Kurt Friehauf - Service Activities

A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.

- Sir Barnett Cocks

Scanning electron microscope lab
Manager of Fred and Martha Hafer Scanning Electron Microscope Lab (and also Petrographic Microscope Lab, and maintain rock preparation lab)
(I keep the facilities running and train all users)

Rittenhouse Gap geophysics project
Kutztown University Undergraduate Research Committee
The Undergraduate Research Committee funds high quality undergraduate student research projects - projects too small to effectively compete for major external grants, but none the less heuristic!
A very good cause!

            University Geology Club - Poas volcano - Costa Rica
Geology Club of Kutztown University
(faculty advisor)
Geology Club brings together students with a common interest in the science of Earth processes by organizing experiential learning activities such as hikes, field trips, and picnics.  We also seek to promote Earth sciences with pre-college young people and contribute positively to the greater community through philanthropic service.
(photo: Po�s Volcano, Costa Rica)
photos from our
Costa Rica trip!

Super Bureaucrat - painting of flying bureaucrat by
        Stefano Zattera

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