MAT 106 Fall 2013 Sections 010 and 020:


There is perhaps nothing which so occupies the middle position of mathematics as trigonometry. *

-J.F. Herbart (1776-1841)


Course Documents:

         - First Day Handout


Dr. Brian Kronenthal

Lytle Hall 264

Office phone: 610-683-4393 (**Warning: e-mail is usually the preferred and fastest way to reach me**)


I.B.L. Math Lab:

For extra help, free peer tutoring is available Monday-Thursday from 3:00pm-5:00pm in Lytle 136.  No appointment is necessary, just drop by! 

Rohrbach Library Peer Tutoring:

Peer tutoring is available in Rohrbach Library Room 30.  Hours are Monday and Wednesday from 10am-4pm, as well as Tuesday and Thursday from 11am-4pm.

Exams and Quizzes:

Important Note: Solutions to all exams and quizzes will be posted on D2L

You may use a basic calculator on exams and quizzes (see the First Day Handout for definitions and policies), which will be cumulative in so much as the material is cumulative. 


  Date Material Covered
Quiz 1 Friday, September 6 Sections from HW 1; 5.1; 5.2 (material covered through Tuesday, September 3)
Exam 1 Friday, September 13 HW1 Review material; 5.1-5.3; 5.4 (only the first half of page 352)
Quiz 2 Friday, October 4 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 8.1, 8.6 (pages 593-595), 8.2
Exam 2 Friday, October 11 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 8.1, 8.6 (pages 593-595), 8.2, 8.3
For 8.3, only functions of the form y=Asin(x) and y=Acos(x) will be included; this corresponds to assigned homework exercises 8.3 #21-27 odds.  Graphing y=Asin(Bx-C) and y=Acos(Bx-C) will be possible questions on Exam 3.
Exam 3 Friday, November 1 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 9.1 (only problems of similar difficulty to those assigned on 10/28)
Quiz 3 Wednesday, November 20
**(originally scheduled for Friday, November 22)**
9.1-9.4; 9.5 (only problems of similar difficulty to those assigned on 11/15)
Exam 4 Monday, November 25 9.1-9.6
Final Exam Section 010: Monday, December 9 from 8-10am

Section 020: Wednesday, December 11 from 8-10am
5.1-5.6; 8.1-8.7;9.1-9.6; 10.1



Homework and Material Covered:

Homework problems to be collected are indicated by a *.

Important Note: Solutions to all collected homework problems will be posted on D2L   

Section Date Homework Due date for collected homework
Review Monday, August 26 HW 1 is available here Friday, August 30
5.1 Wednesday, August 28
Friday, August 30
11,12,16-19,24,38,39,57,59,61,64*,71,73 Wednesday, September 11
5.2 Tuesday, September 3 37,39-46
Wednesday, September 4 47,49,51,54*,56,71,73,75
5.3 Wednesday, September 4
Friday, September 6
Monday, September 9
19-29 odd, 35-43 odd, 69,71,73,75,77,80*,81,85,87,91
5.4 Monday, September 9 Do problems 37-42 of the chapter 5 review (see page 388) none
Monday, September 16 3,5,9,13,17,19,21,23,25,27,39,41,43 Friday, September 27
5.5 Monday, September 16 1,5,9-31 odds (part b optional),75,77,78*,81
Wednesday, September 18 33-55 odds,73,83,85,87,91,93,95,105,107
5.6 Friday, September 20 1,3,5,7,12*,13,17,20*,21 (for each problem, please use only a basic calculator until the very end.  Then please use a scientific or graphing calculator to get a decimal approximation).
8.1 Monday, September 23 7,11,21,61-73 odds, 85
Wednesday, September 25 13,15,45-59 odds, 87,89,91,93,95 none
pg. 593-595
Wednesday, September 25
Friday, September 27
8.2 Friday, September 27
1-31 odds, 47-79 odds
Practice filling in the unit circle!
Blanks and solutions are available here.
Monday, September 30 Practice with the unit circle table!
Blanks and solutions are available here.
8.3 Wednesday, October 2
Friday, October 4
21-35 odds, 59-69 odds, 73,74
Monday, October 7 1-16,41,43,45,51,52*,59,61,63 Friday, October 25
8.4 Wednesday, October 16
Friday, October 18
15,17,21-43 odds, 47,51,55,59,62*
Monday, October 21 19,24* (justify each answer),45,49,53,57,61
8.5 Wednesday, October 23 21,23,29,95,97,99,101,103,105,107,108*,
Friday, November 15
8.6 Wednesday, October 23 33,35,39,41,43
Friday, October 25 45-55 odds
8.7 Friday, October 25 3,5,7,9 (you may need a non-basic calculator)
Monday, October 28 26,27,28,29,55
9.1 Monday, October 28 31,33,37,43,49,53,73,75,77,79,80*
Monday, November 4 76*,81,87,91,95,99,105,111
9.2 Monday, November 4
Wednesday, November 6
9.3 Wednesday, November 6
Friday, November 8
7,9,11,15,17, 21,25,29,31,37,39,43,49-63 odds -updated November 12
  Optional bonus problem-click here
9.4 Friday, November 8
Monday, November 11
Wednesday, November 13 5,11,25,29,57,59,61,63,67,69,73,75,79,81  
9.5 Friday, November 15 1,3,5,9,11,15,17
Monday, November 18 13,19,21,23,54
9.6 Monday, November 18 3,5,7,9,11,21,23,25,27,31
9.5 & 9.6 Wednesday, November 20 9.5 # 25,26
9.6 # 13,15,19,41
10.1 Monday, December 2 11,13,15,19,21,35,27,53,55

 For additional practice, consider taking advantage of MyMathLab; the Course ID is kronenthal43876.  Participation is completely optional and will not count towards your grade.  However, you may find the extra problems and immediate feedback to be helpful.

Supplemental Material:

Review Worksheet (solutions on D2L)

August 26, 2013
Unit Circle Blank September 23, 2013
Unit Circle Solutions September 27, 2013
Unit Circle Table Blank September 30, 2013
Unit Circle Table Solutions September 30, 2013




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*quote from the preface of Trigonometric Delights (E. Maor; 1998), via Methods For Euclidean Geometry (O. Byer, F. Lazebnik and D. Smeltzer; 2010)