 30 Sections covered by the review worksheet, namely Appendix A, 1.1-1.4
Quiz 2 Friday, September 13 Sections 2.1-2.5
Exam 1 Friday, September 20 Review worksheet; sections 2.1-2.6
Quiz 3 Friday, October 11 Sections 2.7 and 3.1-3.7
Exam 2 Friday, October 25 Sections 2.7 and 3.1-3.10
Exam 2 v2 Tuesday, November 12
Quiz 4 Friday, November 15 4.1-4.9
Exam 3 Tuesday, November 26 4.1-5.4, excluding 4.8
Final Exam Monday, December 9
Sections 2.1-2.7; 3.1-3.10; 4.1-4.9 (skip 4.8);
5.1-5.5 (for 5.4, only the subsection on even and odd functions); 6.2



Homework and Material Covered:

Homework problems to be collected are indicated by a *.

Important Note: Solutions to all collected homework problems will be posted on D2L

Section Date Homework Due date for collected homework
Review Monday, August 26 Review worksheet  
Tuesday, August 27
2.1 Wednesday, August 28 9,19,21,27,30* (For 30c, be sure to justify your answer.  For 19, 21, and 27, feel free to use a calculator.) Friday, September 6
2.2 Friday, August 30
Tuesday, September 3
2.3 Tuesday, September 3 19,21,25,28*,31,33,35,39,42*,47,59,63,65,68,71
Wednesday, September 4 55,57 Wednesday, September 18
(more problems below)
2.4 Wednesday, September 4 9,11,15
Friday, September 6 17,21,25,29,33,34*,35,37,42,44
2.5 Friday, September 6 9-23 odds only
Monday, September 9
27,29,31,35,38* (In part c, just sketch the function by hand; don't use a graphing utility),51,53,59,61,64*
  Tuesday, September 10: Mathematica Lab in LY 215 Tuesday, September 17
2.6 Wednesday, September 11 9-19 odds only Wednesday, September 18
Friday, September 13 27,33,36*,43,47,49,51,79,81,97
Monday, September 16 37,41,55 (parts b,c optional),59 (parts b,c optional), 61,67,71,73,84,87,89,99
2.7 Tuesday, September 17 1,4,9,11,15 Friday, October 4
Monday, September 23 19,20*
3.1 Monday, September 23 11,13,15
Tuesday, September 24 17,19,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,47,49,57,61,63,64
Reminder: whenever finding a derivative in section 3.1, be sure to use the limit definition even if you know another method.
Wednesday, September 25 51,53,55,73,75,77 and click here for a problem to be collected*
3.2 Wednesday, September 25 7-17 odds
Friday, September 27 19-41 odds, 42*,43-61 odds,69
3.3 Friday, September 27
Monday, September 30
17-49 odds, 53-71 odds, 75
3.4 Monday, September 30
Tuesday, October 1
7-27 odds, 37,39,43,45,47,49,51,57,65,72,75,77
3.5 Wednesday, October 2 9,13,17,23 Friday, October 18
3.6 Wednesday, October 2 7,11,13,23,39,41
Friday, October 4 9,15,17,25-33 odds, 43,45,48*,49,51,55-65 odds,69,72,79
3.7 Monday, October 7 5,9,17,19,23,25,27,33,35,45,55,57,60ab*
For 60ab*, please also graph the function (take the time to choose a good scale) in Mathematica using the command ContourPlot.  Print and turn in your command and graph.  Label the graph to clearly indicate which portions come from which functions from part b.  Furthermore, explain why the graph is actually incorrect, and explain what the correct graph actually looks like.
3.8 Tuesday, October 8 9,11,15-29 odds,55,57,59,77,79,81
Wednesday, October 9 13,58,61,65,71,73,101,104
Friday, October 11 35-51 odds, 54*,63,67,85,87,89,91
3.9 Friday, October 11
Tuesday, October 15
7-19 odds, 23,29,31,33,35 Friday, November 8
3.10 Tuesday, October 15 5,7,9,11,13
Wednesday, October 16 15,17,21,23,25,26*,27,29,31,35,37
Friday, October 18 41,45,49,50
4.1 Friday, October 18 11-21 odds
Monday, October 21 37-49 odds (use mathematica for part c), 65,67,73,78* (for part g, use mathematica; be sure to print and submit your work), 81
4.2 Tuesday, October 22 11,13,15,27,29,31,33,39,41,45,47
Monday, October 28 55,57,63,67,69,75,79,81,84,85,86,87,88,91
4.3 Monday, October 28 7,11,15,17
Tuesday, October 29 23,25,29,33,45,49,57,59
4.4 Tuesday, October 29 5,7,9,11,14
Wednesday, October 30 15,17,19,21,24*,29,37,45,67
4.5 Friday, November 1 13,15,21,23,25,27,39,43
4.6 Monday, November 4 7,9,11,17,19,21,23,25,31,33
Tuesday, November 5 29,37 Friday, November 22
4.7 Tuesday, November 5
Wednesday, November 6
Friday, November 8 55,57,60*,65,67,85-95 odds
4.9 Friday, November 8 11-21
Monday, November 11
Tuesday, November 12
Click here for a set of problems.  Then do 59,61,65,71,73,91,93,100*
Sigma Notation Tuesday, November 12 Do section 5.1#39,40,41,42i.  Click here for one graded problem and one optional bonus problem.
5.1 Tuesday, November 12
Wednesday, November 13
5.2 Wednesday, November 13
Friday, November 15
Click here for two optional bonus problems.
Monday, November 18 25,27,29,31,43,45
5.3 Monday, November 18 11,61,63,65,67,69
Tuesday, November 19 27,31,33,35,37,39,43,45,47,49,57,59
Wednesday, November 20 Bonus*: Do there exist any functions f(x) that are both even and odd?  Either find one (and explain why it is both even and odd) or explain why none exist.
Wednesday, November 20 From section 4.9, do 23-49 odds,55,57  
5.4 Wednesday, November 20 9,11,13,17,19
5.5 Friday, November 20 17,21,25,27,35,41,43,45,53,55,67,77,79
6.2 Monday, December 2
Tuesday, December 3

For additional practice, consider taking advantage of MyMathLab; the Course ID is kronenthal46087.  Participation is completely optional and will not count towards your grade.  However, you may find the extra problems and immediate feedback to be helpful.


Supplemental Material:

Review Worksheet (Solutions on D2L) Monday, August 26
Unit Circle Blank and Solutions Monday, August 26
Limit Laws Handout Tuesday, September 3
Practice with Indefinite Integrals Friday, November 22



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