Conferences and Talks:


External Talks:

  1. The Prevalence of Paradoxical Dice (joint with L. Traldi)
  2. Girth of an Important Monomial Graph
  3. On Monomial Graphs and Generalized Quadrangles
  4. On Monomial Graphs and Generalized Quadrangles
  5. On the Factorization of Quadratic Forms in Three Indeterminants
  6. On Algebraically Defined Graphs and Generalized Quadrangles
  7. A strategy for constructing new generalized quadrangles
  8. Constructing cages: generalized quadrangles and Moore!
  9. On Algebraically Defined Graphs and Generalized Quadrangles
  10. Spying on Cages, Generalized Quadrangles, and Moore!
  11. Using Algebraically Defined Graphs to Study Generalized Quadrangles
  12. Graphs defined by systems of equations
  13. Two Perspectives on Generalized Quadrangles
  14. Cages, generalized quadrangles, and Moore!
  15. Generalized Quadrangles and Algebraically Defined Graphs
  16. Generalized Quadrangles and Algebraically Defined Graphs
  17. An integer sequence inspired by generalized quadrangles
  18. When Can You Factor a Quadratic Form?
  19. Quadratic forms: What are they and when do they factor?
  20. Generalized Quadrangles: What Are They and How Could We Build More?
  21. Connections between generalized quadrangles and algebraically defined graphs
  22. Algebraically defined graphs and generalized quadrangles
  23. Disjoint Path Covers: All About Connecting The Dots!- Click here for the handout
  24. An Immensely Interesting Integer Sequence
  25. An Integer Sequence Motivated by Generalized Quadrangles
  26. An Integer Sequence Motivated by Generalized Quadrangles
  27. How Generalized Quadrangles and Monomial Graphs Inspired an Integer Sequence
  28. On the uniqueness of some girth eight algebraically defined graphs
  29. On the uniqueness of some girth eight algebraically defined graphs
  30. The Settlers of 'Catanbinatorics'
  31. On the girth of some algebraically defined graphs
  32. Spying on cages, generalized quadrangles, and Moore!
  33. Algebraically defined graphs of girth eight
  34. Algebraically defined graphs in two and three dimensions
  35. Spying on cages, generalized quadrangles, and Moore!
  36. On Generalized Quadrangles and Girth Eight Algebraically Defined Graphs
  37. The girth of two-dimensional algebraically defined graphs
  38. Spying on cages, generalized quadrangles, and Moore!
  39. The girth of two-dimensonal algebraically defined graphs
  40. Cycles in algebraically defined bipartite graphs
  41. I spy...cages, algebraically defined graphs, and Moore
  42. My mathematical journey from ADG's to ...
  43. Counting Catan Configurations
  44. The girth of real three-dimensional algebraically defined monomial graphs
  45. Algebraically defined graphs in two and three dimensions
  46. Classification of three-dimensional real algebraically defined monomial graphs by girth
  47. Counting Catan Configurations
  48. Counting Socially-Distanced Catan Configurations
  49. I spy...cages, algebraically defined graphs, and Moore!
  50. Count on Catan: A Sure Cure for Board-om
  51. Isomorphism Questions on Maximal Girth Algebraically Defined Graphs
  52. Placing Number Tokens on Catan: A "Tour" of Smaller Islands
  53. Counting Socially-Distanced Catan Configurations
  54. I spy...cages, algebraically defined graphs, and Moore!

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