Mid-Atlantic Iron Belt Project -
Phase 1 -
Rittenhouse Gap Characterization
undergraduate student involved:
Project: Student
systematically sampled rocks from old mine pits for study in the
lab. Rock samples were cut and prepared for microscopic study
both by student and professional thin section maker. Student
created database for managing large sample suite. Surveyed
outline of mine pits to constrain sample location. Special stain
used to characterize chemical composition of minerals in cut rock slabs.
Results: Maps
of the locations of old mine pits and rock samples provide the context
for all subsequent studies on the project. Iron veins are related
to development of sodium-rich alteration of host rock granites and
gneiss. There is no evidence for basaltic magmas being present
during iron deposition. Quartz, biotite mica, muscovite, and blue
alkali amphibole are the minerals most closely associated with iron
deposition. Iron deposits appear partially deformed by shearing
and metamorphism. Iron deposits crosscut by rhyolite dike that
chemically resembles 700 million year old felsic dikes elsewhere in the
eastern U.S. (Robert C. Smith, II, pers. comm., 2002). Pyrite,
molybdenite, and fluorite-bearing veinlets with trace sphalerite cut
rhyolite dikes in the field area and so must represent a separate,
younger mineralization event. The association of iron minerals
are associated with sodium-rich silicate minerals, suggests these
deposits may be more similar to the iron deposits in Chile formed by
leaching brines rather than to granite-related iron deposits.
Because we now have a good
understanding of the geology of the
Rittenhouse area, several different Kutztown University geology classes
now use the area as a fieldtrip stop for classic Precambrian (i.e.,
very old) rocks in Pennsylvania.
This project was featured in the Kutztown University Magazine.
Council for Undergraduate
Education ($3,000) grant – paid student stipend for summer field work
- Friends of
Mineralogy Pennsylvania Chapter Undergraduate Research grant proposal
($500) – paid for professional thin section preparation and materials
for presentation of research at scientific meeting
- Student wrote
successful Kutztown
Undergraduate Research grant proposal ($485) that funded travel to
Geological Society of America national meeting in Reno, Nevada,
November 2000)
Presentation: Orner,
Richard, and Friehauf, Kurt C., 2000, Geology of the Rittenhouse
Gap Iron District, Berks County, Pennsylvania [abs]: Geological Society
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A83. (Rich traveled
and presented this work with me at the Geological Society America
national meeting in Reno, Nevada)