Real-Time Virtual Classroom / Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Dr. Dale E. Parson

NOTE: During the first week this course will introduce the Real-Time Virtual Classroom (RTVC) format, in which you may attend class at the scheduled time on campus or on-line via live, streaming video, audio and chat using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. If you have used the Collaborate tool before, the Ultra version is a more web-based, simplified user interface.

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra:
1. Use a recent, stable version of Chrome or Firefox v49 or higher.
2. Enter the Daylight (D2L) room for the course.
3. Go to Communications -> Collaborate Ultra.

4. Then click the Real Time Virtual Classroom link, which leads to the Ultra session login.
     After you log into Ultra, your user interface looks like this.

4. Do not leave Audio and Video enabled when you are not sending.
5. Please use Raise Hand event, Chat, and Audio questions etc. when acknowledged.
    Type your question into the chat BEFORE raising your hand unless I am getting too far ahead.
    Raise your hand before enabling and using audio so I know to stop talking.
    Leave a few seconds between the previous speaker and yourself. Disable Audio when you are not using it. Disable video.
6. Make sure to terminate Ultra Collaborate (leave the session) immediately at the end of class, so the recording will archive.
7. A recorded archive usually appears the day after it is recorded as follows.
    After going to Communications -> Collaborate Ultra:

    Use the menu icon in the upper left to toggle between Sessions and Recordings views.

    I will place a list of topic -> archive date mappings on our course page at the end of each week.
8. See Ultra Participant / Student Documentation. Contact Distance Ed Help Center about generic tool problems.
Other Daylight (D2L) communication resources, primarily for use outside of class time:
In addition to the Real-Time Virtual Classroom, there is a Practice Room under D2L -> Communications -> Collaborate Ultra.
You can use it to practice using Ultra. You have Moderator permissions in that room, so be careful & polite.
A. There is a D2L Discussion Forum under Course Elements -> Discussions.
B. KU Distance Ed has eliminated D2L Chat Rooms because of lack of use.
    Student teams can use email, cell phones, or other methods selected by team members.
We can add development group specific discussion forums if needed.

Note to Instructors: The screen shot below shows how to obtain a link (Copy guest link) to allow any external visitor who is not in the course to attend a class session. You can email the link to the visitor. I do not believe that you can share an archive this way. A student and I have used this mechanism to make a remote conference presentation.