Student Research

Current Research By Students: :

Dr. Perry Lee is directing Mr. Xiaoyue Shu in the study of Numerical Heat Transfer.

Dr. Perry Lee is directing Mr. Jeffery Jones in the study of Numerical Heat Transfer.

Dr. Anke Walz is directing Ms. Grace Hajjar in the study of Differential Geometry.

Dr. Lyn McQuaid is directing Ms. Tiffany Kantz in a study of sequences; the tentative title of which is Exploration of Sequences and Sequence Theory.

Dr. Fran Vasko is directing Mr. Jeffery Kunkle  in the study of the Operations Research.

Dr. Padraig McLoughlin is directing Mr. Dan Crafa  in the study of the Cardinal Theory of Sets.

Dr. Padraig McLoughlin is directing Mr. Shawn Santo  in the study of the Cardinal Theory of Sets.

Dr. Padraig McLoughlin is directing Mr. Shawn Santo  in the study of the Cardinal Theory of Sets.



Research Presentations By Students:


Bongco, Andrea M. K. (2009, Fall) “An Apercus Study of Cardinality and Ordinality,” Presented at the Conference on Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.

Directed by Dr. Padraig McLoughlin


Bongco, Andrea M. K. (2010, Spring) “Transfinite Numbers: How Titchy or Capacious Are They?” Presented presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania - Delaware Section (EPaDel) of the Mathematical Association of America  Conference at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.

Directed by Dr. Padraig McLoughlin


Fichthorn, Samantha (2008, Spring). "On Aspects of Dirichlet Random Variables." Presented presented at the 9th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference, the Higher Education Council of Berks County, Kutztown, Pennsylvania.  Directed by Dr. Padraig McLoughlin


Getz, Carley (2010, Spring) “An Apercus Study of Cardinality and Ordinality,” Poster presented at the 11th Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference at Albright College, Reading, PA. Directed by Dr. Patrick Gorman

Hammer, James (2008, Fall) ”On Möbius Transformations” Presented presented at the Kappa Mu Epsilon Central Pennsylvania Mathematics Conference at Bloomsburg Univ. of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Directed by  Dr. Anke Walz

Krizan, Christopher (2008, Fall). "A Prelusive Investigation of Cantor and Cantoresque Sets." Presented presented at the Kappa Mu Epsilon Central Pennsylvania Mathematics Conference at Bloomsburg Univ. of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Directed by Dr. Padraig McLoughlin

Krizan, Christopher (2008, Fall). "A Rigorous Investigation of Sets With Hausdorff Dimension in [0, 1]" 
Presented presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania - Delaware Section (EPaDel) of the Mathematical Association of America  Conference at Ursinus College, Collegeville Pennsylvania.

Directed by Dr. Padraig McLoughlin


Kunkel, Jeffrey (2009, Fall) "The Combinatorics of Counting Distinct Pinochle Hands" Presented presented at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Conference at Lehigh University. Directed by Dr. Patrick Gorman & Dr. Francis Vasko 

Kunkel, Jeffrey (2009, Fall) "Using an Interval Graph Approach to Efficiently Solve the Housing Benefit Data Retrieval Problem"
Presented presented at the Moravian College Math Conference on 2/20/2010 at Moravian College.

Directed by Dr. Patrick Gorman & Dr. Francis Vasko


McCaffrey, Patrick (2009, Fall) "Using DNA Computing to Solve the Minimum Cardinality Set Covering Problem" Presented presented at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics  Conference at Lehigh University.

Directed by Dr. Matthew Junker and Dr. Francis Vasko  


Owad, Nicholas (2009, Fall)  "A Preview of Self-Intersecting Polygons, Part I." Presented presented at the Moravian College Math Conference at Moravian College. Directed by  Dr. Anke Walz


Owad, Nicholas. (2010, Spring) “A Preview of Self-Intersecting Polygons, Part II” Presented presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania - Delaware Section (EPaDel) of the Mathematical Association of America  Conference at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Directed by  Dr. Anke Walz


Owad, Nicholas. (2010, Summer) “A Preview of Self-Intersecting Polygons, Part III” Paper presented at the annual summer meeting  of the Mathematical Association of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Directed by  Dr. Anke Walz

Collaborative Research By Students and Faculty:

Governale. M. & F.J. Vasko, “Math Programming takes the fun out of SUDOKU Puzzles”, PACISE Spring Conference Proceedings April 4-5, 2008. 

Huegler, P. A. & F. J. Vasko, "A Performance Comparison of Heuristics for the Total Weighted Tardiness Problem", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol.32, No.4, pp.753-767, October, 1997.

Huegler, P. A. & F. J. Vasko, "Metaheuristics for Meltshop Scheduling in the Steel Industry", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 58, Issue 6, pp. 791-796, June 2007.


Krizan, C. R. & McLoughlin, M. P. M. M. (2009, March). "On Properties and Aspects of Two Quasi-Cantoresque Sets." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Section of the Mathematical Association of America, West Long Branch, NJ. 

Kunkel, Jeffrey, Vasko, F. J., & Gorman, Patrick "Using an Interval Graph Approach to Efficiently Solve the Housing Benefit Data Retrieval Problem,"  Submitted to the Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS)


McLoughlin, M. P. M. M. & Krizan, Christopher R. (2010, January). "Aspects of Stochastic Quasi-Cantoresque Sets." Paper presented at the annual meeting  of the American Mathematical Society, San Francisco, California.


Vasko, Francis J., Wisemiller, Rachel, & Gorman, Patrick "A women’s collegiate basketball star player helps her team with OR," to appear in the journal Operations Research Insight, 2010.

Vasko, Francis J.,
M. L. Cregger, L. G. Lutsko, D. D. Newhart, and D. J. Renn, ²A Multiple Attribute-Based Expert Support System for Customer/Order Evaluation², Journal of the Operational Research Society, V 41, 1990.

Vasko, Francis J., M. L. Creggar, D. D. Newhart, and K. L. Stott, ²A Real-Time One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Algorithm for Balanced Cutting Patterns², Operations Research Letters, V 14, N 5, pp 275-282, 1993.

Vasko, Francis J., M. L. Creggar, K. L. Stott, and L. R. Woodyatt, ²Optimal Assignments of Slabs to Orders: An Example of Appropriate Model Formulation², Computers and Industrial Engineering, V 26, N 4, 1994.


Vasko, F. J., R. S. Barbieri, B. Q. Rieksts, K. L. Reitmeyer, and K. L. Stott, ²The Cable Trench Problem: Combining The Shortest Path and Minimum Spanning Tree Problems², Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 441-458, 2002.


Vasko, F. J., P.J. Knolle, and D. S. Spiegel, “An Empirical Study of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for the Set Covering Problem”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp 1213-1223, October 2005.

Vasko, F. J., A. J. Hamm, K. L. Reitmeyer, and L. R. Woodyatt, ²A Hierarchical Approach for the Application of Slabs to Strip Products in the Steel Industry², Operations Research Insight, Vol.18, Issue 3, pp. 24-37, July-September 2005.

Vasko, F. J., & C. L. Bartkowski, ²Using Wang’s Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Algorithm to Optimally Solve Difficult Problems², International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp 829-938, November 2009.

Last updated: 19 Oct.  2010

© 2007 - 2010, KUDOM

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Department of Mathematics, Dr. Paul Ache, Chair

Any problems, suggestions, or comments please contact Dr. Padraig McLoughlin, 265 Lytle Hall: