Lisa Frye, PhD Professor, Dept. Chair
Lisa Frye, Kutztown University, Dept of Computer Science & Information Technology In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have."
--Lee Iacocoa

Kutztown University Computer Science & Information Technology Department   QR for Dr. Frye
Office:  Old Main 254 Office phone: 610-683-4422
Dept office: OM 256 Dept phone:   610-683-4340

Office Hours Fall 2024
All office hours for Fall 2024 will be F2F in OM254 or Online via Zoom or MS Teams
       Mon      3:30-5:30pm Tue      8:00-10:00am
       Thu      9:30-10:30am Other times by appointment

General Information

CS&IT Student Resources CS&IT Student Organizations
CS&IT Department Academic Integrity Policy ACM Code of Ethics / ISC2 Code of Ethics
CS&IT Department Documentation Standard Information Technology Office

Courses Taught 

(Use your Kutztown email address/password to access the secure course web sites)
CSC135 - Computer Science I CSC136 - Computer Science II
CSC150 - Ethical, Legal and Professional
Impacts of the Digital Age
CSC242 - Web Programming
CSC252 - UNIX Scripting & Admin CSC311 - Computer Networks
CSC328 - Network and Secure Programming CSC341 - Information Security
CSC361 - Finite Automata and Formal Languages CSC411 - Advanced Networking
CSC480 - Practical Networking CSC512 - Network Architecture and Protocols
CSC480 - Semantic Web Technologies CSC552 - Advanced UNIX Programming
CSC541 - Advanced Information Security CSC580 - Intrusion and Anomaly Detection

Research Areas

My Research Page  
Networks Women in Computer Sciece
Computer and Network Security Ontology
Network Management Sensor Networks




Awards and Honors



AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals) ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Association of Women in Computing National Scholars Honor Society


My background is in Systems Administration and Networking.  I spent 8 years as a Unix system administrator, primarily Sun systems.  I was the Systems Manager of all University servers for several years, logging many hours doing system planning and integration.  I have system administration experience in Unix, Windows and Novell.  I have also worked in Networking, and have performed tasks in most all OSI layers, from physical (running cables and terminating Cat V and fiber) to supporting server applications.

                            My personal page