Policy on weather for Mathematics Classes

Taught By

Dr. Padraig McLoughlin

Students are adults as well all of us know.   When the university is not closed because of weather that does not abrogate the students' responsibilities to keep up with material, hand in material, or attend class. A student can make a decision to not to come to campus due to weather conditions at the student's home but if a take-home assignment is due on a day a student is not attending the university and the university is not closed because of weather; then the student needs to hand in the quiz, test, or assignment.    The student should either scan the quiz and e-mail it or scan it and send a facsimile ("fax") of it.  Then the student shall bring the original in on next class day. Further, the student shall get the notes from someone.

If the university is closed because of weather, then the schedule of homework, quizzes, tests, etc. is shifted by the number of days missed until the Provost's Office announces the make-up dates.  For example, it snows on Wednesday,  February 10th, and classes are cancelled that day (MWF schedule).  The test scheduled for Wednesday, February 17th, moves to Friday, February 19th. However, it snows on Thursday,  February 11th, and classes are NOT cancelled that day (TuTh schedule).  The test scheduled for Thursday, February 18th, is not moved.  The Provost's Office announces the make-up date for Wednesday,  February 10th, is Saturday,  March 6th, a day no one wants to be in class - but we will be in class so we learn (case closed - no argument, kvetching, or whining).    If the university is closed and an assignment due the day the university is closed, then the assignment is due the next day the university is opened.  For example, it snows on Tuesday,  February 16th, and classes are cancelled that day (TuTh schedule).  The assignment due for Tuesday,  February 16th, is now due on Thursday, February 18th. provided the university is opened that day.