Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Department of Mathematics

Student Research Conferences and Research Experiences for Undergraduates 


Student Research Conferences

November 4-5, 2011 Conference on Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Penn State University, State College, PA

February 26, 2011 Moravian College Student Mathematics Conference, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA 

April 2, 2011 Spuyten Duyvil Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY 

April 9, 2011 MAA New Jersey Section (Essex County College) Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Essex County College, Newark, NJ

November 6, 2010  Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section (EPaDel) Spring Meeting at LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA

April 24, 2010  Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section (EPaDel) Spring Meeting at Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA


April 10, 2010  Seventh Annual Garden State Undergraduate Mathematics Conference at Middlesex County College Edison, New Jersey


An updated list is available at:


MAA Sponsored Student Conferences


Student Mathematical Paper Competition

If you are an undergraduate writing a mathematics paper this year, consider submitting it for a prize in this year's EPaDel Section's Student Mathematical Papers Prize Competition. The deadline is June 15, 2011.

Submissions should include a brief abstract, the author's name and address, and the name of a faculty sponsor, and should be mailed to the following postal address or e-mailed as a pdf attachment (preferred) to

Dr. Eric B. Kahn
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics
Bloomsburg University
400 E. 2nd Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
The papers will be judged over the summer. The winning author(s) will be recognized at the MAA EPaDel Section's following Fall meeting, and will receive a prize of $200.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates /  Internships in math 


American Mathematical Society Sponsored REU Links

Mathematical Association of America Sponsored REU Links                                           

National Science Foundation Sponsored REU Links

American Mathematical Society Sponsored Internship Links

Applications are usually due by around mid-February.  If you might be interested, also explore Washington University's  site for Undergraduate Study/Internship Opportunities.

NSF's list of all REU Sites

Some other 2011 Links:

An article to ponder: Is an REU for You?

More Comprehensive List of Summer Research Opportunities in Math (Historical - many of the links are old)


Auburn University: Discrete mathematics, algebra and computer algebra

Brigham Young University: Geometric Optimization, Minimal Surfaces, and Graduate

     School Preparation

College of William and Mary: Matrix Analysis and its Applications

Cornell University: Real Analysis

Colorado School of Mines: Computer Science and Mathematics

East Tennessee State University: Discrete probability and combinatorics.

Grand Valley State University: Wavelets, Hausdorff Metric Geometry, and other topics

Hope College: Algebra, Dynamical Systems, Probability and Number Theory

Indiana University: Research Experiences for Undergraduates 

James Madison University: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics

     and Statistics

Lafayette College: Differential Geometry, Probability, and Combinatorics.

Mount Holyoke College: Number theory (spectral questions and expander graphs) and statistics (discrete Markov chain Monte Carlo)

Missouri State University: Algebra, combinatorics, numerical analysis, differential


Michigan Technological University: Probability, Combinatorics, Number Theory,

     Statistics, Algorithms, and Geometry.

Mississippi State University: Applied mathematics emphasizing the areas of population

     dynamics and wave propagation in non-homogeneous media

Northern Arizona University: Combinatorics and applied mathematics

North Carolina State University:  Modeling and Industrial Applied Mathematics

Ohio State University: Ross Summer Math Program: Advanced Mathematics and

     Number Theory

Oregon State University Pure and applied mathematics.

Ohio State University: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Biostatistics

Pennsylvania State University Erie, the Behrend College: Mathematical Biology

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology: Computational Group Theory, Hyperbolic


SUNY Potsdam and Clarkson University: Group theory, graph theory, Knot Theory

     and group/ergodic theory.

Trinity University: REU in Math

Tulane University: Differential Geometry and Topology

University of Notre Dame: Topology and Algebra.

University of Minnesota, Duluth: Graph Theory, Finite Groups, and Combinatorics.

University of Idaho: Discrete Mathematics

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign:  REU  on Physics and Math

University of Wisconsin:  Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics and


Utah State University: Principles and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics

University of Utah: The Mathematics Game of Chance

University of Tennessee: Algebra, Analysis, Mathematical ecology, Numerical Analysis,

     Differential Equations, Probability, Topology, Control Theory, Differential


University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra

University of Arizona: Mathematical Modeling

University of Akron: Algebra, Number Theory, Curves, Nanotubes, and Population


University of Minnesota: Combinatorics

University of Washington: Inverse Problems

Williams College: Undergraduate Research in Mathematics

Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Applied /Industrial Mathematics and Statistics


Selected Programs
Duluth: Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Discrete Math

Williams (SMALL): Diverse topics
Wisconson-Madison: Modular Forms and Number Theory

Trinity: Algebra, Combinatorics, Number Theory

ETSU: Probability and Discrete Math

Rutgers DIMACS: Discrete Math

Opportunity For Women


An updated list is available at:



Mathematical Association of America (MAA)         National Science Foundation (NSF)




  MAA Sponsored REUs                                            NSF Sponsored REUs

Last updated: 16 Mar.  2010

© 2007 - 2010, KUDOM

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Department of Mathematics, Dr. Paul Ache, Chair

Any problems, suggestions, or comments please contact Dr. Padraig McLoughlin, 265 Lytle Hall: mcloughl{at}