This web page is an example to demonstrate the use of an external style sheet.

Here is the code in the external style sheet. Hover your mouse over the link to see how the hover psuedoclass works.
This shows the use of the span element and the style class named special. The span element specifies blue font but the special class specifies purple font and the class has more specificity in this instance.

Here is an example of the span element without a style class specified and you can see it is blue font.

This paragraph has an ID name of "exID1" and has a white CSS defined background

This paragraph has an ID name of "exID2" and has had its text transformed to uppercase letters.

This paragraph uses the ID "exID1" again. As you can see, even though the recommendation says it can only be used once, the style is applied to each occurence. Where this will become a problem is href to a page section or JavaScript.

We will be learning the following in this course:
  1. XHTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. CGI
  5. PHP