Hénán molybdenum project - Lingshui Cun Historic Village tourism photos

Kurt Friehauf - 2008

Lingshui Cun Historic Village

Friehauf - China 2008 photosLingshui Cun Historic Village is located roughly 45 miles (75 km) from downtown Bĕijīng in the Méntóugōu District (门头沟区) of Bĕijīng Province.  Dr. Huang Wen Hui - China University of Geoscience's excellent carbonate sedimentary geochemist - and three of his students took us on a trip to visit

Friehauf - China 2008 photosCountryside around Lingshui Cun

Friehauf - China 2008 photosCountryside around Lingshui Cun

Friehauf - China 2008 photosCountryside around Lingshui Cun

OFriehauf - China 2008 photosverlooking Lingshui Cun

Friehauf - China 2008 photosMany of the doors in Lingshui Cun were decorated with colorful signs.  Every door was different and personal.

Friehauf - China 2008 photosAn old fellow with a basketful of sticks

Friehauf - China 2008 photosTypical view in the village

Friehauf - China 2008 photosOld well in Lingshui Cun village.  The stonework in the walls was done in this herringbone pattern throughout the village. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosDr. Huang demonstrates the use of a grain mill. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosWe each tried our hand with the mill.  It was remarkably easy to turn and spun in such a way as to "smear" grains between the stones rather than just "squashing" them.  Simple technologies can be surprisingly efficient!

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe fields tended by the farmers who live in the village

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe benefits of electrification as represented on a tiled mural on one of the town walls. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosA beautiful mural with a message beyond my ability to read in Chinese. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosWe had lunch with one of the farmers and his wife.  The food was delicious! 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosClose-up of part of lunch

Friehauf - China 2008 photosA nice, typical home in Lingshui Cun historic village

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe farmer's family had a small garden that they tended behind their house. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe farmer's outhouse toilet was a nice little setup with a pump-driven flush system.  It was great during the summer, but I imagine things could get pretty cold in winter!

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe Chinese are good about using the resources available for simple things.  This house, for example, has a solar water heater.  No coal or oil gets burned and the mechanism is simple (easy to maintain). 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThe heater in the house and the stove burned coal brickettes.  These were made by grinding low-grade coal into a power, separating the coal from the culm (non-burning rock with which the coal occurs), and then pressing the coal powder into brickettes of a standard shape and size.  The holes in the brickette allow more oxygen to get to the fire. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosSome houses in the next village down the line use raw coal blocks that are delivered by truck.  The streets were very rough, though, so some of the coal fell off the truck.  Anthony - always a thoughtful guy - gladly helped re-load some. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosWe arrived in China on the day of the big Sìchuān earthquake of May 12, 2008. (click here for pdf version).  The Chinese people really came together well for this.  People from ALL walks of life - rich, poor, young, old, etc. - all contributed to helping the victims of the quake. 

Friehauf - China 2008 photosThis was posted on the wall by the entrance to the village.  It summarizes each person's donations to the earthquake relief effort. 

I was really impressed by how so many people pitched in.  Lu Beibei - the graduate student at CUG-B who taught us tai chi - text-messaged her donation using her cell phone while we were on a bus.  Lu Beibei is by NO means a wealthy person - graduate students live hand-to-mouth everywhere in the world - but she still wanted to help out.  Lu Beibei was an extraordinary young woman in many respects, living a meaningful and thoughtful life.  I have a lot of respect for her.

Friehauf - China 2008 photosRock strata in the mountains were upturned to a vertical dip - evidence of a violent uplift in the region's geologic past. 

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